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Posts posted by deeznuts

  1. 2 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    I believe most choose the premium package where Dr. Arika does most of the surgery with assistance from other doctors, not technicians. It’s still very affordable if you’re coming from Europe or the states at less than $3 a graft. That said, if and when I go ill probably choose the one with Dr. Sethi. 

    Are you planning another transplant? I'd love to hear about your thought process on picking a clinic

  2. 4 hours ago, JohnAC71 said:

    Not a issue at all. It’s quite usual to see the techs placing the grafts. It’s more unusual that the Dr will be placing them. 

    I think Eugenix uses implanters with premade slits right? Is the work break down still the same when using implanters? I think in Spain, the doctor is the one using the implanter pen while the techs load it. 

  3. Yeah that's textbook NW7 imo. The lateral humps are gonna go and the crown dips way low. You can really see a classic horseshoe developing.

    1 hour ago, ThunderBoy said:

    Yea that's what I thought. I can't possibly lose much more hair that this point and I heard this norwood 6-7 is the ideal candiate for a transplant because I already know my pattern of hair loss. and I don't think I have got unpatterned diffusion thinning as my father and grandparents still have their donor hair

    Well, NW7 isn't exactly the ideal candidate. You have less donor hair available and a large area to cover. Plus, it's gonna be expensive to cover an entire scalp... That's gonna be 6, 7 or 8k grafts. Throw in some body hair as well. And maybe SMP. You could end up spending a ton of cash

    Like everyone else said, do a consultation with Eugenix but trying to fix it will require you to lower your expectations, shell out some serious cash, and be ready to spend a few years going down the hair transplantation path

  4. 11 hours ago, JohnAC71 said:

    De Freitas is a excellent choice. His hairlines are pretty amazing. Is he worth waiting for ? Absolutely ! It’s not like a Dr Couto situation where you could be waiting for years 😂

    Look forward to seeing your review, albeit next year 😉

    I was actually expecting to wait lol. All the doctors I consulted with had wait lists. H&W I think was probably close to a year as well I think? Couto's wait list is not as bad as people make it out to be though still monstrous.

    I shot a message to Dr. Couto out of due diligence and his rep basically said they're opening consultations starting next year. If you're lucky, I think the consult might take a year for him to get back to you? Then surgery the year after but don't quote me on that last part. All I know for sure is that he's opening consultations beginning of next year. Could possibly have a transplant by 2023/2024. 

    I'm looking forward to sharing my results. I feel like I owe it to the community since everyone here's been super helpful. I just hope Dr. De Freitas doesn't mind someone named DeezNuts leaving him a review... 

  5. 29 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    I’m glad to hear you’re getting it done with Dr. De Freitas. I look forward to seeing your review 👏🏼

    You might have to wait like 9 months lol. They're tentatively giving me a date in the middle of May. I'd love to do a writeup but all I'd have to write about right now is just consultation stuff.

    Dr. De Freitas seemed like a no brainer to me. He just has page after page of guys coming out of their transplant with NW1s. I found a ton of results of him working with my hair type/hair quality getting the end result I wanted (NW1) from similar starting points. It almost seems like his whole clinic just has guys coming out with perfect hairlines lol.

    Money wasn't really the major contributing factor since I had enough savings to pay for H&W or maybe even Konior if I really wanted... Though I'm not sure I could have comfortably paid for Konior... (Can anyone?). So picking Dr. De Freitas wasn't really heavily motivated by money. He really just had great results and the value aspect of it came second. But that's not to say Dr. De Freitas didn't also offer exceptional value as well which I found to be a major boon. My only gripe is that Dr. De Freitas doesn't accept AMEX. If only Dr. De Freitas accepted AMEX... I could've paid for a vacation in Spain with the rewards points...


    • Haha 2
  6. On 7/30/2021 at 11:34 AM, Brandonatill said:

    Hey check out the procedure i had done with Dr Rahal, maybe this will help you decide on a surgeon. Basically what he had done was a whole frontal band for my hairline, that was 2 and a half years ago, the density feels and looks great to!


