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Posts posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. 45 minutes ago, bobbleboy said:

    Curious if anyone has gone ahead and started with HairClone? Dr Cooley's office is a partner, which is where I got my HT. I've been excited about this prospect since he told me about it. The cost was a bit more than I had anticipated on the front end. Figured the profit would've been made more on the "withdrawal" rather than the deposit, but I'm curious to hear thoughts. 

    What was cost? You can dm me

  2. 6 hours ago, Z-- said:

    Can't say I've seen an FUT case from her on here. She has a few on her Instagram though. They seem very good.

    I'd have trust in her given that trust Konior puts in her and that she uses the same team, but recognize that patient testimony is more reassuring and a better indicator of that.

    Do hasson’s scars heal well? His results are great for sure 

  3. 5 hours ago, Z-- said:

    Agreed. These three are top.

    H&W/Hattingen can get more out of their strips -- like 3.5k+ grafts. Keep in mind H&W have phased out FUT in favor of FUE, and I think they only do the former in rare circumstances.

    Konior's strips are nearly invisible and the thinnest, but I haven't seen him use them for a large session (I always see 3k or less) in the last couple years.

    Depends on your meaning of "best", as it'll depend on the number of grafts. If you want strip for a larger session go with the former two.  I'd read somewhere that with H&W, one is better for crown and the other for hairline, but can't confirm if that's true, so that may impact which of the two you select. They're a safe bet and you can get a fantastic large session with either of them.

    Hattingen is by far the best money for value of the group. They're also no worse based on the results I've seen here. That said, they do have less results on HRN, so I'd check out other forums (ideally German) to get a better sense if they're the same quality.

    If you want the narrowest and least detectable scar (with better emphasis on donor consideration), I'd say Konior.

    For disclosure, I had a FUT scar with Konior and it isn't detectable even at a 2 fade -- I will be returning to do another strip and will document my journey after that procedure.

    My biggest worry is scarring. Thought on Nadimi for fut? I don’t have much if any skin laxity, so I feel it may widen over time. But maybe they have a way to buffer a bad scar

  4. Who are the best fut surgeons? I know many are starting to leave fut and head to Fue but of all the ones that can still perform fut(even if it may not be often) who seems to have some of the best cases? Also I know fut comes down to physiology when it comes to fut scarring…but who seems to have some of the cleanest and almost non recognizable fut strip scars? Thank you all!

  5. 6 minutes ago, BurnieBurns said:

    You can greatly improve you chance of having a great scar but going to a great surgeon but like I said there's no guarantee. 

    Dr Wong would probably be in the top 3 FUT doctors in terms of skill, but some will always be better than others. Individually some people scar more than others. JT can a few FUT surgeries with him. One had a good amount of stretch-back then he performed a scar revision and luck for him that one stayed fine.

    There's also doctors that use things like A-cell claiming it results in a better scar. There's no proper data to support this but that's been their experience for what it's worth.

    Another interesting point is apparently you're more likely to get a better FUT scar when you're older. If the collagen content in the skin in lower with age, it can't produce as much scar tissue. Weird huh? 

    Do you think it is a dramatic difference between lifetime grafts available if fut is done first? It seems more are going to fue

  6. 11 minutes ago, BurnieBurns said:

    I'd say an FUT scar could still be visible on a 2 unless you get a perfect outcome and it stays 1mm. There is unfortunately no way to guarantee this even in the best of possible hands

    Is there a group of surgeon or surgeon in particular that Always seems to have great fut scars? Like scars are always minimal when they are performing fut?

  7. 7 hours ago, BurnieBurns said:

    I don't know much about Dr Nakatsui but haven't seen anything negative. He seems to be knowledgeable and skilled plus his posted results look great (though the pictures could be better). It could be worth asking the clinic if they can any former patients you could be put in touch with.

    I recently did an FUT megasession with Dr Wong and I cannot praise it enough (albeit the result will be several months away). The 'rows' that people talk about here (which are more like 'paths' than rows) are done purposely for ensuring survivability, protecting native hair, and minimising trauma. There is a reason H&W achieve high density megasessions with full growth, while most other surgeons can't. Unless you plan of wearing your hair shorter than an cm, this should be that last of your concern.

    Are you on medication? If you really truly to push the brim on maximising grafts then Wong is one of the only 3 doctors I'd trust to get the absolute most from my scalp via FUT. I consulted with another experienced (airquotes) doc who said I couldn't get more than 5000 grafts via FUT in in my lifetime. Dr Wong got about 5700 and said a lot could still be taken in future!

    Moneywise, if 10k vs 20k was here nor there I'd go with Wong, but I wouldn't rule Dr Nakatsui out if would lift a heavvy burdon off me. 

    I usually shave down to a 1 on the sides. Would fut be a no then if I like to do 1-2 guard fades?

  8. Just now, Alex94gasp said:

    Oki. When did you had your appointment? Did he give you any advice? What was is prescription, regarding finasteride?

    Thank you!

    My advice was just wait and appt was 5 months ago. I didn’t ask about finasteride because I already take it

  9. 2 minutes ago, Golfnut66 said:

    I've seen Dr Reddy. He does everything apart from the extractions. Very hands on and lovely guy. I would say the weakeness could possibly be density, and hairline design. If you specifically request these areas of focus he's a good choice.

    His density isn’t great? I’ve wondered with Dr Arshad and Dr Farjo is there density good? They seem to use less grafts with more space and the photos look great but can’t tell if it is an illusion of density or actually dense.

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