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Posts posted by sukh123

  1. 4 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    Everybody looks better with hair. Some lucky few just pull off being bald really well. Which is why people constantly cite Dwayne Johnson or Statham etc. 

    Imo a bald guy is considered less attractive than if he had hair. Just go look around at all the stuff out there on the Internet and even results online of people before and after hair transplants or with hair systems. Some look a decade or more younger. 

    To claim hair and a full head of it isn't part of beauty standards is being in denial. 

    Yes but it’s not right to say if your bald means your less competition to someone with hair , you can have a full set of hair and have a ugly face don’t mean your going to be taking out supermodels out everyday.

  2. 8 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    Of course males with MPB globally are in the majority that don't take Finasteride. 

    I was specifically referring to the Finasteride/Dutasteride prescriptions. Most take it for hair loss, not enlarged prostates.

    Of course the majority of the men in the world aren't on Finasteride. That's just probably basic maths and we don't really need to quantify that to know it's true but the total worldwide prescription figures we can see for Finasteride would show its in the millions whereas there's billions of men.

    I was also saying you cannot say the exact reason why majority of men aren't on Finasteride. That's near impossible to study but likely due to costs, lack of knowledge and so on. 

    Either way, i guess those who know about it can choose their own option to take it or not. That's personal choice as you said. 

    Besides, more bald people usually means less competition in a world swinging towards heightened male beauty standards.

    “Besides, more bald people usually means less competition in a world swinging towards heightened male beauty standards”. That’s  kind of a discriminatory thing to say , in essence your saying a guy who’s bald is less attractive option for someone .

  3. 5 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    I never once claimed Finasteride doesn't have that effect and my comparison stands imo. I'm not saying the risks of Finasteride and a multivitamin are comparable, just that it's the idea of taking it once per day as a similarity but for keeping your hair 

    It's specifically because of fear mongering disproportionate to the scientific clinical studies on the actual medication that's led a lot of men to probably never even try it and end up slick bald. 

    I respect anybody who has actually done a proper research into the medication deciding to not take it as long as they do not choose to fear monger others away from an effective, long term proven hair loss solution available at a relatively inexpensive price. 

    I also have even more respect for those who did try it after research, saw they had sides  and stopped but still aren't fear mongering. People like Melvin. 

    I have been incredibly fortunate to retain as much hair as i did without Finasteride (Dutasteride in my case) from 21 to 31. I can only imagine how bad it would have been had my hair loss been more aggressive in my 20s.

    DHT serves little function to males after approximately age 25 when our bodies have matured and that's why most even by "nuking" it function relatively well. Like you, i would rather have it for my body/brain if there was something else that could specifically stop hair loss DHT 100%.

    I weighed up all the risks, tried it and it actually took me some months to adjust from the sides myself because i also blasted a full 0.5mg everyday dose of Dutasteride rather than taper. Now whilst i personally wouldn't advise that, i did hopefully in some way possibly save more hair. 

    No function, is in my opinion  far fetched , hence why so many people as seen on this forum when reducing their dht via these medicines suffer sexual side effects. If it had little function then people  would not Be getting these side effects. And’s it why if your trying to conceive with your partner the drug has be to ceased immediately to prevent complications. The drug as I mentioned before helps cognitive function as well as regulating oestrogen , which is why some men taking  fin  get gyno. Now I agree as you said , a majority of men can take this drug and have no problem , like myself . But I also understand the uneasinesses of so many men pulling the trigger on it , because the reality is while I feel a lot of the fear mongering is over exaggerated, the reality is a lot of men don’t want to take that risk and hence would be apprehensive about taking it as a preventative.

  4. 55 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    By the time people diagnose hair loss, the damage is already 50% done and you'll be lucky to get ground back. 

