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Everything posted by Rossybop

  1. Does anyone if psoriasis or eczema or any other skin condition can prevent one from availing of a hair transplant? Thanks.
  2. If my hair is straight and somewhat fine do I need more grafts? I'm white skinned (Irish) and I have kind of dark blonde/strawberry blonde hair.
  3. Anyone any experience with this guy in Bulgaria? He is an associate member of IAHRS.
  4. Hi, just wondering if anyone has knowledge or experience with Alba Reyed from Dominican Republic?
  5. From what I gather most HT patients get a relatively good results from surgery while a minortiy get unsatisfying results from surgery. Of course some "surgeons" produce a lot of bad results while other surgeons produce just some bad results. The best surgeons maybe produce almost no bad results. As there seems to be more good results than bad results out there, and as it seems that even reputable surgeons get bad reviews, I am wondering why or how is that some patients get terrible results while most patients get good results? Could it be that they get an allergic reaction, they don't respond well to surgery, they were advised against it themselves in the first place etc etc? I'd like to think a lot of surgeons out there could give me a good result however bad reviews discourages me from choosing a surgeon, yet so many "good" surgeons seem to have bad reviews. Why is that some patients get a worse result than others, and are these patients a very small minority?
  6. Thanks buddy. I will do that. Hopefully all goes well.
  7. Ok guys thanks a lot for your knowledge and input. Hmm decisions decisions. Now it all boils down to picking the right surgeon. My warmest feeling right now is for Dr Anastasakis in Greece. He seems to be the real deal and he performs non-shaven FUE.
  8. You know like, they'll say that because they want to get the business off me. If I say "but Joe Bloggs says I need 3,000 grafts" they'll say "don't listen to Joe Bloggs. He is bad. Listen to us. We know what's right."
  9. I see I see. Interesting. I've actually got an appointment for an FUE plan in HRBR (Dublin) next week. They're going to draw a new hairline on and I guess tell me how many grafts I might need. I trust that they would be able to provide an accurate estimation when they check me in-person next week, but, as far as I know they only do about 2,000 grafts per session, so I'm worried that they will just say "oh you need 2,000 grafts" just because that's the max amount of FUE grafts they do in one session.
  10. Cool, thanks. Wow - 2,800. That is a lot. Every surgeon gives a slightly different estimate. I think I'll definitely use finasteride long-term if its really good.
  11. Check out Anastasakis' website. The yield is about 75% even with good surgeons.
  12. I am 30. I just started using finasteride 3 months ago, also started using Regaine two weeks ago. My dad is 70 and still has a good bit of hair, not a totally full head but probably more than most 70 year olds. However my grandads were bald, but not until later in life, one grandad died at age 90 and he was bald enough at that stage, but I think he had a good bit of hair for most of his youth. My other grandad I think went bald younger, and he was proper bald. I have two brothers and they both have no hair loss at all, male cousins don't seem to have it and uncle has a fair share of hair at age 62. The baldness gene is definitely there and I seem to be the unfortuneate one in my fsmily thst has got it.
  13. I see. Perhaps if a really good FUT surgery is still obvious with a #1 haircut I should consider FUE instead. I've been told I need about 2,300 grafts or so. I'm probably a NW2/NW3, maybe more NW3. I mostly need to fill in the receded temples.
  14. And it makes me sad when I see that FUE only yields 75% of the transplanted grafts. I am sure FUE would be great for me but I am still sad because it is not 100% perfect. I am greedy like this lol.
  15. Ah really? Hmmm, now that is a game changer I must say!
  16. Cool. That's a nice touch to apply. I'm fascinated by FUT because of the high graft yield and I'm starting to explore the possibility of FUT right now. The biggest worry for me though is the scar! However, I've discovered that FUE is not entirely scar-free either. Also, I've read some stuff suggesting FUE is better for hairline surgery because it allows the surgeon to cherry pick single-hair follicles, whereas FUT does not create as good a hairline (I don't know how true this is?). I like to cut my hair to a #1 back and sides, also I need to restore my hairline and not my crown. If FUT was appropriate for me right now I would choose it rather than FUE, but sources seem to suggest it is not suitable because of my wants/needs. What's your opinion on this?
  17. My level of hairloss is like an NW2/NW3, I'm not sure precisely which one. I've been told about 2,400 grafts would be fairly perfect for me, some estimate a little less and some estimate a little more. A scar would be shitty but some doctors are very good with their stitching so they can make a thin scar. If I can cut my hair to a #1 on the back and sides I'll start considering FUT instead of FUE. As you said (its interesting) FUT gives more grafts and yet more people are not aware of this, this aspect of it arouses me. The two things that deter me fron FUT are the possibility of a terrible scaf and some online material that suggests FUE is better for hairline work because single-hair follicles can be cherry picked, which is more conducive to a good hairline. I'm only getting the hairline done (mostly temples), the crown does not need to be touched.
  18. You're very welcome! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the Dublin. Your prices are certainly better than the standard rate over here. It would be great to have a considerate doctor like yourself carry out a quality procedure. I'm personally trying to decide whether to get FUT or FUE. I'm intrigued by FUT because of the high graft yield. Its a wonder more people don't opt for FUT. Do you ever reccomend FUT yourself?
  19. I've just researched you and I've discovered that you have very impressive credentials. That's amazing, congratulations on all of your achievements thus far. I also noticed that you have trained and worked in Ireland - I live in Dublin. I have visited HRBR but I probably won't get a transplant there because of there high prices. Out of interest what do you think of HRBR - are their standards good, bad, average? Are they amongst the best in Europe or the world? Your clinic looks awesome btw. How much do you charge for a high quality FUE procedure?
  20. Cool! Interesting stuff and great to be hearing this from an industry professional. These new methods sound exciting.
  21. Thanks for sharing this. I will check it out.
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