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Posts posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. 1 hour ago, nks123 said:

    I didn't pursue hard, I just sent an email. It's just too much of a hassle... would be easier if you could just go to their website and see available dates and book...


    Now considering HLC or dr Bicer, because cannot get in touch with dr Pinto nor dr Ferriera, and got turned down by BHR Clinic / Bisanga due to young age........

    Hmmm yes I have been declined by Dr. B before due to age which honestly I respect because he could very easily take my money if he wanted lol so it shows a lot of these docs actually have the patients best interest unlike hair mills. What is your balding genes look like by chance?

  2. 42 minutes ago, HugoX said:

    First session was 7070 grafts, second was 3613 grafts, so a total of 10 683 grafts all from head. 

    Everybody have different donor capacity, but important thing is that you choose a doctor that can manage your donor and extract maximum without leaving you botched. 

    I also have around 1500 grafts for the future all still head. 

    Insane man 10,000 wow. Has the scarring looked bad?

  3. On 5/4/2021 at 1:20 AM, HugoX said:

    Hi guys,

    Here is my journey so far with Dr. Zarev from Bulgaria.

    I am Norwood 6-7 (or was, not any more ) , plan was to do 6000 grafts over 2 days, in the end we(he) did 7000 grafts , 3 500 grafts each day.

    Day 1 consultation 

    I landed Monday night (January 4), first consultation Tuesday, the clinic is in a small hospital that seemed to be primarily a childens hospital, Dr. Zarev had a floor to himself (at the top), clinical and clean, He mentioned that he bought an entire building that will be just their clinic, should be ready by the end of 2021).


    The consultation takes about 1.5-2 hours, Dr.Zarev takes pictures with a micro camera,, measures the hair thickness and how many hairs I have on average per 1 cm2.


    From our initial conversations over email after he had seen my good quality picutres we decided on 6000 grafts, I had thought that we could place the 6000 grafts at the front and middle of the scalp as I prefer to see that I get a good front and middle part for framing the face, I was ok with if it is bald around the crown, but Dr. Zarev explained that it is not a good idea as so many grafts placed on that small area would affect the blood supply to the hair follicles and thus affect the survival% of the grafts. It is better to distribute them in a homogeneous way over the whole head where I have lost (which is all since I am Norwood 6-7).

    You always have communication with Dr. Zarev himself, no patient coordinator named "Bruce" or "Gina", I asked him why he does not have a patient coordinator and he explained that for him the patient - doctor relationship is important, he is not looking to do many surgeries per week just to for money, he prefers to do one or two a week and put all his time and focus on these. The week I was there I was the only patient all week, i was a 2 day job ad they had just opened after the new years holidays and I was the first patient for the year. I had a direct number to him that I could basically call at any time.

    He would have preferred to see me stay in Bulgaria until Monday, but I went home on Friday, surgery was Wednesday and Thursday, first wash on Friday morning, flight home on Friday afternoon.

    I think 90% of his customers are from Bulgaria so not many international customers. 


    Operating days 1 and 2


    Day1 starts at 09:00, first about 2 hour to plan, design, take pictures, measure head, hair shaft size etc. to get exact figures Dr. Zarev needs to plan surgery. While he is sitting and planning after drawing on my head and taking pictures, I go out where blood is to be taken before PRP.

    NOBODY touched my head except Dr.Zarev, every step of the operation is done by him, no one touched my head except him, from taking pictures, shaving, to washing, to anesthesia, PRP, extracting, implanting, the assistants only prepared the grafts, and this was something I was looking for, I want to pay for the surgeon's knowledge and experience not a lot of untrained assistants.

    Surgery started at 11:30 and finished around 23:00 (both day 1 & 2), a 30-40 min break around 17:00, so about 10 hours of surgery, Dr.Zarev is a MACHINE, I do not know how he can stay focused for so long. 

    Day 2 was similar to day one, around 10 hours of surgery time 

    Pictures you see are before surgery (obviously) and at day 90, I will be taking new pictures this Saturday for day 120, the yellow background that you see was provided by Dr. Zarev for me to take home and hang up when taking pictures at home as he uses a yellow background.

    Also, at the 90 days I wanted to try and see how I would look like with skin fade on the sides/back after 7000 grafts, I must say, for 7000 grafts......not bad, (a trained eye might see something)





     After 10 days:



    After 90 days:




    I will try and update for you guys as time goes.



    You got 7k grafts from head? I thought most donor sites could only handle 5-6k max?

