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Posts posted by RTC

  1. https://www.mancity.com/news/club/hwt-clinic-partnership-announcement-63736530

    Has anyone actually heard of this clinic or these doctors?

    Manchester City has announced a new multi-year partnership with HWT Clinic to become the Club’s Official Hair Clinic Partner in Europe.

    HWT Clinic is one of the most established clinics of its kind in Turkey with nearly ten years’ experience across a rapidly growing hair transplant industry that is set to be worth $30 billion globally by 2025. HWT Clinic offers the latest technologies in its own state of the art hospital in Istanbul where it welcomes customers from across Europe.

    Through this partnership HWT Clinic will look to strengthen its brand presence across Europe with branding across the Etihad Stadium and Manchester City’s digital platforms. HWT Clinic will also be able to provide its customers with access to ‘money can’t buy’ City experiences and prizes.

    Tom Boyle, Head of Partnership Marketing EMEA at City Football Group, said: “HWT Clinic is committed to offering the best possible experience to its customers and embracing the latest technologies, which aligns closely with Manchester City’s values. We look forward to working with HWT Clinic over the coming seasons.”

    HWT Clinic was founded by Demir Akillioglu and Yunus Yildiz in 2011. Demir said: “Our research has demonstrated our target audience’s high engagement with sport which led us to look for a strong partner in this field and Manchester City is fitting for our ambitions. We are excited to deliver our brand to City fans and are particularly looking forward to growing our brand in England, one of our key target markets, through this relationship.”

  2. thanks man

    do you have photos of the front?

    2 minutes ago, BeHappy said:

    I've got some beard hair on the hair line and lots of beard and chest hair just behind it. It looks fine on me. The thing is, beard hair varies greatly between people, so even if it grows straight and blends with scalp hair nicely on one person, that doesn't mean it will look the same on someone with a different type of beard hair. If you currently grow a beard then take a good assessment of how curly, coarse, and wiry it is. The softer it is and the more it matches with your scalp hair then the better it will turn out. Also keep in mind that almost everyone who had beard hair done says it softens at least somewhat over time. I can say that has been the case with mine as well, so even if it doesn't look so great at 6 or 9 months after the transplant, it will most likely improve over the next year or two. Most "After" pics you will find of beard hair being used won't be at the 2 to 3 year mark after it's softened up, so keep that in mind. I think people see the 9 month pics and think beard hair looks terrible. It usually does at that point. It gets better from there.



  3. 18 minutes ago, Konsole93 said:

    Hi, I know  some friends who are born with such a patchy donor or have many scsrs i would leave it for now.


    In your dispenser you can see punches at the bottom, was hair taken from there too? If so, from mwamba or the other clinic?

    That's well below the semi safe zone, were the soft singles used for the hairline? Otherwise the work looks really  good by mwamba. I like the temples very much.

    Personally, I don't like the arrangement of mwamba in the hairline in general. But that's a matter of taste, I like the irregular arrangement of the grafts.

    Do you still have soft singles for the hair line? , otherwise you would have to use normal singles or share mutlis.

    Yes those nape hairs were used for temples

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    can you clarify, do you mean they don't want to deal with extracting badly angled recipient grafts? 

    that is really dumb as extracting badly angled grafts is basically the same process as extracting fresh/new grafts from the donor area. 

    If you only have a handful of badly angled grafts, I would maybe consider electrolysis before your next surgery. It's helpful too that it seems these bad angled grafts aren't around dense hair. 

    Two quite highly rated doctors have said point blank - 'we absolutely do not extract grafts from the hairline'. I guess they are worried about scarring, but as you can see from my photos, I have maybe maximum 50 grafts, if that, on my temple.

    I'd much rather try to recycle them than waste them, as I need all the potential grafts I can get.

    Very frustrating and really does reduce the pool of potential surgeons.

    • Like 1
  5. 38 minutes ago, SXP92 said:

    Any updates on how meeting with Mwamba went? what's next?

    Hey bro

    So there is no definitive answer about why the hairline didn't grow in, but a possible reason speculated on by Dr Mwamba is that too much may have been happening at the same time - too many new grafts and punch outs on the hairline, this causing trauma etc. Maybe too much attempted density is something I feel could have contributed too.

