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Posts posted by cpfm

  1. Hi all,

    Long time lurker and occasional poster here.

    I've been contemplating the use of minoxidil (oral) in relation to a hair transplant, and I'd love to get some insights from the community.

    Here are some arguments for both sides:

    **Using Minoxidil Before Hair Transplant:** (1) **Strengthen Existing Hair**, (2) **Delay the Need for Transplant** (3) **Maximize Donor Area Usage** 

    **Using Minoxidil After Hair Transplant:** (1) **Enhance Transplanted Hair Growth** (2) **Minimize Shock Loss** (3) **Overall Improvement** 

    As for me personally, I'm on Fin for 6 years and I've mostly maintained. Lately my hair is starting to look thin and I've noticed an increase in shedding.

    This could be because of stress and that i had COVID a few weeks back and since the seasons change now I will wait a few weeks before i make judgment.

    I plan to get an hair transplant in the future but wasn't sure about when is the RIGHT time to add another treatment - could be minoxidil, dut or even RU.

    Thank you for your time and replies!

    • Like 1
  2. On 6/19/2021 at 1:10 AM, win200 said:

    Hey! Thanks for mentioning me. So far, so good--I've been using it for a few months and I'm really not losing any hair at all. I am still on Avodart 3x/week, though. I'm keeping the Avodart for now because my doctor prescribed testosterone supplementation and I don't want that to nuke my hair, but worth noting that on Avodart with no testosterone supplementation, my DHT levels are unmeasurable. They're now at 45 on testosterone even with Avodart, and I'm not losing any hair--that means that the topical is probably doing a lot of loss prevention right now.

    Thanks for the update! Wonder how much is due to oral vs topical in this case.

    Shame there is no studies on this.

  3. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Have you compared your hair loss in the past 5 years? Can you share those pictures. Also, how long have you been on fin?

    Yeah I will try and edit some pictures. 4 years total on Fin.

    The hair loss was resumed only this year with some temple recession and some slight crown thinning.

    It's not bad but I can feel my hair is less thick and dense compared to where I was after two years of Fin.

  4. Hi all,

    I would like to get your opinions about some thoughts I have and I'm unsure how to proceed.

    Quick recap of my story:

    Caught my MPB early and started Fin. For the first two years my hair loss was pretty much stabilized.

    I started taking an SSRI and I was paranoid it was making me lose hair so after about a year I gradually started to taper down and then stopped completely for about six months.

    To my surprise, I began to feel an itch and my hair became very oily (same as pre fin days) also had pimples around my hairline and frontal third. Started shedding a lot of hairs - short and long.

    I've began searching and found out this might be reflex hyperandrogenic and was about to give up.

    Figured I might as well get back on my SSRI and just like that the itch and pimples disappeared but my hair was still oily, maybe less. Shedding also decreased and I stopped shedding short hairs.

    This all happen in the past years and my hair took a hit - temples receded and crown got a little thinner. Still better than before I started Fin but I still lose more than before and the oil is driving me nuts.

    So now to my dilemma - I've been wanting to get a hair transplant for like the past 5 years but now I'm afraid my hair loss is not stabilized and this might compromise my results.

    As I see it my options are:

    1. Wait to see my final form on Fin and hold off transplant for a couple of years;

    2. Get a hair transplant now and see how it will hold up;

    3. Try adding Duta one or twice a week to see if my hair loss stabilize again.

    I would love to hear your opinions on my story and offer me some advice because I'm really confused.

    Thank you for reading this far!

  5. On 2/12/2021 at 2:34 PM, De Freitas Clinic said:

    We appreciate your comment and question.

    This patient follows a personalized treatment based on finasteride and dutasteride.

    Best regards.

    Sorry for the late response to this but great thread (as always).

    I've been looking at some of your posts and I've seen that the Dr likes to combine Fin and Dut.

    Any reasons for that? do the Dr recommends adding one Dut pill to Fin? or just using Dut?

    Thank you in advance!

  6. On 5/17/2021 at 12:30 PM, mustang said:

    Hey Guys,

    So it's round 3 and FINAL of BHT with Dr Mwamba into the donor on 2 separate days. I am hoping or 600 BHT. That will total 2.100 BHT into the donor area.