    I'll give a great example. I have had a hair transplant just over 5 weeks ago. After 7 days, the hair was largely there with maybe some fallout with the headwash. Then mere weeks later more and more fell out as i'm heading towards month 2. We all know this as the "Ugly Duckling" phase but what's alarmed me more than anything is how even thought that's almost like a literal expected thing, something i guess you could even say i was looking out for, it's only once you compare pictures you realise. My hair was shaved and then as it grew out, the hair fell. Now imagine somebody who keeps their hair long and not actively looking for it over years having this slow, slow process of hair loss via miniaturised hairs and then you understand why taking Finasteride pre-emptively at a low dosage isn't such a bad idea if you don't have a visible loss and no sides. It's almost like taking a multivitamin at that point imo to keep things at an optimum. 

    Multiviamins don’t alter your hormonal profile and affect the neurosteorids in your brain while also giving  sexual side effects to some men . So taking the drug if you have no visible hair loss is not advisable. DHT is the most androgenic hormone and although people can cope without it, I rather have it than not. But as I suffer from hair loss I’ve had to weigh the pros and cons and take the drug even though I’m not comfortable nuking my dht . 

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, botchedguy95 said:

    ASMED pay people like tillman and forum moderators (not this forum) to promote only the positives and hide the negatives

    Where your evidence for that ? I think the real reason is this forum doesn’t want to send any traffic to Joseph Tillman’s YouTube channel which is similar in content to this forums YouTube channel. Trying to sabotage a competitor lol

  6. Just now, botchedguy95 said:

    Alright GOAT is an exaggeration, he is fairly new at this in comparison to the current GOATs like Couto and Konior etc, but in my opinion i think he will be in a couple of years.. his results speak for themselves

    You can’t really call any doctor GOAT, for instance I’ve seen bad cases for couto on Spanish forums and some below par from konoir, although no doubt they are great hair transplant surgeons .All cases are different and certain doctors according to that case may yield better results than the other

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    Basically if you write his name, the forum changes it to his initials only. JT. 

    He does a YouTube thing with Spencer Kobren. You'll likely know who i mean now. That's basically how i first came across Eugenix and then a short while later looking into reviews found this forum. 

    Personally it seems like you have to take things with a big grain of salt no matter where you seem to go for information when money is involved. Recently he was promoting ASMED for example and they have had some pretty poor independent reviews recently. 

    Joseph tillman

  8. 10 minutes ago, IMM1979 said:

    @sukh123 Kevin who? No, I do not take finasteride. Plenty of my friends had the side effects. Marketed as 1% but an HT surgeon I consulted with in Singapore actually told me its north of 8%...

    oh, I was actually asking the guy who is called "hope everything is nova" and Kevin mann is a YouTuber who talks a lot about hair loss. Well, the only way to know if you will get side effects is to take the drug, you can always discontinue it if you do. Because I just looked at your pre-op pics and you have a lot of miniaturized hair that can still be strengthened and thickened. Also, your donor area  starting to miniaturize from the part just below the crown so you really need a dht blocker to prevent any more 

  9. On 6/29/2022 at 5:07 PM, Hope everything is nova said:

    Bruh no offense but of course you are losing hair due to DHT. 

    The only reason why you are losing hair in this very typical Male Pattern Baldness/Androgenetic Alopecia pattern is precisely and exactly because your genetic makeup is such that your hair follicles are genetically very sensitive to the little amount of DHT  produced in hair follicles  and prostatic tissue  from Testosterone via 5AR type 2 isoenzyme conversion. 

    Serum DHT levels in the blood are totally irrelevant. What matter is  tissue DHT levels within each hair follicle on the scalp and how your androgen receptor  is genetically programmed to respond in a certain way to DHT signalling pathways...

    It's very hard to measure DHT levels on the scalp and I think this would require scalp biopsy. I honestly wouldn't even bother with that...

    You need to lower by half follicular DHT levels with oral Finasteride/Dutasteride. That will slow down the process of gradual hair miniaturization that eventually leads to permanent and ireversible Male Pattern Baldness. 

