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Everything posted by hairsave2021

  1. He has few years waiting list with his current prices, so from his perspective why not. There are not many doctors who could do his work. Its like asking Lebron James why he hasn't lowered his wages. Because he is one of the best ever and people are willing to pay him.
  2. I would advice you against going to a clinic with unknown reputation. Waiting 1 year or even a little bit more than a year for someone like Bicer is a much better option.
  3. Yeah, I agree with @Berba11. While it's understandable to be nervous and cautious, and it probably helped you to do more research and choose a good surgeon, if you get stressed and panic about everything that would probably not be beneficial in the long run. Also you can end up disappointed with the final result. From what I remember you went with Cuoto? If that is true then you have very high chance of everything going smoothly, but it's never guaranteed and if you don't accept that you will spend the next months in stress and that could not be good for you. Good luck. 🙂
  4. Fuegenix is a great clinic, so they are not trying to scam you or something. One reason that clinics could be suggesting more grafts is because you have great hair for your age and they can go more aggresive with the hairline. Also your natural hair density is high so if they want to match it they will need more grafts.
  5. I have the same hair as you with slight recession in the temples and I'm 27. Since you are above 40 and with very minimal hair loss you can safely get a ht if the temples bother you. Probably 1000-1500 grafts max, but even now your hair is perfectly fine.
  6. Thats actually impressive for 11 years. Its good to see more results of guys that have done surgery before 7-10+ years and that it can still look good.
  7. There is a pattern where you start losing hair from the vertex going to the hairline (the hairline remains stable in the beginning). I know a friend who has loss in the vertex, but his hairline is fine. Maybe Conte was one of those and eventually he became NW6.
  8. Dr. Zarev is probably the best for high norwoods. He will cost you 5 euro per graft, but you will have to wait 2-3 years or if you don't have problem with the price - 9 euro per graft and you can choose the date (if i remember correctly). For me he is the safest choice if you want to do a transplant at a young age, because he will predict your worst case scenario and still produce excellent results, even if you are nw6/7. Good luck.
  9. I've watched videos by Dr. Blake Bloxham and I think he said that he accepts younger patients, but you need to have realistic expectations. Also you will probably have to do FUT with him. He is recommended here and has a youtube channel where you can see some of his results, so maybe it's one to look out for. Outside of US, I have seen Eugenix doing surgeries on younger guys or dr. Zarev (but you will have to wait 2-3 years). There a few other doctors that may accept you despite the young age (doctors that can actually manage your donor well, not hair mills). By the way you speak you sound very inpatient and at 23 even if you haven't noticed much progression in the last 2-3 years, it's still very young. You have higher chance of going NW5-6, so if you are going to book a transplant do it with someone that does those type of surgeries - Zarev, Eugenix, Hattingen. And if you have to wait 2-3 years for those doctors then my advice would be to do it. Good luck.
  10. Maybe it depends who does the surgery. I believe that most of the recommended doctors here do work that lasts (even if the transplant gets a bit thinner over time). However if the transplant is not done by a world class clinic, perhaps even if the initial result is good after time because of damage to the grafts it becomes bad. But that is just a guess.
  11. Maybe SMP can be an option. I have seen some guys who have good results from it. If I was completely bald with bad donor I would have done it, but that is my opinion and would suggest to do your research. Good luck.
  12. If it progresses more without a HT he still will need a HT. My point is that there are people who are NW 3-5 and are above 40, and they would probably be better of if they do a HT than experiment with medications. Unless of course you want to get a George Clooney type of hair into your grave then sure wait until 65.
  13. He is 45. His case is not difficult and if he can't do a hair transplant then no one can.
  14. I have booked a consultation with him for the end of March. As I am from Bulgaria it was easy to find him, but you have to wait 9-10 months. If it goes as planned, I can ask him how things work for patients from abroad.
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