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Posts posted by Marko7t4

  1. 58 minutes ago, JC71 said:

    To be honest, yes I would be a little concerned at this stage. Not to say it won’t improve as you still have at least another 4 months to go. But normally you would be expecting better growth/density at this point.

    Have you been Im contact with the clinic ? Just curious on what their feedback is. 

    Thanks mate. I appreciate the honesty. The clinic put me on minoxidil a couple of months ago. When I sent pictures last month I got a response asking if I was taking fin/min and using Nizoral shampoo, which sort of implied that they thought it should be further along than it was. I know Dr Arshad is great with follow ups and top ups, etc, but I would’ve rather had a decent result in the first place instead of having to have more surgery. 

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  2. 46 minutes ago, Jon Goodall said:

    Yes mate here's the recent ones I posted earlier this week at bang on month 8. It's still gotta thicken out more but is really coming on now. I think i'm on par with most people at month 8 hopefully.

    That first crown pick is slightly older but with really harsh lighting. The last one is 2 mins ago. 






    That’s looks really good mate. Mine certainly isn’t that far along. 

  3. Congratulations Jon and I’m glad you’re so pleased with the result. I’m 7 months post op with Dr Arshad and it’s good to see a positive post on here about his work. Hoping mine turns out well, but I know that Dr Arshad will continue to support my HT journey if the results don’t turn out as well as expected. 

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  4. Six and a half months. Post shower pics. Left side is looking denser than the right, but obviously there’s still a lot of time to grow. Minoxidil seems to be helping. Want to dye my hair desperately but advised in doctors post op leaflet to leave it for 12 months. 




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  5. 24 minutes ago, Whipaway said:

    I hope your happy with progress .

    how many grafts did you have 

    3000 but that included crown mate. It’s fine at the moment and there’s still 6 months to go. This is what it’s like when it not wet (and when I’ve just got out of bed 😃)


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  6. 24 minutes ago, Whipaway said:

    44 years old Norwood 3.

    Slowly lost hair for 15 - 20 years.

    no meds and seems to be pretty stable at the moment 

    Start on Finasteride to stop any further loss. You can get it pretty cheap online. I think 6 month supply was about £60. 

  7. 13 hours ago, theshape1122 said:



    I am going for a consultation tomorrow with the Hair Dr to plan my Touch Up appointment, no real growth of progress since my last update, so hoping the free touch up will fill up the areas still lacking density on the hairline.


    Will update tomorrow after my consultation!

    Keep us updated mate. They’ve put me on Minoxidil after 5 months. 

  8. 30 minutes ago, follically challenged said:

    Haha. And how did the HT go?

    How did you respond to such comments before booking in for a HT? And would you say such comments as his was the final straw which made you book in for it?

    I’d already booked my HT anyway but it just made me think that I’d made the right decision. If you click on my name you can see my progress on my post The Hair Dr, Leeds. I’m 5 and a half months post op and happy so far. Just started minoxidil to help with growth. 

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