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Posts posted by Marko7t4

  1. Would you consider maybe getting your crown or front done first and then saving up for the other mate?  It’s probably a good option as then you can spend your whole budget just on one area, with a decent doctor. Get yourself on Finasteride to stop and further loss too. I’d also consider getting a quote from someone who you might not be able to afford, such as Dr Bisanga/Dr Sethi, just so they can give you an honest opinion and help manage expectations. Hair mills will tell you whatever you want to hear, but that’s not always going to be the truth. 

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  2. Hair loss can be a daunting thing for a lot of men. Trying to hide it for years, then getting a HT will make someone feel insecure, because men are expected to be a certain way, act a certain way, look a certain way. It’s just the way society is. Men will take the piss out of each other for the slightest thing, whereas women tend to support each other (then just talk about each other behind their backs 😂). I always felt insecure about my hair loss, but once I decided I needed a HT, I just embraced it and told whoever wanted to know, and some people who didn’t. My wife has a friend who had a boob job. She got nothing but support and compliments from all of her friends about it. Unfortunately men tend not to be like that. However, I’ve noticed that since I had my HT, my friends have actually started complimenting it, rather than ripping me to shreds about it. 

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  3. 12 months update. Here’s a couple of recent photos. I’ve used my daughter’s hair band to put the front back. There’s still a lack of density, especially on the left, but I can hide that by combing it in certain ways. However, I used to use coming tricks to hide my balding sections before my HT, so wasn’t expecting to have to carry on doing that following my HT also. The doctor said the crown can take up to 18 months to mature, so I’m hoping that they will still fill out a bit more. 






  4. 52 minutes ago, Thebaldingman said:

    Here is a picture I’ve just seen on David Beckhams Instagram and you can see his hair looks very see through at the front, Lighting plays a big part on what hair looks like



    You can definitely see that he’s had work done On that photo. 

  5. 15 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:


    Hair Transplants will never be perfect, there will always be weaknesses. I think your hair looks DAMN good. You should be very happy. 

    I definitely agree with you @Melvin- Moderator that it looks good. My only issue is the lack of density. I learned to be a master manipulator of my hair to hide my hair loss many years ago, as I’m sure a lot of people on this forum did. Here is a picture with my hair back, and then my hair messed up. When messed up, I think you’d struggle to tell that I’d had a HT, but the lack of density is pretty evident. I’ve got every faith that the Dr will address this for me in time, but I’ve seen many pictures on the forum of people with their hair combed up and the density is fantastic. If I had my hair combed up, it would look like my hair is thinning quite badly in the areas where I had a HT




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