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Posts posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. 1 minute ago, Chiku said:

    Approximately 6000+. Three HTs were done inn early 2000's when I was in my 20's and was experiencing aggressive hair loss. Lost most of the native hairs which were on their last legs around the first transplant. I was not on finasteride then. Lost the transplanted grafts gradually. Started finasteride after the third HT which stabilized the grafts somewhat. Most recent HT was last year. So currently all hairs on the top are transplanted.

    Wow so transplanted hair isn’t permanent?

  2. 13 minutes ago, mister_25 said:

    Couto and Ferreira are two names that come to mind.

    Very good. Those names are brought up here so much sometimes you forget they are not on the list. I feel like there are some under the radar names that no one talks about. For instance @Fue3361brought Dr Leal to attention. Dr Leal is massive in Brazil but yet you don’t here about him much due to not needing to advertise. Similar to Dr Zarev. Wondering if there are anymore out there like them!

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  3. What are some doctors that are not on the list now or ever and you think In 2-5 years will be names on the recommended list? I know this topic has been probably asked before but since we have more people joining daily are there any new docs that you think are on the rise in terms of ethics and results? More so unheard of docs on the rise

  4. This is more a curiosity question for anyone who has gotten beard grafts extracted. I know usually a different punch size is used in that area. But when you tan in the summer does the area that got extracted on your neck/face also tan or due to scarring like fue hair donor would it just be white dots against tanner skin? More of a curiosity question because I assume if you shaved your head with fue and tanned the white dots would still remain so didn’t know if beard grafts scars are likewise or rarely noticeable scar wise. Thanks 

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  5. 56 minutes ago, MaximusEastwood said:

    Staples come out in two weeks.  Not sure about the density they used

    You have any pre op photos of longer hair? It looks like they gave you really good density. Maybe you just have a lot of donor hair available but man being honest with you this looks like it could be one of the better results on this site if it grows accordingly. Wong looks like he did a phenomenal job on you!

  6. 6 hours ago, GearHead1 said:

    I’ve been on 2.5mg for 5 over months now. I can honestly say it’s the Best thing I’ve done for my hair and the best results over any other medication. My hair has thickened and more of it. I did go through a shed at the 6 week mark for about 3 weeks. Now I barely shed any hair at all, that’s a 1st. It’s been awesome for me so far. Very happy! 

    Any sides? Did your donor getting thicker by a lot?

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