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Posts posted by sukh123

  1. 9 hours ago, Bunson212 said:

    2300 is what the other clinic claimed claimed. So it’s understandable the donor is running dry if that’s the case. It’s just a huge blow because all through my consultations since, I was told I has great donor. I really hope I have enough to complete a decent look. 

    2300 and another 1700 is 4000 grafts and there saying they can’t get another 1700 which means there saying you only have 5700 grafts that can be taken which is very low, usually about 8-9k for most people. This can’t be right 

  2. 7 hours ago, Tiger2050 said:

    Dr. Victor Hasson mentioned collagen reduction with minoxidil in his IG live with Melvin. Dr. Hasson said minoxidil users have compromised scalp tissue because of collagen breakdown and it’s very obvious when they dissect strips under microscopes. My skin definitely got worse while I was on topical minoxidil for an year, I stopped after consulting with Dr. Hasson who said he says premature facial aging all the time with minoxidil.

    I also switched from fin to dut about an year ago and it’s been great so far. I had some mild side effects on fin but it’s been the total opposite on dut (higher libido, stronger erections, very frequent morning wood which never happened on fin). 

    What dosage do you take of dut, I'm thinking of switching too because I don't have any side effects on fin and have been on it for a year and I think I need a more aggressive dht blocker. What happened to your skin also on minoxidil, I've seen a few odd people mention on reddit but the general consensus and research says its doesn't age you.  And alot of people use it for beard growth and have not noticed those effects.

  3. 5 hours ago, Hope everything is NOVA said:


    What is your agenda here internet kid ? 

    So which "budget clinic" that has a history of consistent and great results on the vertex do you recommend internet kid ? 😂😂 Lol...

    You think some of the mentionned clinics be able to solve his vertex issue in one go for 3000€ max ? If so, you are totally desillusionnal...

    We all know that "budget clinics" in Turkey are russian roulette while the vertex is an extremely delicate area to work on....

    You gotta  get it right from the first time and maximize graft yield because the crown will cost you thousands of grafts. 

    I'm sure you know it very well. 

    Stop downplaying the just get a hair transplant in cheap clinic....Your attitude is dangerous and unfair. You are misleading people and portraying hair transplants like they were no big deal. Be careful. 

    Only cheaper option I would ever consider in Turkey are Demirsoy, Turan, Gur. Bicer significantly raised prices recently. They are all decent options but none of them is particularly skilled for the crown. 

    When you have such extensive baldness on the vertex better hold off from doing surgery until you can afford someone really really good for that specifically. 

    You have only one limited donor. 

    I think your either illiterate or stupid maybe both considering your screename, when did I recommend him go to a hairmill so stop quoting me saying something I didn’t I just said your telling him to go to a doctor who tbh most people can’t afford let alone someone with a budget of his .

  4. 6 hours ago, Hope everything is NOVA said:

    No no no. 

    Huge red flags to all the clinics you brought up. 

    Please never get  surgery with any of these.  

    You have significant vertex hairloss. 

    The crown is extremely hard to tackle because of the skull shape and also because of the direction that hairs grow.  You wouldn't believe how many grafts it requires to look full. 

    You need to look into the following doctors 

    Dr. Zarev 

    Dr. Pitella 

    Dr. Sethi (not some cheap packages from Eugenix though) 

    Dr. Pinto 

    Dr. Ximena Vila 

    Dr. Wong 

    These doctors have the best results on the crown.

    Turkish hairmills will destroy your donor area in one surgery and then you will NEVER have enough grafts to close that bald spot on the crown.

    You need around 4000 grafts to make it look full. 

    Your hairloss seeems quite agressive. Are you on medication ?

    If not, I highly recommend you talk to a very good HT surgeon or trichologist and get a prescription for oral Dutasteride 0.5mg daily and oral minoxidil 2.5mg daily for a least 6 months before considering any surgery. 

    Lmao did you not see he has a budget and your recommending him lol people like Dr wong who probably charges 20k lol

    • Like 2
  5. anyone find this a bit weird some guy taking a screenshot of some youtuber crown and making a forum post about it, I mean I know this is open forum but like 

    14 hours ago, A homerun is a botched job said:


    In his latest youtube video, slovakian hairloss youtuber from Austria also known as Matt Dominance shows signs of further balding on the crown despite being on a lowdose of oral Finasteride and occasionnally on topical Dutasteride.

    He refused Finasteride for nearly a decade and he's had 3 hair transplants in total. First one was on the hairline in a very famous hairmill in Istanbul, 2nd one on the midscalp with some doctor in Greece and last one with Dr. Mwamba who repaired his pluggy hairline from his first surgery. 

    What do you guys think about his crown ? 

    Should he get on oral Dutasteride ? 

    Should he ever risk getting a 4th transplant ? 

    What do you think about his donor after so many extractions ? 