  4. 2 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Look up @MazAB family history of Norwood 6, losing hair in early 20s. He got on fin at 24 and kept almost all his hair, besides what was already lost. 

    Thank you Melvin and Curious 25. I will check it both out. Pretty insane to keep hair with fin and not lose its effectiveness. Really shows how important these drugs are if you are not super sensitive to fin/Dut. I actually love taking the pill lol it makes me feel better and feel bad when I don’t lol 

  5. 10 minutes ago, Curious25 said:

    I’ve experienced coarser chest and abdomen hair, coarser beard hair, thicker eyebrows, longer eyelashes . . very small hairs on the temples which are more like an extension of the eyebrows, but are barely visible. 

    Hairs on the back of my fingers, more back and shoulder hair, and the rate lf hair growth seems faster too. 

    The only unwanted hair for me, is that on my back and shoulders , which I have shaved lff weekly, and I just trimmed my hands and fingers with my clippers the other day. 

    I do think I experienced some temporary weight gain when I upped the dosage for the first 2-4 weeks, which has now subsided, that was quite interesting. 

    Other than that, all positive 😀

    Did you grow hair on your back prior to taking oral min? Or did it grow hair areas with none previously?

  6. Just now, Melvin- Moderator said:

    There’s a lot of speculation, he lived in Northern California back then, one could assume someone on the west coast. Dr. Seager was big back then. 

    I could see that. It’s kind of the same thing with lebron and his HT. I’ve never publicly known who did lebron but Elon’s is way better than Lebron’s. Being a professional athlete and all they do to there body may not help much though. Just curious since celebs have access to all the money and connections in the world if it was known who he went to.

  7. This is a question more out of interest than anything. I feel sometimes many don’t hop on Fin/Dut until they have receded quite a bit. Also genetics since it plays a top role in hair loss I was just curious if any of you got on Fin/Dut at a younger age maybe when you had advanced a bit but not fully and if over maybe like a 10+ year span your hair looked the same or still lost exponentially?

  8. 4 minutes ago, Curious25 said:

    Personally, my heart rate has stayed exactly the same, as has my BP - however I made sure to consult with 2x cardiologists beforehand, and discussed my intention, which I would highly recommend everyone to do so.

    I take 2x 2.5mg generic tabs a day.

    For me, the topical would have been inconvenient, greasy, and like you say, the scalp degradation theory as mentioned by Hasson, wouldn’t be great for future surgeries, potentially?  

    We’re do you get weird hair growth if you don’t mind me asking? I am okay with more beard hair/chest hair but would hate weird hair on like lower forehead or temples near eyebrows

  9. 2 hours ago, LaserCaps said:

    I've had multiple procedures, both FUT and FUE.  Regardless, if you have sensitive skin or not, every time you invade the skin, you will get a scar.  

    How obvious are the scars will depend on a number of factors, including the size of the punch and your wound physiology.  

    I do agree, the term scarless - is used to differentiate FUE from FUT.  It is incorrect nomenclature, however. Micro-scars will be difficult to detect if the punch is smaller than a .9mm. 

    Are you doing any type of medical therapy to help you with retention of the native hair?

    Yes I do fin daily and Dut once a week. I don’t really ever plan or want to go bald but just worried if my transplanted hair starts to thin out how awkward I’d look. Idk maybe that isn’t even a reality. As stated I don’t want to shave but also don’t want the hair transplanted to recess and I’m back to where I started 

  10. Very curious here from any of you who have had fue. I have sensitive skin and seem to scar easily. Of course I don’t ever want to go bald but if my donor area was shaved after an fue years down the line would it be obvious scarring? I guess what would it look like or would someone have to look close to see it? You always see so many clinics call it a “scarless” procedure but how close from the truth is that?

  11. Just now, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Thanks for the feedback, we’ve reduced our list, as some doctors no longer met our standards. 

    Okay perfect that is good to know! I didn’t know if I was just incorrect in thinking there was more originally or something changed. Good to know that this site has such high criteria to ensure the absolute best doctors are referred.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    I think Dr. Nadimi and Dr. Konior have both been known to use a small number of grafts and get great results. I would out Dr. Reddy in the same category. I would also look at Dr. Gabel, often overlooked, but very highly regarded.

    Thank you Melvin. I was just curious about this question because sometimes you see people on here with similar balding patterns but one uses 1,000 grafts or so less and they both get similar results. Of course the quality of donor hair matters a lot too but didn’t know if some doctors just did so much more with so much less.

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