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Everything posted by GeneralNorwood

  1. Price is rather high compared to my dutasteride 0.5 mg 30 tablets for which i pay 5$, but we should rather compare price to other topicals, which are a lot cheaper anyway Do you now what this "2,5% concentration of finasteride" means?". Is this means that there is 25mg in 1 ml of gel, so like 5 proscar tablets in 1 ml? And followup question , how many ml of gel do you suppose to use daily and how many ml has one gel?
  2. As expected, after 2 HT you gain good looking results faster. Few more months and it will look dope
  3. Thank you mate, your 1st HT was one of the reasons that i chose Eugenix. Now we have pretty similar hairline + temples, of course with some differences However it looks like i will have to follow your route and do second HT in 2023, but in my case on the midscalp+ crown, which now are obviously falling behind the front. So propably at the end i will have 5000+ grafts done, just like you.
  4. Yes, i won't rush things, dutasteride is my new friend now. Maybe i will wait till this "anagen desynchronisation" on 15 months, this video scares me 😆
  5. Yes, the temples are top notch, Dr Das nailed it. I am back on minoxidil since 3 months. I am using it mostly at weaker areas, but sometimes maybe some drop falls into transplanted hair. Anyways minoxidil goes into blood system so it should affect all hair in some level. I am using it on beard also. I only wish that i was better informed by Eugenix that i will need second procedure. I was so happy about 1 year regrowth on finasteride and minoxidil that i was delusional about real state of my baldness and thought that it will be 1 and done procedure. Now looking at preoperation photos with this aggresive design, i am laughing that i was so blind 🤣 My needs and wants is that i want to finish what i have started 😂 What dose of oral minox and is it better then topical minox + dermapen? The thing i am considering is adding some extra medicine that will cursh even more DHT in the scalp. Maybe pyrilutamide.
  6. I don't think that there will be much improvement on the crown, mid-scalp and sides. Just look at the this comparision, this is not greates quality because it's mirror picture, but photos are in exactly same lighting conditions and angle. Photo on the left is taken on January 2022 and on the right on December 2022. For me it looks like crown and sides is the same and only visible improvement is transplanted hair. I switched to dutasteride only 3 months ago, so maybe there will be some little changes. There are a lot light, thin hair on the crown, on the sides - vellus hair.
  7. True, this is clearly visible on the left side. However even if i did more conservative approach, left side would still stand out from the rest
  8. This is very good comparision that shows it could'v forseen that sides wouldnt keep up with the powerfull transplant on the front, especially left side. However at the day of procedure i didn't see this possibility. One can speculate if adding more grafts on the sides in the 1st procedure would be better then adding more grafts in extra procedure. Anyway, here are some photos from 2020, when i wasn't taking any medications and didn't care about my baldness 😄 And here is comparision between February 2021 when i started finasteride and minoxidil and August 2021
  9. Yes guys, i know that it is agressive approach, i went full YOLO 😂 However this procedure wasn't so big, keep in mind that 720 grafts were for the temples, and that are thin hair from the neck and above the ear. So i have a lot of grafts in backup and a lot of beard grafts too. And i took into account before procedure that taking dutasteride daily would be necessary and it's not a problem for me. In 2021 i tried dutasteride for few months and it was fine. Dr Das is advising to wait couple more months and then we will worry. Personally,i think that second procedure will be necessary.
  10. Hello guys, this is my late review, i am giving back to this community, because without hairrestorationnetwork i wouldn't decide to take this crazy journey to India At the beginning of 2021 i had an awakeking. At age of 30 years I realised that im fu*king bald 🤣. I learned about Norwood scale and i estimated that im Norwood 4/5. I heard about finasteride 8 years earlier, but i was early Norwood 2 and decided that taking medications that can cause side effects is not for me. So because of my youthful recklessness, in february 2021 i started all-in therapy - finasteride, minoxidil and dermapen. I started to see great results, i was happy. After 6 months i thought that baldness regressed to Norwood 3V, but now i think it regressed more likely to Norwood 4. I started doing research about hair transplantation. At first i was considering HT in my own country - Poland. On Polish forum, Dr Przybylski was the most popular. But i was learning more and more about HT, hairlines, importance of temples, single hairs etc. and by loooking at the reviews i understood that level of HT in Poland is poor so i decided to search clinic abroad. I found on youtube Dr Couto and i was amazed by his results, especially by his temples work. But he had so many people on waiting list that booking was closed. And when i typed i youtube "temple hair" or something similar i found video "Is this the Best Hairline Ever recreated? - By Dr Sethi and Dr Bansal". I started to watch all the videos, i was shocked that they provide so much detailed information about HT. Most clinics dont want to educate their patients about correct way of doing HT so they won't complain afterwards 😂 Finally, i found hairrestorationnetwork.com and by reading reviews learned that results presented by Eugenix are real. At this time Dr Priyadarshini was promoted to Senior, she had few reviews but positive and was gaining popularity and was in my budget. After videochat with her i decided to chose her as lead Surgeon. I landed in India week before my procedure, so i could tour for a while, safely see Taj Mahal, Qutb Minar, Red Fort and other tourist attractions. Second day of stay, i visited Eugenix for consultation with Dr Priyadarshini. Dr Das said that she thinks it's not good idea to implant hair on the crown, because it can hurt native hair. Then we talked little about hairline project and i had my first photoshoot (without drawing hairline). Then i went back to touring in India and had time to think about upcoming