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Posts posted by RTC

  1. 18 hours ago, Hairlossresearcherexpert said:

    Topical dut doesn’t work I was in a discord server for 2 years we tried every formulation every single topical dut literally took blood tests and everything. Nobody had results and it failed badly I’m sorry for everyone falling into the xyon topical dut scam they don’t even have proper double blind studies . The best topical dut solution was gonna be from a company called moogene medi or hutera which has a patent https://www.hairlosscure2020.com/category/moogene-medi/

    so topical dut doesn't work, but it works for moogene medi?


  2. 1 hour ago, Hairlossresearcherexpert said:

    Well I think You are lying to us all then I’ve seen you a lot in other forums and people have told me about you how you made them try topical dut and it didn’t work for them. There’s literally no actual proof topical dut works no scalp biopsy showing reduction in scalp dht but you have had a bunch of transplants.

    I used very low dose topical dut (+ dermarolling) for like 2 months and my temples definitely got thicker. Dr Mwamba saw the reuslts in person too.


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  3. 6 minutes ago, Davies said:

    Good list though saying Dr Manish Mittal is the worst is pretty harsh. Do you really think all his reviews are fabricated ?

    I've seen some good results by him ! 

    They jus come across as too co-ordinated. If I saw some organic patient journeys I'd be less inclined to say a bad word about him. I'm sure he's good anyway.

  4. 6 hours ago, mrmane85 said:

    I had the same issues until I compounded 0.1mg oral Finasteride with 2.5mg oral minoxidil. I've had great results and no sides. With any other doses I had issues. Maybe give it a try and see how it goes?

    Also Hattingen have an excellent reputation. I'd put them in my top 15 clinics in the world. 

    How did you compound them? Where? In one tablet?

  5. On 7/7/2023 at 6:26 PM, baldfighter said:

    It’s interesting that people have to ask who did the surgery first before providing their comments on the results. We can just look at the pictures and say what we think, right? Why would we need to know who did this to comment on the results? Does that information change how we assess the results?

    No, but this is an information resource for prospective customers looking to get a hair transplant.

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  6. 9 hours ago, JensenDextry said:

    I am 35 years old and had two hair transplant surgeries before I went to Vera Clinic in Turkey. The first time I tried to fix a bad procedure, I only got 1500 grafts. The second time, I got 2000 grafts but the results were still not what I wanted—too plugy and a straight hairline.

    So when it came time for my third and final shot, I knew that if I wanted to get the results I was looking for, I’d have to be prepared to go all-in. And that’s exactly what I did: 3000 FUE grafts in one session, with an emphasis on density at the middle part of my head as well as at sparse areas.

    They also extracted all of the wrongly placed grafts from my previous procedures so that they could use them again in my new procedure (which they did!). This made sure that we didn’t waste any precious donor tissue by removing too much of it beforehand.

    I’m thrilled with my results—and even more excited about how much more confident and happy with myself I feel every day thanks to them!

    Sounds like a very suspicious post imo. I don't think anybody in their right mind would have two botches and then go to Vera for a repair.

    User has two posts and ends it with a typical salesman-like final sentence.

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