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Everything posted by LaserCaps

  1. Listen to Gatsby.....Each area of the head has very specialized hair. The hair that comes from the donor area is perhaps the coarsest you have. It will stick out like a sore thumb and then regret. Try a medical regimen that might help you not only with retention but perhaps even enhancement of the native hair.
  2. Try Costco online. About $24 for a 3 month supply and a bit less if you're a member. These are 1mg tabs
  3. My first question, what did you experience with Saw Palmetto? If your results were "terrific," I would stick to it. If not, make the switch and give the med 1 year to see what you experience. It typically takes this long to confirm if there will be enhancement of the native hair. And, if you get off of it, you'll lose what you would have lost had you not been on the medication.
  4. All modalities have been around for years. All you suggest has already been done - and it's well documented. If the med had just been introduced, I would give some merit to your comments. Bet in the next decade will find more pro and against info regarding the use of meds.
  5. Unfortunately doctors have no choice but to rely on the info provided to them by the manufacturer's rep. Is there also research involved? Sure. What would you have done differently? And the rep works under the umbrella of the doctor and what he decides. And this applies to the entire medical community and drug manufacturers. Guess we have millions of morons out there.....
  6. Years ago, when I was in the industry, we would have monthly meetings with the Merck rep. We learned there is more testosterone with the med than without. So my approach has always been, "I am going to perform better - and with hair). Never had an issue. If, from the get go you think there is going to be an issue - there will probably be one. Is the side effect real? It can happen. I've seen it happen - similar to what you've described. First, speak with a doctor, (hopefully a knowledgeable one). Second, try combinations. Every other day, etc. If the issue continues, perhaps move on. There are other modalities we typically discussed when addressing the issue. Rogaine, PRP and Laser. Perhaps consider doing some if not all of these. It's been proven using multiple modalities can yield better results.
  7. It truly takes 3-4 months for the graft to "re-establish" itself. The hair will then start growing, very thin to start and mature at about the 12 month period. Sometimes this can take up 1o 18 months. From time to time the hair will continue growing from the get go but not often. So you should not be seeing anything at this point. Could you have experienced a bit of shock loss? Perhaps. Typically this will will also return at about the 3-4 month period. What you are experiencing is normal. Take a set of photos and take another at 1 year. It is just too early.
  8. The quality of your hair does not seem to be very good. Despite your hair being plenty long, there is still an area, (particularly towards the middle), where you can kind of see through. You may be experiencing a degree of global thinning. I would encourage you to consult with a doctor and discuss medical therapy. I think you have a lot of native hair you can not only save but perhaps even improve. If you stop whatever regimen you are doing, it is likely you'll end up with a very advanced pattern and not much donor. And please, stay on it.
  9. Dipping down in the back, we refer to it as a "very deep pattern," with little to no donor left. Normally people that have that type of pattern tend to keep a forelock, (diamond like-if you play cards), and little else. So, let's say you do no medical therapy and end up being a deep 6, it would behoove you to consider working the frontal third so at least you have framing to your face - and still keep a pattern appropriate result.
  10. Let your hair grow for 2-3 weeks without cutting and repost. This might just be a haircut issue. I am more concerned about the redness if your donor. Is it itchy? Have you visited a dermatologist? All else looks fine. Pls post photos of your entire head. I think you are dealing with contrast issues and nothing else.
  11. There is no set date. And it can happen to other classifications as well. Plan for the future? Never really thought about it in those terms. If you have no history of hair loss and you have huge amounts of hair, why would you even worry about it? But, everyone in your family is bald, then OK. So my first question, are you experiencing any loss? How old are you? Do you have family history of hair loss? Most doctors in the industry tend to believe that patterns do not show themselves until the mid 20's. The reason is caution. You do not want to start transplants too early because this can truly lead into a disaster. Consider an 18 year old who is starting to mature the hairline. Goes to a transplant doctor who fills in the temporal areas. 5 years later the patient loses the rest of his hair and is only left with two horns worth of hair. So what can you do? Medical therapy is typically the correct course. Propecia/Finasteride, Rogaine/Minoxidil, PRP and Laser are the modalities we normally discussed when dealing with this condition. Have you met with any doctor regarding the issue? Consider posting photos of your entire head. There are many people here who can share their opinion and provide some guidance.
