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Posts posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. 3 hours ago, sl said:

    It is a good question and here is a video I did that is relatively short at 7 minutes and you can go forwards a little but colour, coarseness etc are factors to look at for compatibility as you rightly see also. If you fast Fwd to 3.55 you see a list of things to consider for body hair to other areas. 



    Thank you for this sl


    1 hour ago, BeHappy said:

    If it's only a color difference you can always start coloring your hair. I didn't mind using my gray beard and chest hair because my scalp already had some gray in it and I was coloring it every few months anyway. Now with the beard and chest hair there is a lot more gray and I have to color it once a month instead of once every few months. That minor inconvenience of coloring it more often is worth it to actually have hair growing.


     See that is what I was kinda thinking it may be redder now but eventually will go gray so may be smart to keep it for when my head goes gray as well but I guess coloring isn’t a bad idea either.

    • Like 1
  2. This is probably a dumb question(most of mine are) but I have quite a bit of hair on my neck beard for head grafts potentially. The problem is the hair on my scalp Is dark brown while my facial hair starts dark brown but as it continues to grow it gets a hint of red. I’m assuming due to this those grafts would be pointless to keep for my head since it would look awkward. I do have some patches in my facial hair so maybe I should just keep those grafts on my neck for my facial hair since they may look weird up above. Thanks.

    • Like 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, John1991 said:

    "At least three of the best doctors (Konior, Shapiro, Josephitius) in the world (both who do FUT and FUE, so no ulterior motive) have agreed that FUTwill yield more than 2,000 to 3,000 more hair grafts in a lifetime if you max out a strip first. For most people who are stabilised on medication at a lower Norwood (no higher than Norwood 4), those extra grafts probably aren't needed needed, especially if they have an normal donor or beard hair to use."  Z

    If this is true - and I have no reason to believe it's not - then any person like OP in there early/mid 20s, who, by definition, can't know how much loss they will have, should start with FUT.  Pretty much period.  End of story.  Everything around hair transplants - and life in general - is about playing the most favorable odds.  You come on this forum to find a quality surgeon so the odds are in your favor that you have a good procedure.  Why wouldn't you also then play the odds of 2-3 thousand extra grafts on the chance that you lose more hair than you're expecting to lose?  This is of course excluding those who truly can't have a strip taken due to scalp laxity issues.

    Agree of course. I’ve always understood the gauge of preserving the donor and in my mid 20s HT is still a pretty early thought but was curious if fut vs fue would yield a massive lifetime difference especially because even if finasteride may have stabilized me a bit now it doesn’t mean it will stabilize me forever. The biggest issue with fut first is scarring potential. Some people(myself included) just have poor healing physiology and due to this is those 2-3k grafts worth having a wraparound hypertrophic scar from ear to ear? That is the hardest thing to know. 

  4. Does trichophytic closure make an fut scar seamlessly invisible? I know some doctors(Bernstein, Suneet Soni) use this method and reading up on it the scar allows hair to grow through it. Just curious if it really is a superior way of fut or if it still comes down to healing physiology and one could be left with a massive hypertrophic/keloid scar regardless?

  5. Just now, Gatsby said:

    I don’t know if this answers your question directly @JoDimaggio22 but two surgeons come to mind. Dr Sethi, as he is highly skilled in not just harvesting, but also placing large numbers of beard grafts into MPB naturally. Numbers such as four, five thousand beard grafts (and higher) are not uncommon. 
    Secondly, Dr Pitella is also great at working with Norwood 7 patients. Dr Zarev is excellent in Norwood 6 cases, but in the limited amount of work I have seen, the donor supply has to be excellent. All the best!

    No that answers my question perfectly and you are living proof of Eugenix excellent work in that department. Pitella has done an awesome job as well. Didn’t know if there were others that maybe don’t get as much attention but those two are definitely leaders in mega sessions.

    • Like 1
  6. I see so much work from many great clinics that do mega sessions(Camacho, Eugenix, Zarev). Sometimes these cases are for patients who went full blown NW5-7 and decided to fix it after that…. But for patients who had earlier fue procedures and maybe don’t have a completely untapped donor….in your mind who is one of the top surgeons for giga sessions for patients who went from NW2-4 range(then fixed it) and continued further. I know this is a weird question but I’m truly interested who seems to do such a great job when they don’t have as much to work with.

