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Everything posted by Fox243

  1. Hair Transplants are a risk — not worth the chance of failure when you have this much hair imho.
  2. Looks really good -- are you on any meds? How many grafts do you have left in case?
  3. Would love if you could get the Dr’s opinion on how it looks visually – like were the hairs regrown terminal or vellus hairs? Does this actually look like a cure?
  4. Generally, shouldn't be an issue if you're conservative with your approach, which it seems that you are.
  5. I'd either go on finasteride while I had enough hair worth saving or would go for a hair system such that people wouldn't know that I transitioned.
  6. Would also love to hear about possible ways to improve upon the first trial, i.e. higher dosage, more uniform injection, computer imaging/tattooing to better see potential regeneration, etc. I think it’d be especially interesting if you extracted ALL follicles in a small (say 5 mm) area so we can see if any follicles undoubtedly grow in that area after injecting Verteporfin.
  7. It's not like the control site has every single hair follicle taken out from what I understand -- that would look weird.
  8. Based on this, what % of extracted hair follicles do you estimated potentially regrew?
  9. I'm going to be a NW7, but don't want a super high hairline as it would look unnatural since I'm in my early 20s. Is it possible to use beard hair in my midscalp so that I can have a lower hairline?
  10. Would love to hear if there’s any update or potential date for an update.
  11. I'm curious to see how it looked visually -- wondering if you have any photos, and how much you think it might've improved since the last update in November.. It's been a while since the last update, so I'd assume the healing process is basically complete.
  12. That is not true. Also, Sirnagen was approved as a cosmetic by the EU -- it's so safe that it didn't even have to go through trials. Sirnagen also knows people will not take the drug if there are any sides because people are only taking it b/c they don't wanna take finasteride.
  13. I’m very excited for this – sides free and 80% efficacy as fin.
  14. I just saw the donation reach – this is insane. Stay tuned – we’ll have an update for you shortly about how we’re going to use your money.
  15. This looks cool especially for the number of grafts used – interested in seeing how this turns out density-wise. Are you on meds? Did they recommend beard grafts?
  16. I’m curious on whether he thinks FUT is still the best way for NW7. Does he with today’s technology, almost anyone is a candidate if they’re using FUT + FUE + BHT (besides people with DUPA or something)?
  17. Curious if you had the dark circles/skin aging on topical min.
  18. Wow, if they're able to make this look good with 5300 grafts, that'll be probably the most insane transformation I've seen in my life. Fingers crossed. Which package did you use btw?
  19. I was told he was booked till Jan 2025 for a consultation. Has that changed?
  20. The old follicles would presumably be too damaged to regrow since they were already weakened through DHT but potentially eliminated through the invasiveness of a HT procedure. This is why one of the exclusion criteria for the trials is not having had a HT.
  21. Personally, I'd elect for Eugenix or Medispa based on the results I've seen. Dandruff wouldn't be an issue. You've already balded a lot, so it may not be as necessary as long as you have realistic goals, but I would recommend trying out finasteride/minoxidil to see if you can get to a place where you don't need a transplant.
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