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Posts posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. 2 minutes ago, New_Barnet_Please said:

    I mean, many other top tier surgeons mostly don't do FUT also..

    If you are taking FUE individual units, why would there be less grafts available later? The other units are untouched and still there?

    I think because they take up hair from all over donor compared to a strip being taken and all the hair above and below that strip being completely unused 

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  2. Any users with beard transplants I was curious how the recipient area healed after procedure? Of course everyone is different and some men have more sensitive skin than others(my case) but with hair transplants that recipient area can have minor scarring(little marks/discoloration) so was curious if the recipient area of your beard hair had discoloration/marks/holes once you shaved down a year or so after procedure. Thank you

  3. 1 hour ago, Etownone said:

    Just got off the phone with Dr Mwamba secretary....      The building he was doing HT out of in NJ has been sold and he is in the process of finding another location in the USA.    Maybe NY,  or maybe NJ again.  

    But he still works out of Atlanta,  so rebook your appt for Atlanta.   

    I guess I got extremely lucky when I had my HT with Dr MWamba earlier this year when he was 40 mijutes from my home in NJ.    I was already planning of going back and use more beard grafts for a small touch up in the future.  

    He still has an Atlanta location? I thought during Covid that location went out

  4. 6 hours ago, TommyLucchese said:

    The advice I got from Dr Muresanu (Hattingen) is that FUT is best for when you need 3,500 grafts or more. That's because you lose scalp elasticity with each FUT so it doesn't make sense to waste the laxity for smaller surgeries. He also said that you can switch back and forth between FUT and FUE no problem.

    The length you plan to have your hair will also come into it and if you are on fin/minox.

    I had an FUT when I was 23 and 10 years later everything is great so far....FUE has come a long way since then so who knows if I'd have made that same decision today.

    Consulting with doctors who offer both options would be best so you can get an unbiased view. 

    I see you went To feller and company. That is kinda why I asked the question because they are adamant about young individuals to do fut and how fue early on can lead to scarring around that follicle so If you do decide to go to fut after an fue then hair may not even be capable to be used. 


    8 hours ago, mafpe said:

    the combination of fut then fue is in order to yield as much as possible result. at least that's the theory.

    if you have tons of money though, you can do a fit farming instead, which would be better with no strip scar, and the safety of being able to restock donor at will.

    this is going to cost you a whole ton though, plus the commitment and time.

    Isn’t FIT what Mwamba does? How does one have donor restocking with fit? I assumed it was just fue with more regard for better hair characteristics. 


    1 hour ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    if you could remind us, how old are you and what exactly does your hair loss situation look like? You’re asking some good questions but they are all spread out in different posts so it’s hard to keep track of your entire situation.  In order to answer your question in the best way possible, i’d like to suggest that you share your details including

    1. your age

    2. family history

    3. current hair loss

    4. photos of your hair loss and your donor area

    5. whether or not you’re on any hair loss medication such as finasteride or Knoxville and if so, how long you’ve been on it and if not, whether or not you’ve tried it and how long ago you came off of it, etc.

    6. whether or not you are still losing your hair and if so is it aggressive or gradual and if not, when did it stop

    In my opinion, the better issue to focus on isn’t whether or not someone young should consider FUT versus FUE but whether or not someone young is a good candidate for a hair transplant surgery based on their specific situation.

    In general however, there are several schools of thought here but there are those who believe including our clinic that in the majority of cases if you are a good candidate for FUT than you are also a good candidate for FUE.

    At the end of the day, FUT and FUE are both donor harvesting techniques and nothing more. That’s essentially only 1/4 to 1/3 of a hair transplant procedure. You also have to consider implantation, storage of the grafts outside of the body, design and placement of the follicular units, determining what’s appropriate for each patient, etc.  

    Of course, there may be some situations where a patient is a candidate for FUT and not FUE but the opposite is also true.