    Nice. I saw your result and TorontoMan's too. I was really impressed by Rahal but his reps just ruined it for me. I filled out some form on Rahal's website and the guy called me on a Saturday morning trying to get my photos. I think he sent like 2 or 3 follow up emails too. Just couldn't go to a clinic like that. Rahal's reps really stuck out to me as a bit unprofessional imo. It almost felt like they were trying to sell me a timeshare instead of a medical procedure. I had really great experiences with Dr. De Freitas's reps as well as H&W's so shout out to those guys. 

    I'm actually in the process of going with Dr. De Freitas. I've just about reserved a spot but I just can't figure out how to earn credit card rewards on a bank transfer lol. But once that happens, I'll probably have a date set. I figure if I'm spending ~11k or so, I might as well get some points out of it. I thought about posting a thread but I'm like 9 months out at this point

  7. 12 hours ago, Dr. Suhail Khokhar said:

    You should try oral finasteride first and if you're getting side effects, switch to topical finasteride or topical dutasteride. The chances of side effects from oral finasteride are about 5% based on published data. My personal experience with my patients coincides with the published data as well. 

    Is there a reason you wouldn't just do topical dut from the start? I mean if there are less side effects like claimed, then wouldn't it be superior?

    • Like 1
  8. I've seen results where patients go from looking NW5 to NW0. They definitely exist. So to me that's not an impossible result.

    The way I see it is that most clinics and even hair mills are not incapable of getting good results. Clinics will get good results and bad results all the time. Maybe one patient might get really lucky with the harvesting and have close to 0 transected grafts for example. Maybe you luck into the star technician who happens to deliver fairly consistently.

    The biggest thing imo is the consistency of results. Even the worst player on the French national team can score a goal, but only the best players are scoring consistently. 

    Hair transplants are kinda like penalty kicks, you only get a few chances to make it, so it makes no sense to send out your worst player or even an average player when you can send out your best payers. So don't be like England

  9. On 7/23/2021 at 3:30 PM, Nickpatay12 said:

    I’m actually going to do a consultation with her sometime next week. Is she as good as Raymond konior? Also I plan on taking propecia as long as possible. I think I’m ready for a hair transplant. She told me I’d need around 1500-2000 grafts but she would need to see in person. Any other doctors I should consult with? Who did you get your transplant from ? Thanks for the advice 

    Dr. Nadimi is Konior's protege... So I'd say probably not. And Konior has a pretty good argument for the best transplant doctor in the US. So I'd say she's not as good as Konior because it's arguable that no one is as good as Konior. Maybe Konior is Trout and Nadimi is Ohtani lol. 

    On 7/10/2021 at 12:43 PM, Curious25 said:

    You actually present with quite an interesting and unusual loss pattern - your temples seem to have maintained somewhat, however your frontal forelock and mid scalp area show the signs of the most extensive loss. May be more of a ludwig scale loss pattern. Again - all the more reason to book in for in person consults with top surgeons, and have an expert fully examine you. 

    All the best 

    I've actually seen some people with a bit of loss in the forelock. Usually it's just a smidge where maybe there's a spot missing and you don't really notice it unless you're paying attention to it lol. I think Ludwig scale is just diffuse thinning throughout though never truly going bald. His pattern looks kinda like a 3A/4A... Just the way it thinned out looks really unusual. 

  10. On 7/20/2021 at 4:33 PM, rishibostonian said:

    New York actually. Direct from Newark to Delhi.


    4A-ish I'd say. Had slight retrograde alopecia near the nape and ears as well


    No. Asian.

    Are you South Asian? I think South Asian hair would probably be more along the lines of Caucasian hair wouldn't it? I think when talking about hair, Asian usually refers to East/SE Asia. 

    Just wondering cause your username is Rishi and I've never seen an East/SouthEast Asian with that much hair on the back of their hand man

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