    I find it a bit odd you went to the length to find out his real name and also take a screenshot of his crown to debate on a forum, I know he a YouTuber but still like focus on yourself, it's like your getting kick out of it, his crown not even that bad. And if you actually did your research he had his second transplant at hattingen as he has said on his channel, so at least get your facts right before posting someone name and place of origin which is also wrong 

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, silo said:

    Thanks for the replies.

    I had my pre-treatment blood tests done and everything was in normal range, apart from FSH, which was slightly low, and DHT which was high (3.23 nmol/L – normal range is 0.33 to 3.01).

    I guess that explains the recent more permanent thinning then! Though I was expecting my testosterone levels and Free T to also be high if my DHT is, but they’re both fine – is that normal?

    Anyway, going to start this week with 0.025% topical finasteride + minoxidil once every other day (minoxidil on its own outside of this) and see how I go. 


    Hi, I'm guessing your are from the UK like myself if you're using these ranges,  I had my bloodwork done prior to fin so I could get a baseline. MY dht was 3.7 which was really high like yourself, but testosterone was also really high like 33( ( range is 8-30) which makes sense since 10 percent roughly of testosterone is converted to DHT, and my free test was high too at 0.6 which given the range is (0.20-0.62) is very high, my estrogen was 118 which is also well within range. What was your testosterone and free t, as well as your oestradiol number, that would help make more of a judgement.  

  7. 5 hours ago, A homerun is a botched job said:


    In his latest youtube video, slovakian hairloss youtuber from Austria Matej Kacvinsky also known as Matt Dominance shows signs of further balding on the crown despite being on a lowdose of oral Finasteride and occasionnally on topical Dutasteride.

    He refused Finasteride for nearly a decade and he's had 3 hair transplants in total. First one was on the hairline in a very famous hairmill in Istanbul, 2nd one on the midscalp with some doctor in Greece and last one with Dr. Mwamba who repaired his pluggy hairline from his first surgery. 

    What do you guys think about his crown ? 

    Should he get on oral Dutasteride ? 

    Should he ever risk getting a 4th transplant ? 

    What do you think about his donor after so many extractions ? 



    how do you know hes from slovakia pretty sure that a czech surname, because my girlfriend from  czech  republic and said his surname is czech

  8. 1 hour ago, shiba1985 said:

    While you don’t “need” a hair transplant, no one really needs one, but we want one to look better. 
    the ironic thing is you are the most ideal hair transplant candidate. An adult with minimal hair loss.

    dont let the pessimist convince you not too. Of course surgery is a risk, and it can go wrong but that’s why you select a good surgeon to give it a best success. dr Bisanga is good and won’t mess you up. 

    if improving your hair line will help you be more satisfied with how you look. I think you should go for it. 



    " No on needs one" tell that to the guy with a bowling bowl head mate lol

    • Haha 2
  9. 4 hours ago, mustang said:

    Don't mind them; you don't need to explain yourself.

    Again, thanks for sharing your story, and while it would have been ideal that you were already a member here, your case can quickly be confirmed by any moderator here with Dr. Mwamba himself.

    Thinking there is something fishy about this post is just a bad attitude. 

    Yeh i mean i dont think dr mwamba needs much publicity considering he arguably  got the best hair transplant transformation I've seen on this forum 

  10. You got gyno from it , that means your oestrogen was more dominant than your testosterone . This is why bloodwork before taking this drug is essential . If your hormones are already out of whack, high chance you will develop sides from a Dht blocker like fin. Dht help Modulate estrogeon and keep it in check. I guess you didn’t get any bloodwork done prior  because gyno is pretty messed up

  11. 4 minutes ago, 12345 said:

    go and look at all this new users posts. all his posts are pushing/recommending Mwambas clinic. you are telling me he joined this forum, just to praise Mwamba?? I know fan boys exist, but come on...

    I expected this of Asli Tarcan, didn't expect Mwamba to stoop this low. but hey, in this competitive HT game, everyone has to do what they have to do to pull in clients.

    Lmao your acting like this forum is the gold standard for pulling in clients . Let’s be honest while good this forum is, it’s just a bite size of the patients that get a transplant . Most people don’t post or even talk about their hair transplant. This forum just has a few case studies from the thousands of patients these doctors or clinics do . I don’t think In this case you can with certainty accuse mwamba of being responsible for this post . This is a scar repair first and not a transplant procedure. Scars can cause huge emotional stress for people, it might just be huge relief he has.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, The GOAT of botched jobs said:

    Your hairloss on the crown is significant. 

    Although at 32 with a decent hairline and midscalp, I've seen much worse in terms of agressivness.

    Get on oral Finasteride/Dutasteride immediately. Give yourself 6 months at least. 

    Add oral minoxidil + a topical anti androgen if you want. 

    Do your research. Take your time. Spend time on this forum. Research, research, research, look for bad reviews, look for who you think has the best crown work. 