    I hope this information helps and once you provide some additional information, it will be easier to value with a more detailed opinion of what may be best in your situation. That said if you are interested in a one on one information session with Dr. Rahal Who could help you map out a short and long-term hair restoration plan to meet your ultimate goals, please send me a private message and I’ll be happy to set this up for you.

    Best wishes,

    Rahal Hair Transplant 

    I guess the biggest question is knowing if you further bald or how you heal. I tend to hypertrophic scar so that is why I am scared to go through with an fut procedure but since I am in my mid 20s and may decide to get an HT in 3-5 years I also want to be smart with the idea I could further lose. Some doctors basically state in your 20s-30s with the potential to bald further fut is always the smartest option, but as I stated the fut scar scares me due to my ability to scar while fue can still leave scarring I presume but maybe not as noticeable? Regardless I am married to Finasteride(last 2-3 years have taken every day) and get no side effects and I am also open to oral minox in my life. But even with those treatments I could still further bald and would be a bummer if I am only able to get 5k lifetime donor grafts compared to 8k or so if I mixed fue/fut

  5. 14 minutes ago, HairRun said:

    Perhaps the new owner would also let Mwamba use it, but that would take a while to set up. Your date is like 2-3 months away, other top surgeons are usually 8-12 months, so it may be worth biting the bullet and going to brussels. 

    I'm looking at tickets from LA to Brussels, about 800 and a 13 hour flight vs 200 to NJ. I wouldn't consider that significant compared to the cost of the hair transplant, but I imagine the motels are much more expensive though, but on the other hand you get to have a vacation in Brussels vs being cooped up in some motel in NJ. Also depends on how long you want to stay, some people do it the next day. But since the flights are like 15 hours long, I imagine you'd want to rest for at least a couple days. 

    If you're looking for a high level surgeon that has a shorter availability you could consider Dr Nadimi who I am also considering. I had a consult with her and she seems extremely solid, trained for years under legendary Dr Konior and she uses the exact same team of technicians he does. I think she's more expensive that Dr Mwamba but I think her wait time is only like 1 or 2 months. You also might be breaking even or saving money due to the less travel and cheaper motels. Another person you can consider is Dr Timothy Carlson, who also really impressed me with his consult, and who also has a shorter wait time like 1 month, and he's on the cheaper side for doctors who are on this forums recommended list. My only blocker for him is that he doesn't have a ton of recent reviews, but he's one of those guys whose been doing transplants since the 90s like Mwamba. 

    Dm me carman and nadimi price per graft

  6. Just now, GoliGoliGoli said:

    No you do not need to worry about that

    Sweet thanks goli. Yes he seems like masterclass work. I know some people bring up HMR but Nader seems great just didn’t know since neither are on the list of docs recommended if they have any known botches or are great just under the radar

  7. Just now, GoliGoliGoli said:

    LOL Pitella is in Brazil...


    Nader is the only one in Mexico worth considering. Truly a class act as far as my experience so far goes. 

    I really like his results. Was curious because sometimes overseas doctors or other countries can be aggressive with grafts used(more for less kind of thing) do you get the vibe he’d be right on the money with grafts needed or overharvest? I do love his work and I think his staff is top notch though

  8. 14 minutes ago, Pbaird98 said:

    Dr. Felipe Pittella deserves more than a nod here. 

    I do like Dr Pittella’s work. I feel he is right now one of the best in mega sessions. The problem is I’d like to stay in the United States or along the borders of the US. Money of course should never be a factor but 6.50 or under is possible to pay in cash for me.

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  9. So basically it could vary. I just don’t know if let’s say a 25 year old was NW4 did he go through the most aggressive  point and if he gets on Finasteride he will stabilize to maybe NW5 by 50 or is 25 still the beginning and like 30-35 is gonna be even harsher? Lol really hard to know for sure but I guess when did most of you all notice the most loss of hair and then when did you notice a slight plateau?

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