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Everything posted by Bandit90

  1. Right on track for month 4! Huge cosmetic difference already, really puts into perspective the naturalness of the work versus your previous surgeries! Also very nice to hear you are getting your freedom back and not living under a cap anymore, just shows it is more than just a hair transplant you got! Look forward to next months update. Take Care Ryan!
  2. Looking great Armen! Great 12 month result, and no better test than passing the harsh out door lighting. Slightly lowering your hairline is a fantastic call and is really going to really compliment your youthful look! Roll on October brother!
  3. €7 a graft wow! I guess when your good, you charge what you like. Simple supply & demand I guess.
  4. One thing I would advise is go there with an open mind. Factor in that they may want to do this surgery over two sittings. I had a very similar inital plan whereby they wanted to do all in one sitting. But when I got there Dr Pradeep said if I was willing to do over two sitting he could knock out the park. Personally if your cool with a two phase approach, let the docs know asap, as it gives them a lot of breathing space.
  5. Cheers Alejandro! Yeah having the procedure at Delhi Clinic. Good luck with your next procedure too, you really cant go wrong with Eugenix, thats for sure!
  6. You are in best hands! Your donor is much better than mine by the looks, so i’m confident you will yield a great result too! Good luck, looking very forward to how this turns out! Will be following closely!
  7. Sure Azza! I can send you some pics through. Ive got plenty of pics of the back on previous posts in you need to take a look. Donor is looking untouched tbh!
  8. Cheers Armen my man! I I always knew it was going to be a 2/3 stage approach, so luckily I have never been phased by needing multiple procedures! Roll on next month brother!!
  9. Fingers crossed! Would be a nice feeling to sit back at the end of year knowing i've put baldness to bed!
  10. Rob Holding - Arsenal, showing off a great HT result!
  11. 5.5 Month Update I had my first hair cut at the barbers yesterday, in what was a very longg time! So I just thought I would check-in with a interim update, as will likely have to grow the donor out now as my second sitting is in six weeks time. Given where I have come from it all feels like a dream!
  12. Haha cheers Melvin. Would be amazing to have two procedures and be all done, especially given I was Norwood 7!
  13. Ah nice! Yeah, I probably wasn't a great advert for Eugenix at that time lol! Just read you HRN post, looks like some really solid work by Dr Mwamba very pleased for you man, can't wait to see how the great work unfolds. I will be watching closely!
  14. Cheers Kamran! 100% you are going through the tough part (just like I was when we met) but trust me are going to have the slickest hairline in town in three months time!! Keep positive my man, something great is about to happen!
  15. Cheers man! Im back there in October getting the crown done. Was always the plan for me to do two sitting six months apart and go for full coverage.
  16. Keep Cool Kamran… Hit the green button. You are on the decline out the ugly duckling phase, month four will here in a flash!!
  17. Now i’m five months to the date since swinging my feet off the chair at Eugenix, I wanted to share an update. Very pleased with the result. I've added a pre-transplant picture, which really put into perspective the great work by Eugenix and Dr Sethi!
  18. Norwood 6 I wish 😂.. full blown Norwood 7 me. If there was such thing as a Norwood 8 i’d be that with the reverse thinning lol!
  19. Ive attached my immediate post-op and 7 day post op. Ive ran it past @Rolandas and he seems to think it is a very good density, he recons an average between 35 to 45. He said he recons most areas are above 40cm2
  20. Very interesting! It's kinda obvious when you point it out, but something that probably isn't appreciated as it should be. Dr Bisanga is really the GOAT of transplants, I admire his results a lot!
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