    In my opinion Zarev is by far the best when it comes to crown work. Even better than Eugenix. His ability to close bald spots is incredible. He excels where 99% of other surgeons struggle...

    Pitella seems very solid too especially when it comes to crown.

    I've seen some good vertex work from Ximena Vila too.

    The vertex is a black hole for grafts so you always need a lot more grafts than you think...

    I believe 3000 grafts will do the trick. 


    you keep telling people to hop on to an anti androgen which is irresponsible as there are no FDA-approved ones out or licensed by a well-known health administrations. And I'm not sure taking advice from someone who is called "GOAT of Botched jobs" provides assurance to people lol

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, mafpe said:

    i heard that to lower a hairline evenly by 1cm, you need around 2k grafts. so unless youre just filling your slightly receding temple, you'll need more.

    2k grafts for 1cm i think you have may confused that with an inch or someone who has forehead longer than the eifel tower lol. If your lowering the hairline by 1cm depending on density it can range from 700-1200 grafts 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. On 6/15/2022 at 6:44 PM, The GOAT of botched jobs said:

    Most doctors will tell you that you need 4000-5000 grafts. This is complete BS because they will destroy your donor and you will have no growth of the transplanted hairs and thus waste your  limited resources forever. 

    I would not try to implant more than 2500-3000 grafts. 3k grafts with the right surgeon and with optimal survival can make a huge improvement.

    Be careful which doctor your choose. 

    Very few doctors know how to perform a surgery correctly on diffuse thinners without compromising the native hairs in between and without trying to dense pack too much which so often results in zero survival... 

    Surgery is always a huge gamble. 

    I would do a TON of research on this forum. Take your time. 

    Trust me, a bad or even "a subpar" result can impact  your life  extremelu negatively forever...

    Definitely try medication first for at least 6 months !! 

    Dutasteride 0.5mg daily. 

    Oral minoxidil 2.5mg daily 

    Optionnal: Fluridil or RU58841 in topical application once daily

    Discuss these options with a good doctor who specializes in hairloss (HT surgeon or trichologist). Not some local general practicioner...

    If you are very lucky and get a hyper response to medication like those guys on Tressless,  you may even avoid surgery or minimize the number of grafts that you require. 


    1 hour ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    I'm really not sure you are a qualified candidate for a hair transplant. You are only 24 and already have severe balding. Your balding is probably not stable yet, and who knows when it will be. 

    You will definitely need 2 surgeries, maybe 3 or even 4, for an "adequate" result. It may not be worth the mental and financial investment you put into it. 

    Another one over exaggerating , if he can stabilese or even get regrowth with this regime , he would need two surgeries if done by a good surgeon to get good density and coverage not “4” lol 






  15. On 6/15/2022 at 6:44 PM, The GOAT of botched jobs said:

    Most doctors will tell you that you need 4000-5000 grafts. This is complete BS because they will destroy your donor and you will have no growth of the transplanted hairs and thus waste your  limited resources forever. 

    I would not try to implant more than 2500-3000 grafts. 3k grafts with the right surgeon and with optimal survival can make a huge improvement.

    Be careful which doctor your choose. 

    Very few doctors know how to perform a surgery correctly on diffuse thinners without compromising the native hairs in between and without trying to dense pack too much which so often results in zero survival... 

    Surgery is always a huge gamble. 

    I would do a TON of research on this forum. Take your time. 

    Trust me, a bad or even "a subpar" result can impact  your life  extremelu negatively forever...

    Definitely try medication first for at least 6 months !! 

    Dutasteride 0.5mg daily. 

    Oral minoxidil 2.5mg daily 

    Optionnal: Fluridil or RU58841 in topical application once daily

    Discuss these options with a good doctor who specializes in hairloss (HT surgeon or trichologist). Not some local general practicioner...

    If you are very lucky and get a hyper response to medication like those guys on Tressless,  you may even avoid surgery or minimize the number of grafts that you require. 

    “No growth of transplanted hair “ talk about exaggeration to the max. I can see why your name is that now, don’t make what probably happened to you as if everyone will suffer the same . 

  16. 1 hour ago, mafpe said:

    try to get off it for a month, you might lose ground, but if the problem is gone, then it's the culprit, otherwise, other type of helps might be the answer. 

    or, reduce the dosage to a very minimum for a month, where the effect would be way less(0.25 per day, for example). this might still lose you some ground, but i can't think of any other way to pinpoint if your problem is caused by the meds or not.

    It’s unlikely he  will lose ground, while the drug clears your system immediately it takes the 5ar enzyme sometimes three months to get firing properly again. 

  17. Your 38 as you get older your test gets lower naturally so it’s more difficult for free t to  pick up the slack for you nuking your dht, which is the most androgenic hormone in your body  . I recommend getting blood-work, in fact I don’t understand why someone wouldn’t, considering this drug will alter all of your hormones , ones that people don’t even talk about such  As LH and FSH. 

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