  12. If the recommended dosage is 1mg per day, why would you take 1.25 every other day? Side effects? Seems you are not experiencing any as it has already been discussed. Splitting because of the 5mg tab, OK fine. But now Fin is available as 1mg. Costco online charges just over $24 for a 3 mo supply. Perhaps taking the med as prescribed might improve things. There is an important element in all of this. Shedding and hair loss and the ongoing ignorance about the difference. Most will talk, (and freak out), about all the hair they see on the pillow, sink, floor etc. This is normal. The follicle gets tired of producing hair and it goes into a dormant period. 3-4 mo later that hair will return. This will happen randomly to every hair on your head. That hair typically returns. Hair loss is different, you don't see it. Go under a bright light and look at your temporal areas. You'll notice the shaft of each strand. Some thick, some thin, some so thin you can't hardly see them. This is what we refer to as miniaturization. Eventually the hair withers away and disappears. That's hair loss. 250 hairs a day? Most believe 100 is the norm. Stress? Perhaps a coincidental issue you are dealing with that's causing the problem. I would discuss with your doctor. Have you tried adding any other modality to the mix?
  13. Correct, I do not sell anything. I agree, skepticism is important. If I do end up returning to the industry I'll make sure to note it on the signature. Santa would be a nice name.....
  14. "If you had come to our clinic and had a met with you," I worked for Bosley for 15 years, worked for Advanced Hair Restoration for a few years, and worked for Dr. Arocha for a few years. I am not currently in the industry and I am selling nothing. I am here for support and to educate the ignorant and those who need help. A lot of miss-information out there. If you had come to our clinic - back when I was a rep, and I had met with you........ Totally my fault for the lack of a description. With regards to my name, I am sorry you feel it is a "little suspect." I use LaserCap and I believe in it. That's why I chose the name. Again, I am not a consultant in the industry and have no clinic. I am not selling a damn thing. Are you clear or do you need any other info?
  15. This is somewhat confusing. And unfortunately the photo is blocked by the borders of the window. If you go to the Norwood chart, go to class 5 and, with a pencil, draw in the hair as the the photo shows. If the photo you posted is representative of your current status, you are thinning the entire front and not just the temporal areas. Hopefully you are doing some type of medical therapy as you have a significant amount of native hair. 2000-2500? Consult with a a few doctors and see what they tell you.
  16. Hi Marvin, About a year ago I had many issues with my computer, lost all passwords, etc. I chose to sign in with the new name, Lasercaps, (S at the end). I am not sure how to add experience in the signature. I am not currently working in the industry nor am I a rep for anyone. If this changes I will let you know and make the change in my profile. I am actually looking for a position currently. Thanks, Al
  17. Excellent. I am curious about the PRP. How much blood did they draw and how often do you need to return to do it again?
  18. Being self aware was probably what had the most effect on you. If you had come to our clinic and had a met with you, I would empathize but would also treat you like the thousands of patients that share some of your same "misfortunes." Fortunately there have been ongoing improvements in the industry and you seem to have found doctors that knew what they were doing. Have you been doing any type of medical therapy throughout? You still have a significant amount of native hair that you can not only retain, but perhaps enhance.