  7. 8 hours ago, New_Barnet_Please said:

    I don't buy that it's financial, FUE has been clearly superior technique to FUT for a long time being less invasive. It's only in the USA really that they have been slower to let go of it.

    Everyone is free to have their preference but many will have a large amount of FUE grafts available anyway if donor is managed carefully. FUE techniques are so good now, for my surgery the donor looks almost untouched, you would never know - and there's a ton in the bank for more FUE grafts as needed. I would disagree as a young person it's necessary to have an an invasive procedure and have a scar on the head for life.

    How many grafts do you have available through fue? When you say untouched like if I shaved you bald I would not see anything?

  8. 16 minutes ago, HelpfulFriend said:

    Yes but we've already established that a lot more money can be made when doing FUE, so there's a profit incentive there - and some surgeons are more skilled in one vs the other. 

    I'm not too sure of the exact mechanism, but doctors that do both all say that to maximise grafts over a lifetime, FUT and then FUE is the way to go.

    Most people might not need this, but if your family are all NW7's, then it's something to consider. No one is ever "one and done" with transplants, they are a lifetime commitment in which most people will need multiple.

    If there is no sign of NW7 in your family that doesn’t prevent you from NW7 I assume? So fut then fue would still always be smart? It seems some of these gigassesions from zarev or others are fully fue so wondering where they get the grafts necessary maybe an overharvest

  9. Just now, Gatsby said:

    Thanks for the kind words. I do have some mild redness still mainly on the left jaw but it has been improving and it doesn't worry me. I imagine that in time it will continue to improve.

    Oh of course. Happy for you Gatsby. You stayed resilient and Eugenix hit this one out of the park. No doubt in my mind the final result will be more than you could ever dream of.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 51 minutes ago, Gatsby said:


    Today is actually month seven on my hair restoration journey. Photos taken in outdoor lighting (indoors this looks a whole lot fuller). 🤩 I have to say that I am very happy with the results on my Norwood 7 noggin so far, along with the depleted/scarred donor that I had. Hair is coming in through the crown and with fibres I can now pull off a full head of hair look. At month 12 I will wait to assess everything but I am looking at having a second session some time in the future to address the crown and any weak areas.

    Hair 7.3.jpg

    Hair 7.1.jpg

    Hair 7.2.jpg

    Hair 7.png

    Your results are amazing from where you began. If I looked at you in person I’d have no clue you ever balded up front. Hopefully with time it just continues to improve. Looks great though. Was wondering since they extracted facial hair how has the healing been? Tried to look close up in your photo but couldn’t really see anything maybe a little pink hue but you probably heal good too so probably no issues there for a long time

    • Thanks 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    I’m scheduled to speak to Dr. Nader this week. I believe he’s very hands-on, maybe too hands-on, which is why he may be delayed in responding. I hope you share your experience here when the time comes.

    Do you think he is a quality surgeon from what you’ve seen Melvin? He seems good with his results but as stated above some people have not posted updates so don’t know if that is a good or bad thing

  12. Just now, Dboozer said:

    No, it wasn't a "headband" of transplanted hair. Most of the transplant was indeed in the bald temples, but Nader did went back about half inch or so into my actual hairline to fill in the the thinning areas. This insures you don't have an odd strip of thinning hair behind your transplanted hair. 

    Okay thank you. It looks great I didn’t know if it was to fill in thinning areas or a new line. Either way, happy growing and it already looks like the results will be awesome!

  13. Just now, Melvin- Moderator said:

    I have only had hair extracted from the beard, but not placed in the beard. So can’t answer how that looks, but I will say the extractions healed wonderfully. No visible scarring. 

    Really? Hmm. Well I assume the scarring from extractions would be worse so if it heals under the chin wonderfully then it probably heals well on the lower cheeks as well.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Do you mean hair extracted from the beard? Or hair transplanted to the beard?

    I mean like hair extracted from beard to fill in spots on the beard. So I guess when someone uses neck hair to fill in their facial hair denser. Does the hair put in the recipient area of the beard scar the area it was placed on the face a bit once you shave it down or does it look normal? Thanks for responding Melvin

  15. Just now, New_Barnet_Please said:

    Yes but so what? If you want to add more grafts from FUE then as long as they have been taken carefully, more grafts can be taken from all over in the same way. The unused ones aren't damaged or anything which seemed to be implied in the post I replied to. 

    Well that’s kinda what I thought so that’s why I was curious why some doctors urge people to do fut to have more donor capacity when to me hair is hair

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