    99% of men especially diffuse thinners think they are losing hair due to dome kind of "telogen effluvium", biotin or iron deficiency, thyroid dysfunction, scarring alopecia etc...It's a very popular misconception bro.

    In reality all they have is classic Androgenic Alopecia caused by genetic sensitivity of the hair follicles to the evil little DHT. 

    ANDRO GENETIC alopecia 

    Andro = androgens. DHT and T predominantly 

    Genetic = your genes. 

    Look no further. 

    The easiest way to diagnose classic Male Pattern Baldness is to look at someone's hair under microscope. If you have certain hairs that are thinner, weaker, less pigmented than other THEN this is a sign that the typical hair miniaturization caused by DHT is occurring. 

    And then it's time to MANN up !!!

    where are your from lol the uk, i can tell you follow kevin mann religiously, are you on finasteride btw 

  10. 1 hour ago, MazAB said:

    Two milestones for me in July. Month 10 for a HT, and turning 50 as well. I normally wouldn't post a shot like this, but wanted to stress how important it is for anyone that is ever considering a hair transplant to think about a complete transformation and lifestyle change. Don't let it ever end with just a hair transplant! If you're going to get one, then you certainly care about how you look, so take it to the next level and transform your body, transform how healthy you feel and how good you look from head to toe, not just your head.☺️

    You can see a vast difference in the indoor shot comparatively to the outdoor. I purposely waited until the sun was slightly setting later in the afternoon, so the sun would shine right thru my hairline and expose the transplant as much as possible. Indoors under low lighting, it's incredible how thick and dense it looks, but under that condition outside, that illusion of density diminishes big time.  

    Overall, I'm extremely happy with the work done by Eugenix, but no hair transplant is ever perfect. I do have some areas where the density is definitely weaker, the areas where I had scabbing very little grew. Those areas luckily were very small, but still affect how I style my hair so as to not expose them. 

    The temple points look great for the first go, especially considering that I had zero temples going in, however the left side is lighter on density than the right. Don't get me wrong still looks great, but it grew just a little unbalanced.

    I had the pleasure of meeting up with Dr Pradeep, Dr Arika and family in NYC this month. It was a very memorable day for me and a little surreal considering that I only know them from India and now they were right around the corner from me. Such inspirational and beautiful people through to the core!☺️ We spoke also about the potential of a 2nd procedure. Outlined my goals of adding density in existing recipient area on hairline and temple points, lowering hairline slightly, extending temple point slightly. They assessed my donor and said I have more than enough for a very aggressive approach on a 2nd procedure. They predicted extending my hairline at 1000 grafts, the existing recipient area at 1000 additional grafts for added density, and temple peaks at 200 grafts total for both sides. So a total of 2762 grafts for the first procedure and 2200 for the 2nd = 4900 +- grafts total. 

    My concern was that I may blow thru all my donor, but they assured me that even after 4900 grafts I still have plenty left in the bank if I ever need a procedure down the road. My plan is to make this my last procedure, but it's nice to know that I still have plenty more scalp to pull from and all of my beard in case anything ever happens over the years.

    I'm scheduled in October for number 2 and can't wait! The hope and dream for me would be an end result that future proofs for a lifetime and regardless of hairstyle, lighting, how long or short, how wet or dry, the illusion of density always remains constant.


    pic 2.jpg

    pic 3a.jpg

    pic 4a.jpg

    "The areas where i had Scabbing, had little growth". What do you mean by this the because whole scalp is scabbed post transplant?

    • Like 1
  11. On 6/25/2022 at 6:00 PM, MachoVato said:

    I added test after it dropped to the low 200s (as a result of taking Anavar alone). 

    Yes, as I've said before, test 300 and deca 150 puts me in a mild AAS cycle. I'm likely to increase it to 400/200 after I see the impact on my bloods. 

    Half of this dosage puts you in TRT range, including the deca, which has amazing joint pain benefits.

    Yes, I have arimidex to manage high estrogen, if I get side effects. 

