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Everything posted by HairTrippin

  1. Hey Gatsby, how’s the hair transplanted into the FUT scar? Did it grow, did it help conceal the scar somewhat so you can wear your hair shorter? I know you got smp on the scar does the ink difference show now that you grew your hair out?
  2. Nice! Any sides? Starting with 2.5mg and my bp has lowered and I feel ok. Sometimes I think placebo kicked in for me cause of all the tressless stuff I read. But I only been on it for two weeks.
  3. https://www.afr.com/companies/healthcare-and-fitness/the-australian-scientist-winning-the-hair-loss-battle-20220914-p5bi0i Just saw this article, reporting from Dr. Sinclair who says he’s been using it on patients for 20 years wow. Some things I didn’t quite understand is if you can wean off it if you lost hair due to stress/COVID or if you’re suffering from mpb. I think he meant from stress/COVID Also, he says it stops progression 100% and regrows 20% of what you have lost. Interesting
  4. So, do you think they take on the scalp hair characteristics? I’ve been looking into using beard grafts and wonder how they will be on my scalp
  5. Wow amazing results! Did you find that beard hair took some of the scalp hair characteristics when grafted there? Because I can’t tell which is beard hair.
  6. Yeah it was for sure around 16 hours after I took it and had my resting heart rate increase. I don’t know if it was because I just had ate a lot of food with sodium, or what. But I’m gonna keep monitoring it. I will say when I did cardio my heart rate was at the usual, so I don’t know. So many things change your heart rate, it’s hard to tell. Do you know how long it takes to get it out of your system? I know 4 hours is the half life.
  7. Thanks for the response Melvin. Just a bit worried because before OM I was checking numbers to compare and I rarely hit 90 or more while resting. I think my body needs time to adjust to it. Could be over monitoring and anxious about using OM because of all the stuff I’ve read from Reddit
  8. Been taking 2.5 Mg OM for about 5 days and been monitoring my blood pressure and heart rate. My resting heart rate has risen, is this common especially for the first days and should subside. I used to be around 65-80, now I’m around 75-102 while resting.
  9. Hey man, how’s it going with the OM? I recently started taking 2.5 Mg a couple of days ago and already my heart rate is a higher than it usually is when resting. Is this normal for the first few days and should subside? Maybe my body needs time to get used to it?
  10. Any sides? I just started 2.5mg and might up it to 5 mg soon.
  11. I just started taking it and took it at night and monitored my blood pressure and heart rate. I’m gonna see how I feel for the first couple of weeks, but after that I will probably take it before I sleep
  12. Did Sinclair say he has monitored patients using OM for more than 5 years? He’s one of the most knowledgable doctors about it. I haven’t seen any studies longer than 33 months
  13. Looks good man, still early on especially for the beard hair. Were you a nw6 or 7?
  14. How’s the first week of oral Min been for you? Any sides come up?
  15. What was his reasoning on taking 0.25mg everyday instead of 0.5mg MWF? I take 1 Mg MWF and think sometimes I should take 0.5mg everyday.
  16. How long after taking your medication did you have an alcoholic drink?
  17. When speaking to my dermatologist, he said that I can maintain the gains from OM and switch to topical. I’m not sure if this is true, but it would be nice to use OM for a while and go back to topical and maintain gains
  18. Dr. Bisanga takes OM himself, did he tell you to get on it? I wonder how many of his patients are on it
  19. With the recent popularity of Oral Minoxidil from the NYT article, OM has been gaining a lot of momentum. I would like to know from OM users a few things: 1. Any sides 2. Results 3. Dosage Thank you
  20. Did Dr. Zarev recommend any medication for your hair to maintain
  21. Do you apply minoxidil all over your donor area? If so, have you seen improvement in your donor?
  22. Has the hair implanted into your fut scars made a difference on it? I’ve been thinking about doing smp and beard hairs on my fut scar, in your experience what do you think helped most or was it a combination of both? How low can you go on a haircut without the scars showing
  23. Looking good. Did they transplant hairs into your scars which helped cover them up? Your smp looked good, what made you want to get your hair back. Sometimes I wonder if I should just go bald and smp my scar and not constantly have to worry about hair.
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