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Everything posted by SLA

  1. Thanks @Gatsby- I’ve learned so much and have gotten so much inspiration from the grace in which you have navigated your journey to be a shining light for all!
  2. Thanks @aaalan!- They will get yours to grow as good if not better! I checked out your thread photos and you had more native hair left on top to start. Another month or two and your fun will begin. Just let the hair on top continue to grow so you can achieve the maximum illusion! sending good vibes your way!
  3. It's easy to forget about what has helped you along the way...you deserve it, Melvin!
  4. I literally could not have done this without you @Melvin- Moderator- Your knowledge, information and willingness to put yourself out there including having the courage to live stream your HT at Eugenix made all the difference. In addition, all the informative live sessions you have conducted with doctors to get all of us the information needed in this confusing industry allow all of us to make these informative life changing decisions. This forum and so many of its members have given me so much knowledge and for that reason, I am happy to share my journey with others so they can learn from my experience. Hoping for more growth up to and through 12 months knowing for the potential of anagen desynch, and setting my sights towards a crown sitting and added density (if needed). In addition, the thought of visiting my new 'Eugenix family' in India who are all warm and friendly is appealing!
  5. Thanks @ZeeMan- Yes, super happy. I think people notice, but I suspect not everyone notices as much as we think :). ...and likewise, I just checked out your journey and your results are looking phenomenal! Love your hairline design!
  6. 6 Months Hi Everyone- I will officially be at 6 months tomorrow. Attached are photos taken this weekend. I am thrilled with the progress from the design, to the density, to the way the beard hairs blend with the scalp hairs. Hair length and styling are in all of our favor in creating the illusion of density, as I have learned- especially for those of us who are NW5 and above! One of my students said the other day..."SLA, something looks different about you...I don't know what it is, but something is different!" I was laughing inside and said, "Maybe it is because I decided to grow my hair out?" He then repeated his statement. I'll probably tell him one day :)! My boss, who knows I had a procedure looks at me and comments in disbelief as to the growth. Hoping for even more progress in the coming months.
  7. Video is well done for sure. I suppose it’s best to expect this going in and think in your mind “ok…this is likely to happen and when it does, I can then choose to go back for a density session to add back what occurred as a result of this phenomenon.” That’s the mantra I’m going with being close to 6 months post HT.
  8. Yup…I hear you on donor. I’m happy by how donor is shaping up! Thanks mate
  9. @Zoomster- results so far are incredible- you mention 'weak parts'...as someone who has now undergone/undergoing a transformation, I have come to understand how we are our own harshest critic. To my eyes, what you consider 'weak parts' are negligible and anyone not in the hair world or obsessively concerned with their own hair wouldn't ever notice a thing. On top of all that, you are only 6 months post HT with more growth and thickening to come... And on top of all of that, when I look at your scalp donor, it looks as if they could still harvest 1k grafts (amazing), not to mention your beard....but not that you need another HT at all! Enjoy the continued growth, mate!- SLA
  10. Good lord...you have been blessed with hair and truly amazing results! Dr. Das is fantastic for sure! Enjoy!
  11. Haha…hall of fame would be great, but I’ll just take solid everlasting results!
  12. "very little detection of having a hair transplant"? How about no detection of having a hair transplant! Simply remarkable, @Bandit90. Such an inspiration to so many and great to see this blossom. In our 5 short months since we've met in India for our unforgettable trip, it is great to see how your affect has turned super bright as now the full coverage is beginning to emerge.
  13. Thanks Team @Eugenix Hair Sciences for all of your support. The entire team, from the docs to the technicians, to the aftercare team to the counselors and the drivers are part of the magic of your clinic. FYI...this is 5 months (not 4) and I am looking forward with cautious optimism to seeing what the next few months bring.
  14. Thanks @ZeeMan- I like your optimism, however, I’m pretty sure I experienced a small shed, so I think I’m way more than 30-40%, but who knows…time will tell!
  15. Thanks @Berba11- it was great meeting you virtually when you were in India! Looking forward to seeing the progress on your 2nd HT
  16. Thanks @Melvin- Moderator- I’ll say it again that I wouldn’t be where I am with the HT without you and this forum
  17. Month 5 All I can say is that I am quite pleased and really didn't imagine my hair could look this full. I tried to adopt very realistic expectations with hopes of being surprised and I am indeed surprised! The illusion has gotten better since last months as hairs that have sprouted around the hairline have grown and the hair itself has grown longer. I have found that length and strategic styling is very important in achieving the best illusion of density. I was in NYC this past weekend rehearsing with my 7-piece funk/rock band (hadn't seen the guys in 2 months) when one of the band members said, "SLA, your hair looks so good! What happened (he said perplexed)?" After joking with them for a minute about how my hair grew back, I told them all about the amazing clinic in New Delhi called Eugenix! When I told them, there was a slight feeling of insecurity/nervousness about opening up and being judged, but there was none of that. They were amazed at how all of this was achievable and a couple of them who are thinning/balding started to open up about their hair loss and I educated them about treatments, etc. Looking forward to seeing what the next months bring, but dare I say that if this was what it looked like at month 12, I would be smiling ear to ear. Hair greed is a real thing for sure and if all continues well, my goal is to return to India towards the end of the year for the crown. Tried to capture a few photos in slightly different lighting... Thanks again to this forum and all the 'guinea pigs' that have gone before me and for all the support along the way.
  18. @cavemanit is looking quite good and it is ONLY 5 months! Much more time for lots of growth. Just let the top keep growing and only cut the sides.
  19. Crown was already good when I saw you in India and this takes it to a whole new level
  20. It will stick! At our age @Zoomster (and we are a month apart), we've lost most of the hair we are going to lose (this is what Bisanga told me :))
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