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Everything posted by Danyb

  1. Thanks David. Agreed, but in a way the scar is hardly noticeable specially at night. I actually think my hair looks better than the pictures portray.
  2. Thanks FUE2014, I appreciate your support. I will keep posting pictures once a month, so should do it in the next 2 weeks or so when I get to the 2 months mark. I've been shedding and hair is growing longer. Looking better in the donor as if nothing was taken from there and previous scar is disappearing.
  3. I agree with you Loags, saw the videos earlier today and although the grow has been great and he got a good coverage, I think the hairline is not smooth enough and compared to his sides (as he himself states) it stands out a little bit. It's not bad, but I think it is not comparable to some top results displayed in this forum that really show naturalness.
  4. Looking great for 6 months Tony. Dr. Bisanga is a great doc, you are in excellent hands. Best of luck
  5. Very nice result Dr. Doganay, congratulations. Is the patient using Finasteride? Are the beard extractions done manually or using micromotor?
  6. Thanks a lot David. Here a few pictures from 2 weeks after operation. (Sorry for some out of focus pics)
  7. Agreed Ko, I thought the same. Having heard from Bisanga I only had 1000#, and from Lorenzo, 3000#, Obviously that was a surprise to me and great news. In a way I was worried if that could affect my overall density in the back and coverage of the scar, but I trust Dr. Erdogan would only do what was possible and reasonable. He even said I could possibly have an extra 1000#. Let's wait and see.
  8. Thanks so much for your support, Afroheah. I hope it works out too!
  9. Thanks a lot Dubhain. I appreciate your message. I am indeed planning a scar revision or perhaps FUE into the scar using body/beard hair. Dr. Erdogan said I should wait and see how my donor would look like in 1 year and Dilek (his expert graft extractor) said she could extract 1000 grafts still. Let's wait and see
  10. Great write up. I am very interested in your case as I have some similarities with your repair. Next time I am in the States I will consider a consultation with Dr. K. Best of luck
  11. Thanks again David for your support and attention. It's been a long journey indeed and making the decision about the doctor was not easy. As I said, I kept seeing great results (Hasson and Wong, Lorenzo, Erdogan, Konior and many others) and was always wondering why I couldn't come any close to that. So let's hope this will take me there. I will keep posting from time to time also to help people that may have questions about bad ht's and repairs.
  12. One week photo update. I had no swelling after surgery and now scabs are falling and donor is almost unnoticeable apart from scar of course.
  13. Thanks Mickey. I am happy with my decision so far. It's been a week today, healing is goig well. Will post pictures tomorrow.
  14. I second that Tigerkat. And I would add that none of us are doctors, so in my opinion you should have some consultations in person with doctors, even if they are not the doctors you mentioned, as they are based in Turkey. Just to educate yourself before rushing to any decisions. I had my operation with Erdogan recently and he is very honest and ethical. But it would be hard to judge based only on pictures. He gave me (or his team perhaps) an estimation of 3000 grafts. Upon my arrival in Istanbul, he said he could extract 4000 and maybe more on a second surgery. Bisanga gave me 1000 after examining me, Lorenzo 3000. I had 3 strips before...and regret having it at 29. So take your time...
  15. Sean, I totally agree with you. I had recently been operated by Dr. Erdogan and had time to chat with him after surgery. I myself learned the hard way in order to get to the point I am now. 3 strip surgeries (one with Dr. Feller) and the latest, the FUE procedure with Dr. Erdogan. After educating myself, I had one last shot. I saw several doctors recommended here, but I have to say (until now) I feel like I made the right choice. He is a very honest and ethical doctor, extremely experienced and specialized and it doesn't seem to me he is defending his point of view because of an agenda, based on his practice only. He truly believes FUE causes less trauma to patients and that manual is extremely superior, making possible for the tech to extract following the direction of the follicle and causing much less scaring as the punch is smaller (0.7mm). He explained that to me in detail that the scarring area is expanded (doubled) when using motorized extraction. He even explained that many people criticize him for not doing the extractions and implantation of the grafts. He does the incisions himself. Delek (his partner) and specialist can extract 21 grafts per minute. She has been doing this everyday, for the past 15 years. A good doctor is like a maestro and can manage a great team of techs. Point is, if the result is good, this really is irrelevant. I rather have and amazing job done this way by his clinic, that have surgery with another doc doing the extractions and placing grafts, but not having a satisfactory result. Indeed many interests behind the scenes, and only we can stand up for ourselves. This is an excellent website, but only we can live with our decisions and should know what's best for ourselves. I was also in doubt before choosing him instead of Lorenzo, as I had preconceived ideas about having surgery in Istanbul. I had no idea how professional he was and he gave me hope. So let's hope for the best now as the result seen above. And I wish you the best of luck. PS: I saw many patients coming out of surgery and results where always consistently clean and impressive.
  16. Another great result, excellent hairline design. Pictures are well done.
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