  19. When Dutesteride came out we learned from the Merck rep, Glasko would not pursue FDA approval as their test showed no difference in the efficacy when compared with Finasteride. They decided to rely on word of mouth. Thus, if you were to alternate, (regardless of how you decide to alternate), the results would be the same as if you had been taking either medication for the long haul. But wait......are the components exactly the same? Never checked but I doubt it. Perhaps by alternating you would be taking advantage of both? No, I do not think it's common. And no, it does not have to be one or the other, (but it could). Much research has been done on the subject and little has changed in 15 years. Many share their concern regarding the potential side effect but I think most just rely on hearsay. My approach has always been, It increases testosterone slightly - so you should be performing better. Take it for a year and, based on the results, you can decide if it is for you. It has work for me and it is likely I will be on it for the rest of my life. I would like horrendous without hair!
  20. So what is it that you are trying to accomplish? Seems like you might want to reinforce the hairline, bring down your temporal points just slightly and blend grafts to the area right behind the hairline. Pls confirm. It would be nice if you could photo the entire head - without your hand getting in the way. Not sure if there is thinning elsewhere. Are you doing any type of medical therapy to help you with retention and enhancement of the native hair? Southwest just announced a $49 fee sale for many areas. This, perhaps, will allow you a greater distance range.
  21. I do. Propecia/Fin, Rogaine, PRP and Laser are the only modalities we typically refer to when discussing hair loss. The subject of cloning comes up from time to time but I don't think it's going to happen in my lifetime. With so many millions of people living in this planet of ours, there are things out there that perhaps help. If they do, go ahead and use them. At least they'll make you feel better. I tend to stick with what is proven to have some success.
  22. I appreciate the fact you tried Rogaine and laser therapy - but unfortunately not for long. It typically takes a good year to see what exactly you'll experience. Did you at least experience retention? Have you thought of PRP and perhaps even Fin? Your hair is rather short and it shows a great deal of thinning. There may be even some retrograde going on. I would encourage you to let your hair grow out a good 3-4 weeks and repost. I would also suggest a good/strong medical regimen for a year and see what happens. If things remain the same, I would dissuade you from moving forward. If there is improvement, you can then consider hts understanding you will have to continue the use of whatever modalities you choose to use.
  23. Seems your front even improved with the use of medical therapy when you started. You then started playing with the meds and used less Fin. Seems it's been a gradual process, but now your front is gone. You may want to consider returning to the 1mg, add PRP and laser and consider a transplant. PRP combined with laser therapy has shown reversal of the thinning and help with enhancement of the native hair. That should keep what you have and perhaps even see some visual enhancement. It is unlikely, however, that your front will improve greatly. In the old days, say 20 years ago - and still today - there are some doctors who are in the belief that a separation between grafts is required for survival of a graft. So, you do a procedure and 9-12 mo later you do another and fill in the gaps. Now-a-days, there are others who can achieve great density with a single procedure. Not sure if it's graft placement, but the effect is unreal. Visit Dr. Arocha's website and look at photos of results. 2500-3000 grafts may be possible. (Always do as much as you can afford). Seems you keep your hair rather long. FUT would allow full use of the donor. FUE would always be available in the future if needed. The other thing that benefits you is the fact that you are anglo and have blond hair, (less contrast), which gives you the look of a fuller set of hair. Are you open to travel?
  24. A couple of things. There was a finding years ago indicating Min can help but, at about the 7th year, it looses some efficacy. Most, when they see this occurring, they'll stop the med all together. Don't. You are obviously one that is taking advantage of what the med can offer. It is time, however, to add another modality into the mix. Propecia, PRP and laser are commonly what we discuss to help with this debilitating condition. Now about PRP, (and laser). Not sure why the medical community does not get together to discuss the subject. I believe most are just either using the wrong equipment, solution, percentage....but some doctors are far more successful than others. I've encountered practices that tried it with no success and others who are doing it very effectively. Contact Dr. Arocha in Houston. His results doing PRP combined with LaserCap are phenomenal. One last thing.....Nothing regrows hair. NOTHING! The meds are helping to halt or slow the loss. From time to time you'll get enhancement of the native hair. It looks like regrowth but it isn't.
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