HT. When i got pictures from photoshoot I thought that bottom of the crown looks the weakest and messaged Dr Priyadarshini about this. We decided that we can implant some grafts there carefully. However, today i think that crown had a lot more weaker spots, especially left side. On May 3, at the day of the procedure i was in the clinic maybe 10 minutes late, Dr Das was already waiting, but she was chill and gave me a snack bar. Then she started to draw a hairline based on our earlier talks. It was little lower then i expected and i was happy about it. It was little above forehead muscles, perfect. Top line curvature was exactly that i wanted. I only asked about little smoothening of the curvature of the temples, so Dr Priyadarshini made little adjustments. We made photos, saw them on TV screen and decided to start the procedure. Procedure lasted for 9 hours including the lunch break, Anil ordered for me some pasta, thanks Dr Das has good sense of humour, so everyhing was chill. At some moment i had my eyes covered to protect from light and i heard somebody entering the room and making weird noises... This mysterious men took of the band from my eyes and it was Dr Sethi himself, he is such a troll 🤣 He had some look on the procedure and disscussed something with the crew. First day ended with 2160 grafts implanted, 655 slits for the temples ready for the implantation on the next day and 300 slits for the crown. Anil explained to me every important informations, how to sleep, use of saline etc. Then Satyam who was responsible for the logistics, called for the transport to Hilton Hotel. He also helped me too book 2 extra nights at the Hilton with corporate disscount, it was a lot cheaper then standard price. So i stayed total 4 nights after the procedure. At the Hilton Hotel i had time to look into the mirror and what i figured out? That one temple is little higher then the other. But you can ask @MazAB, You can always add more grafts to the temples 😂 And so Dr Das did, she added 65 more slits for the temples on the second day and i was relieved. "Crazy guy" - she must have thought 😅 She added 51 more slits to the crown, it was her idea 😅, so it was 351 total. Two people were impanting the temples, one man for each, it was finished within hour, all 720 grafts. This time, Rajat Sharma was my consigliere, and he is very fast-acting men. I asked him about photos, i got them 2 minutes later, asked him about some locations nearby, he provided detailed information. He has very good vibe and best hairline at the Eugenix 😄 I am first guy from Poland reviewieng Eugenix, asked them in the clinic about polish patients, they remembered only some women, interesting. 3514 grafts implanted, let's look at the photos: 2.5 months after procedure: 4 months after procedure : 5 months : 6 months : So i am happy about the front. The temples, hairline, it looks amazing. However, I am worried about the sides, specially left side, somehow didn't see this coming. Now when i look at pretransplant photos it is obvious hat left side was a lot weaker andi think we should'v implanted there some hair too... Anyway - my current regime - Minoxidil 5% daily, dutasteride daily (i switched from fin to dutasteride 3 months ago), dermapen 1.5 mm once a week. Waiting for your honest insights guys
  11. According to Eugenix, 12 months is not the final result, but 14-15 months. After 14-15 months up to 20% of transpalnted hair is entering telogen phase and this is the final result. So theoretically, density after 15 months should be worse then after 12 months.
  12. Yeah, that's surprising to see and looks very different from 1st procedure. Maybe Armen can elaborate on that. I guess Dr. Sethi became so skilled(level 99) that he can create grafts with his mind power.
  13. OMG, This is fu**ing Guiness World Record Temple Hair Transplant. I had 720 grafts transplanted for the temples and i thought that i did a lot, but 1100 total? You became LEGENDARY member of this forum Hairline looks epic, during your HT journey you decided to chose more agressive approach, but this is good, i approve. However as Uncle Ben once said, with great power(hairline) comes great responsibility. So leaving dutasteride behind is not an option in my opinion. Dutasteride once a week is minimum in this situation. You have to reduce DHT in scalp to maintain upcoming superb effect. This is not paranoia, Dutasteride is clinically proven to be better then finasteride for hairloss. One thing that you can consider is to adding topical dutasteride to your regime instead of only pills approach. I wish you the best result
  14. idk man. First topic that i open on this forum and patient is not happy. Result after 7 months doesnt look so good.
  15. Why do you want to go to Poland for HT? To save money? If you want to save money, go to India. You will save more money then in Poland and receive better quality.
  16. I think design is very good. It looks similar to this : Personally i didn't chose V-shape for myself, because i think it doesnt suit my face, i sticked to hairline which i had before balding. V-shape gives this more agressive look and due to fact that you are going to the gym too, you will look badass. New design will make your forehead something about 1/3 of face - red line 1/3, blue line 2/3, so it's textbook proportion for men's face. Touching up the temples will provide narrower forehead and less roundness, which is good. Remember to double check if temple points that i tagged with green circles to be at same level. Eugenix sometimes like to make this green points at different level to add "asymmetrical naturalness" and i dont agree with this approach. Like i agree that face is not symmetrical and they are doing great job with little asymmetricality here and there, but this green points should be at the same level, because if not, it looks weird. Yeah after 1st day of surgery i noticed that they are at different level(one green point was higher then second) and incisions were already made. But guess what, at day 2 i asked to make more incisions on the temple, so the level of green points will be the same Green point at this level will provide nice tunnel (red arrow). Your temples project is very similar to mine, i approve
  17. Dude, like everybody makes picture of the whiteboard, i did too. And some of Narmak posts are criticisising Eugenix, so it would be very uncommon advertisement 🤣
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