    I recently had some FUE and they managed to extract 1.250 grafts after a surgeon from the same clinic told me my donor was depleted and I could not have more surgery done 2 years ago.

    I PROMISE I will create a separate thread for my recipient area and all my surgeries but I want to keep this thread about using BHT to restock donor areas overharvested from FUE has I know already of 4 guys that have had this done after reading this thread with great results and this is quite unique approach. I hope that is OK!

    Anyways, I am sure SMP can do the job of hiding these scars but since I love having surgery (as you can tell) and have some BHT left let's do it.

    I have a notorious red spot at the back of my head since birth so I would be cool to take some measurements, count the hairs there and re-count in 6 months to asses survival.





    200 BHT MWAMBA.jpg

    Didn't you just went to Dr. Ferreira?


  7. 2 minutes ago, 116610 said:

    I'm based in NY and need a 3,500 graft FUE transplant. I have booked and rescheduled multiple times with Hasson & Wong in Canada due to Covid travel restrictions. It doesn't seem like the border is going to open up anytime soon and I want to get the procedure done this summer. I'm not too concerned about price, I am looking for a good surgeon and clinic. What is the US equivalent of Hasson & Wong? I'm looking for a clinic that will have the actual doctor involved in the procedure. 



    Dr. Konior in Chicago would be equivalent (some will say even better). Check out his work, you'll be impressed.

    Good luck!

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    I have some insight that we might have the results of the topical fin and dut sooner than a few years. Can’t divulge much else, but it’s coming out soon.

    Wow! this sounds interesting!

    I've been contemplating ordering topical dut but since I didn't see any "real" results I didn't pull the trigger yet.

    Dr. Wong reply to you was indeed interesting..

    Hope soon is tomorrow! 😂

  9. 17 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    What intrigued me the most was his thoughts on crown hair restoration. He said before they said the crown was a black hole. But now, he doesn’t feel the same, based on his technique he can get good visible density with 1,500-3,000 grafts. He also confirmed that the reason why grafts yield low in the crown is the blood supply is poor. He has a technique for preserving blood vessels. Overall, I’m super intrigued and want to pay him a visit once the border opens up to here more about this technique. 

    Thanks for the interesting Live! Loving the series.

    Would love to see a Live with Dr. Mwamba about HT's and about Topicals (FIN, DUT, MIN) since he sells them and hopefully have data to support Dr. Wong claims about topical duta.

    • Like 1
  10. 20 hours ago, mcr7777 said:

     No hair doesn't grow back if lost to LPP - that's why it's important to get diagnosed early if you think you might have it. A lot of people seem to be completely unaware of lichen planopilaris (like I was)  and even derms and doctors frequently misdiagnose it.  

    The digital microscope is useful as there are certain details you can see only with the microscope (e.g. scale around the follicles).  Seb derm is another possible cause but I don't think this generally causes as much hair loss and maybe less intense pain/burning compared with LPP.

    Thank you for your input and knowledge.

    I think I also need to pay a visit to a derm.

    Question though - will using Nizoral (Keto) help or reduce inflammation?

    • Like 1
  11. 5 hours ago, Curious25 said:

    Im sure this thread will have a spike of interest again after last nights Instagram live with Dr Wong. 

    Where are all these other patients and studies and results that must be making these docs so excited about this then? 

    More information and more patient threads and reviews would be great. 

    Yeah, exactly what I wrote a few comments before. It looks promising but I haven't seen any documented results besides mustang.

  12. 3 hours ago, Panamera13 said:

    Im NW7 and I have ordered it but haven't received it. So will apply once a week and try for 3 months and see how it goes. I request others who are using it to submit results as well.

    Thank you!

    I saw some posts on reddit with someone who started a vlog but he stopped posting:


    Other then that, only saw mustang creating threads and spreading the word via various forums:




    Didn't find any real results I'm afraid.


  13. On 4/19/2021 at 4:35 PM, mustang said:

    I know some surgeons who have hundreds of patients on it as well as oral minoxidil and you don't hear much either



    It reminds me of the one Australian study about adding Avodart once a week.

    Again, like I said before, no knock on you but I would love to see some other documanted results. 

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