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Everything posted by Z--

  1. Was looking through some older threads, and stumbled on this gem. Not sure if you're still around azza, but I'm really happy things worked out for you. You look 10000x better with SMP. I hope younger guys get visibility into this thread because it's so important. Hairloss in the 20s is super unpredictable, unfortunately. When I'm feeling down, I look at threads like this and am reminded how others handled these types of situations with grace, and if need be, alternative solutions. Hair transplants aren't a one size fits all. Shame on the doctor for not turning you away at 19! Anyways, on a positive note, you're looking better than ever with the SMP. Please keep us updated and let us know where you're going from here (e.g. hair pieces, more SMP, additional transplants, etc.). Cheers.
  2. I don't think this is a fake review, but OP, I'd be really careful about returning to ASMED. It isn't the same as it was 4 years ago -- lots of bad results after 2018, imo.
  3. I think H&W and Hattington do FUT, though the former may only be willing to do FUE now?
  4. Very nice! You went to one of the absolute best. Glad to see another Couto case on here -- I'm sure it'll be great.
  5. I'd just be careful. I'm not sure of your age, but diffuse thinning usually means you'll be chasing hair loss until most (or all) the hair on top has fallen out. It's unfortunately very progressive. Your last transplant might be fairly successful, it's just that the native hairs had fallen out in that time, idk. You look young in the photos -- there's never any harm in waiting it out a bit.
  6. You'll need multiple transplants I think. Probably one for frontal density and another to deal with the crown. Depends on the doctor, but I'd check out H&W and Eugenix as they handle higher Norwood cases. Good luck!
  7. Agreed ^ Congrats on the result! Even if I'm not the clinics fan, I must admit it's really top class result here. Also wanted to thank you for posting it here for the reasons you mention!
  8. It depends. If it's crown work, yeah it'll grow plenty in that time. I think the frontal less so. That said, I do think the marginal improvements around months 9 - 12 can add quite a bit in terms of appearance. I really wouldn't judge a transplant until month 8 imo. It's usually clear by then from the stuff I see on here.
  9. Np! Glad you found the forum. I'll keep an eye out for the photos. Understood on the goal, and I think with $5 a graft, it should open you up to many of the elite the European doctors. I'd honestly drop the North American ones that that range. If it's repairing, Bisanga/Mwamba/Feriduni are all close by and strike me as good options. I do think repairs are a more expensive, but if it's just repairing, it might still be in a reasonable price range -- usually people try to get coverage on top of the repair, which might explain the pricing.
  10. Looking like another Eugenix success. Will be keeping an eye out!
  11. Amazing so far. Looking forward to this one!
  12. @SimpleLife-- many of the doctors you've listed are top quality and indicate you did good research. I think you might be a bit young at 24 (depending on loss especially). Can you let us know what your ideal timing and budget are? That would cull the list significantly because American are on the higher end, and some elite European doctors charge around $5 a graft. So if you've got 2000 grafts needed, you're looking at least $10,000 for European doctors and with the top North American doctors (usually around $7-8 a graft) going to around $15,000 on average for that number of grafts. The North American doctors you listed are all very good and you can't go wrong with them imo, but just keep in mind they tend to be more expensive. Timing is also important because Konior, Couto, Feriduni and Zarev have long wait times (1 - 2 years minimum). Might be a good thing given your age and speaks to their demand/quality, but that's something you'll need to prioritize and decide whether its worth it. A picture of your hair as-is would also really help because some of the doctors listed are better for high norwoods (e.g. H&W, Eugenix, Pittella), whereas others I've seen (like Mwamba, Konior and Couto) have excellent repair cases. Dr. Barghouthi has some great experience with Middle Eastern men, so something to consider as well. I don't know if Zarev takes repair cases. Bicer is the only one I'd look into in Turkey, but if you have the budget and given her office's non-response, you have other solid options outside the country. Like I said, you did great research and have a wonderful list, but I'd focus on culling it down to five or so doctors who are best for your case. Let us know if we can help! Edit: of that list, I haven't seen anything on Kesser, Sahinoglu, Maitlandm or Lapuanzula. I don't think I'd risk a repair with them. Look into Bisanga too and you should be okay.
  13. Feel free to post it. It doesn't change that a 22 year old with seemingly minimal hair loss has no business undergoing a hair transplant. Even at 15 years down the line, he'd only be 37. What about ages 37 - 60? How can you assess whether he'll be in the majority? You can't. How can you tell if he won't have side-effects down the line? You can't. It's too speculatory. Unless he's already a NW6-7, any ethical doctor worth their salt won't take a guy in early 20s with potential for aggressive hairloss down the line. Like I said, best of luck, especially if you're a young guy yourself and admiring results of professional actors who have loads of make-up artists to assist them on their outings.
  14. If you believe this, I wish you the best of luck. I'd recommend searching the forum as tons of guys on Fin lose ground. There's a reason many turn to Dutasteride after using Finasteride for years. With all due respect, I'd really advice against pushing young guys to get hair transplants when you're spreading incorrect info.
  15. Cool that's until hair loss progresses. And that youthful hairline has balding behind it. You'll be chasing through your 20s and waste the donor if you're headed for NW6+. It's kind of silly to do one at that age. 1000 grafts can make a big difference down the line, esp. if used in the wrong place and need repair. OP avoid doing this now. I really think you'll regret it. Trust people who had it done around your age like @Gatsby who can speak from experience.
  16. Ignore the above. Both are really good doctors. Go with the one you feel more comfortable with and who seems to be more aligned with your goals.
  17. Agreed with Eran. A good doctor is hugely important, and Bicer certainly is, but donor is also critical. @tokerutaichouif I recall you had a decent beard right? Hopefully you can leverage too. With the level of loss 2 surgeries were a minimum for full density -- perhaps even three. Good luck!
  18. Hi @garcimore75-- any updates? Would love to hear how the call went + your decision. Cheers mate!
  19. If you get a Couto appointment, you ought to take it. He's easily one of the best.
  20. Major red flag for a doctor to make that ask... Please post photos. Honestly, around month 8 it becomes abundantly clear unless crown (which is probably clear past the one year mark) if the transplant is on course to succeed or fail. Edit: this forum has plenty of doctors who are active, ethical and can give you their opinion. So it's only to your benefit to post the photos to get an unbiased opinion.
  21. This will probably get you banned here ^^ It's no better than when a doctor only offers a refund or touch-up if someone removes a bad review. It ruins the integrity of the forum tbh
  22. Looking great! Scar is hardly visible. I'm sure you'll have a full head of hair soon!
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