    It's important to repeat, everything I'm doing is prescribed by a doctor and monitored with monthly blood tests. No underground juice for me! Truth is, if you have the money there's no reason to buy that "made in a garage" crap. 

    Oh I meant taking. Armindex can crash your estrogeon too low and that can cause side effects similar to low t esp with your t shooting up as there is big imbalance between the two.  But your taking regular blood tests and under the supervision of a doctor which is prudent so you be able to monitor all this and adjust accordingly. Have you noticed better performance in the gym and quicker strength gains as as result of taking these supplements ?


    On 6/25/2022 at 6:00 PM, MachoVato said:

    I added test after it dropped to the low 200s (as a result of taking Anavar alone). 

    Yes, as I've said before, test 300 and deca 150 puts me in a mild AAS cycle. I'm likely to increase it to 400/200 after I see the impact on my bloods. 

    Half of this dosage puts you in TRT range, including the deca, which has amazing joint pain benefits.

    Yes, I have arimidex to manage high estrogen, if I get side effects. 

    It's important to repeat, everything I'm doing is prescribed by a doctor and monitored with monthly blood tests. No underground juice for me! Truth is, if you have the money there's no reason to buy that "made in a garage" crap. 


  12. On 6/26/2022 at 12:18 PM, mustang said:

    Fin won't save your hair from TRT

    You need a topical anti androgen like CB or Fluridil at a strong % to saturate the AR and block testosterone, worrying about DHT is just 25% of the problem, other androgens will miniaturize your hair.

    Hair loss doesn't equal alopecia, I have had zero shedding for months with noticeable thinning and vice versa.

    Now, CB and Fin can handle 100-120mg Test a week, not 300

    They do but to a far lesser extent than dht ,  due to the less binding affinity which is why most people can use fin or dut and halt it. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Style22 said:

    Dude where are you even coming up with this? Most people have 8-9k grafts? This is why the internet and forums are dangerous. Listen to the experts, IE the top surgeons like Hasson. FYI I had 2700 Fue grafts at SMG and was told by Dr. Shapiro I more than likely had another 2500 which was about normal from what they see.

    Going by what I’ve seen on the forum from others and myself who has about 8500, I came to that assumption. Damn man I feel bad for you 5k Is low, I got 99 problems but a donor ain’t one.

  14. 13 hours ago, MachoVato said:


    Before starting anything, my test level was in the 800s, which is pretty good.

    I started on 50mg Anavar daily. I really like it, made some nice gains. But it crashed my test levels to the 200s.

    So I added 200mg testosterone cypionate per week. My test levels recovered and went into the 1200s.

    Today, I've dropped the Anavar (you shouldn't take it longer than a few months at a time) and I've changed it up. Now I'm taking 300mg of test per week. And 150mg of nandrolon (Deca) per week. I haven't had my blood tested yet so I don't know my numbers.

    I'm also taking a couple extra things... Arimidex, 0.5mg/week, which is an aromatase inhibitor. It prevents estrogen from increasing, which can cause gynecomastia. I'm also taking gonadorelin 50mg/wk, which prevents my boys from shrinking. So every week I inject twice in my quads and twice into my belly fat. And take a couple pills.

    The test 300 & deca 150 regimen is a proper cycle, albeit low dosage. Most guys are taking double that amount. I might bump up the dosage to 400/200 after I see my blood numbers in a month. 

    I paid about $1600 for a 4 month prescription, for everything including syringes. 


    Anavar and deca are fairly very hair safe since they don't covert to DHT. Adding a bunch of testosterone on the other hand can increase DHT levels. I'm hoping the finasteride can manage that.

    This looks more akin to a anabolic cycle than TRT. TRT is used for people mostly with low test esp older people .But your testerone prior to treatment was high so why the need to hop on to this as there are increased risks of cardiovascular problems that could arise. Also be wary of inhibiting estrogeon and keep a check on that as if it’s  not balanced with your increased T could cause the side effects associated with low t.

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