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Posts posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. On 3/10/2022 at 10:20 AM, baldiee said:

    Yes for my 4th procedure, it will have to be FUE since my scalp will no longer have the laxity to continue doing FUT. I will basically have done 3 FUT procedures with Dr. Bloxham. Do you have recommendations for top FUE surgeons in USA? I plan to do the 4th procedure around January of 2023. 

    How many grafts in total would you have had after the third fut?

  2. On 3/9/2022 at 8:02 AM, LaserCaps said:

    Finasteride, Minoxidil, PRP and Laser are the modalities we typically refer to when dealing with this condition.  If you won't do any - for whatever reason, you can then rely on the other ones.  The mechanism of action of each of these is totally different and are thus synergistic when used simultaneously.  Several issues to keep in mind.

    Many believe Fin and Min are the best modalities out there for retention in the crown.  The problem is that of expectation.  If I do something, I want something in return.  When people see no visual change after the use of the meds, they become frustrated and stop all together not understanding the meds are not intended for you to grow anything.  They are to help you with retention.  If a year later you look the same, the meds did what they were intended to do.

    PRP and Laser can actually have a visual impact, (when done correctly).  It can take 12+ to mature the results of a procedure.  You can enjoy those same results in 6 mo with PRP.  The second thing it does is reverse the thinning, (miniaturization).  The problem here is who do you trust.  How do you know that this is being done correctly? Do your research and review photos of results.  Also, please ask about credentials.

    There are plenty of lasers out there.  Again, do your research.  LaserCap is the only by provider only laser.  It is prescription strength and comes with a lifetime warranty.  It works on two different pathways.  

    By the way, Fin is now available as a topical solution and Rogaine is now available in pill form.  


    Wait so laser cap is the best hair laser on market? If so I will buy

  3. 1 hour ago, ciaus said:

    Yes it has been asked 100s of times, top search result is below. No birth defect problems as long as the woman doesn't actually handle the pills herself. Which she should have no reason to. Just a general piece of advice, don't use idiotic websites like Reddit for anything more than mindless entertainment.



    Lol thank you I will not further go into Reddit lol and yes the wife would have no reason to touch those pills. I just wanted to ask knowledgeable people if I was getting worried for no reason or if my fin and Dut combo approach would impact having kids.

  4. Sorry if I am overplaying this. I assumed this has been asked over 100 times on here but I tried looking it up in the search bar so it must’ve been further down. Anyway does dutasteride or finasteride have any effect on trying to have kids and them coming out normal? Probably a dumb question but on Reddit forums Ive seen many say that the “black box reads your kid will be deformed” I have not seen that but was curious because I enjoy taking Fin everyday and Dut once a week and of course I’d stop during sex if I had to but it would probably defeat any future attempt after HT to save what I Have. Just curious that is all.

  5. Who can I go to to get an in depth analysis about how much donor hair I have to give? I don’t live near any HT surgeons so didn’t know if Bosley or a doctor or something could tell me how much donor grafts I have available? Is it true if you have a certain number of donor grafts you can get HT earlier since you have more to last long term?

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