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Everything posted by HairTrippin

  1. You said you feel a calmness to you, like you’re content. Can you explain why, is it cause the fact that this has bothered you for so long and now is something you don’t have to dwell at. It’s very interesting and I’m happy for you that you’ve reached this stage!
  2. Did the beard grafts help you camouflage the fut scar more? You obviously know where they were placed, but would the common person be able to tell? Have you thought about smp on the scar
  3. Do you know how many grafts he used on the hairline? Did he lower it, or just changed how sharp it looked?
  4. Hey, I’ve had two hair transplants, but have been noticing my transplant hair seems to be getting thinner. I was wondering if finasteride or minoxidil help thicken or keep transplanted hair as is? I’ve been on topical finasteride and minoxidil for about 2 months. My hair seems to be getting worse, can’t tell if it’s seasonal shed or the topical, but I’ve been applying it almost everywhere, even on the transplanted hairs. Is there anything that helps with transplant hairs not miniaturizing?
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