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Everything posted by Rossybop

  1. Guys can anyone tell me how much does Dr Ferrera charge for a transplant? Unfortunately I do not think I will be able to avoid the need for a 2nd transplant within the next 12 months. This is really disappointing and upsetting but I guess things could be worse. I hear Ferriera and Pinto are good so I might explore them for my next transplant.
  2. Whats cycle shed bro?...makes zero sense but seems to be happening and it seems like something that's happened to a lot of people here.
  3. That's interesting. Over the past few months I underwent some stress with a job and a bit of loneliness, and then I lost my job and have had to go through the stress of finding a new job. There has been more stress than normal there, but I'm coming out of the stressful period now, and I was never at risk of being homeless or anything like that because my parents are supportive. I personally am sceptical of the whole telogen effluvium thing myself to be honest.
  4. It hasn't really flared up lately though. The weakening and thinning of the transplant is so upsetting.
  5. I had sebhorric dermatitis before the surgery, it comes and goes in my life, why would that affect my transplanted hairs? I was never told it would affect my transplant.
  6. I see, its worrying, because it makes me wonder is there any point in getting a top up, if its just going to fall out again?
  7. That's very worrying because I seem to be experiencing the same thing. A lot of my transplanted hair from 19 months ago seems to have thinned and fallen out. Itz very upsetting. I'd go for a top up but my worry is that it will just fall out again.
  8. Are you suggesting that my faulty transplant will return to a high standard within 4 months?
  9. Did you ever find out why it fell out? And why can't you get the same quality with a second transplant? Have you been able to get a second transplant?
  10. I feel like a lot of my transplanted hairs have thinned and fallen out too. If they grow back in 4 months I'll be delighted. If they don't grow back in a few months I'll be very disappointed. I wonder what is the likelihood of my hair getting thicker and growing back? I've been on minoxidil and finasteride for 2 years now.
  11. Its not so bad when the hair lyes flat or is styled right. Dr Saifi reckons it might just be the native hair thinning but I don't know, I think the transplanted area has shed a little. Anyway he offers a 10% discount on the 2nd and 3rd transplants if they're needed. But I think I'll wait a good while to see how things progress before going for a touch up. I'll post pics tomorrow.
  12. I emailed my surgeon, but he lives in Poland and I live in Ireland so it would be difficult visiting him.
  13. I never knew there was such a thing. Can you elaborate please dude?
  14. I tend to use it almost every day, if I run out of a bottle I might go max 5 days without it, but generally every day or almost every day.
  15. But I don't think it was taken from a non-safe area. I don't think my native hair has really thinned much at all to be honest.
  16. Yeah it can still look like a good improvement if styled a certain way, but generally I am seeing and feeling a less satisfying result than I did a few months ago, and I think most of the thinning has happened in the last 2 months or so.
  17. That's not good. Obviously this happens so. Any explanation for why it happened? Are you not worried that the 2nd transplant will go the same way?
  18. The Hair Chemist guy is a bit cringey, very clearly a sales rep for Dr Saifi, but again I won't hold that against his surgical experience.
  19. He seemed good and thorough in his duties. Took a lot of time and detail in doing my transplant. I didn't like the way he's pushing CR Labs though, but I won't hold that against his hair transplant skills.
  20. I've had some stress with work and stuff but I'd be surprised if that has been the cause, I'd be pleasantly surprised if this is a case of temporary hair loss.
  21. Guys I use fin and Regaine. I don't think its much of the native hair that's fallen out, genuinely seems to be the transplanted regions that are affected, with the worst affected area being on the left side.
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