    While the hairline isn't great, I am tempted to shave my hair down to see what the state of the 'botch corners' are - they seem like they're a little denser than before the op with Mwamba, but I can't tell for sure right now.

    We discussed removing (and recycling to the FHL) a few more grafts from around my hairline/temple points (maybe 50 in total), and doing a small harvest of the dark patch at the bottom of my donor, to be used in the FHL.

    This would be a couple of hundred grafts at the most to be used in the FHL. This way we could keep things under control better and not overload the area with too many grafts. While I know this would not be enough to get full density or coverage, anything is better than nothing, and plus I want to get rid of some ugly grafts around my temple points anyway, that could be better put to work in the front. I definitely do not want to take another 1000 grafts from my donor to try and fix the front when there's no guarantee of growth.

    I also want a couple of hundred beard grafts to be put in my donor to improve it even more. After that, I think I'm done with all this (I hope).

    But I am taking my time making a decision on this right now as I want to explore all my options. 

    Unfortunately, I am finding that most doctors just want nothing at all to do with punch-outs or beard grafts. As a result, many of the doctors I have enquired with just point blank refuse or start ghosting. 

    Regardless, I won't take any action until I'm certain in my decision. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 2/21/2023 at 8:55 PM, Nelly said:

    Good luck bud, I’m sure you’ll have a great experience. You’re cheeky to ask for that, but hey ho. You should put up what your goals and objectives are for other members of this community to give you some feedback to. I can’t see that you’ve done that as of yet. 


  7. 31 minutes ago, burnerboy808 said:

    Sorry I meant Mittal not being accredited led me away from him but if that is not important then I will reassess

    I think my main 2 surgeon choices would then be Mittal or Farjo. What is your opinion on their work, they both look really good to me but if we are comparing reviews I have never ever seen a negative one for Mittal.

    I dont know if that is a bad thing because he is new or if he is just that good?

    If I got a consultation between both too, would  it make a difference if I spoke to the doctor directly or someone from their team?


    Read my comments above bro. Reddy is a decent surgeon. Mittal I just don't know. Personally I wouldn't go to him. Farjo is ok too.

    You would be doing yourself a disservice by not going to Dr Ball for a consultation.

    One thing alot of the UK surgeons have in common is that they are very conservative in their hairlines.

  8. On 6/7/2023 at 6:38 PM, burnerboy808 said:

    Hi all,

    Have been doing some research in trying to find a good surgeon in London for a hair transplant. Completely understand I can go out of the UK and get a 'better' job done at probably a fraction of the price but I do not wish to travel.

    I will add I am a norwood 3 at the moment with a slight crown balding

    Upon research I have discovered a few surgeons that seem to always appear;

    Manish Mittal, Raghu Reddy, Farjo and Dr D'Souza 

    From what I understand Reddy is the most expensive but produces superb results

    Manish Mittal looked good and was my first option before I started researching/looking deeper.

    However a  lot of the reviews I see on forums are from people with 1 post/new accounts etc. Seemed a little fishy, plus I believe a lot of his before/after pictures are in bright light/dimmed light

    Furthermore he doesnt seem to be accredited by the ABHRS which I found very strange?

    I have heard good results from thedsouzaclinic but it seems they have no before/after pictures on the website which I found  strange too? How can I rate a surgeon if i dont see their work

    Farjo I have heard is hit or miss from my research

    Does anyone have any experience with the above people and can recommend them? Is ABHRS Accreditation as important as it sounds?

    I also agree with your Manish Mittal assessment. Just about every review I've seen about him seems contrived and 'rehearsed'. Having said that, I haven't seen any negative reviews about him either.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, 1978matt said:

    ABHRS you have to apply, sit exam(s), present examples of your work and attend interviews to discuss.  Not that many doctors bother to obtain it though.

    It's not a cast iron guarantee of a quality outcome but at least one valuable indicator of competence.


    These 'governing bodies' largely mean nothing and are 'pay-to-play' organisations. Ignore them and look for patient results and testimonials.

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