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Posts posted by Buffaloboy

  1. 11 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    Yes since the packages came in it does become a little confusing. However I think it is designed to offer a hair transplant to those who can’t afford paying the prices of Dr Sethi and Dr Arika. 

    I wish they offered a package where Sethi draws the hair line but other doctors do the work. I think it would be very popular as Sethi’s hairlines are so good.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 10 hours ago, Frosted Flaked said:

    Here is the clearest photo I could find of my transplanted area before little to no shedding took place. As you can see, it is not densely packed. The grafts were spread over the entire area.  I've also placed photos from today... and yeah, definitely not 100% growth, and there are still annoying gaps, but a lot of beard hair was used and they don't have the highest growth yield.

    It's ok, I will never become Fabio and I'm ok with short hair 😆


    03.08.2024 1.jpg

    03.08.2024 2.jpg

    03.08.2024 3.jpg

    Were these pictures taken after you shed a lot of hairs?

    I ask because if you believe rudimentary software, these pictures shows about 3000-ish grafts. Not 5,500.


  3. On 11/21/2022 at 1:46 PM, Captain Haddock said:

    This thread keeps on giving some interesting arguments. From hair follicles magically re-angulating themselves into correct positions, to now me having variable donor density. 

    True or not - they all have one thing in common : to play with the vulnerable psyche of the patient, cause doubt in their natural convictions and eventually leave them to blame their own physiology for their suffering. This sort of behaviour is toxic and borderline criminal in my opinion.

    "the donor is experiencing a shock loss, it'll get better"..."we know it's been 6 months now, but the true magic happens when you hit the 9th month"..."sometimes patients continue to grow hair even after 2 years, so you gotta wait"...we've all heard that before. Add to the mix a bunch of patron patients like @general-etwan, who egg on and cheer from the sidelines, people who are truly victims have no option to believe what is being told to them. 

    If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

    Thanks for sharing your story @Captain Haddock.

    I wish I could talk to all Hair Transplant clinics and doctors around the world and tell them to memorize this phrase:

    "Admit and fix".

    That's it! That's all you need to do! Take this from a marketing professional - the BEST thing to do in these situations is NOT to create excuses or lie, but instead just apologize and offer to immediately fix.

    I don't know why so many clinics want to play the blame game (or straight up lie). You look WAYYYYY better as an office if you can admit when someone went wrong, apologize, and then offer to fix it. Immediately.

    I have a ton of respect for an office that can admit and fix. It makes me trust them even more, because I know *if* there is a mistake, I can trust them to fix it. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    I've been on this forum pretty heavily since I think May 2022. I've never heard the name Dr Vicint. Does he/she have numerous reviews on here (or other reputable forums) from patients who were happy with their results? If not, what are you basing your decision on other than the Eugenix brand name? Why are you putting your aesthetic future in the hands of a Dr whose results you haven't independently verified? 

    Sorry for the misspelling. It’s actually Dr Vinita (not Vicint).

    Very very few reviews. And ai agree with your overall point. 

  5. It’s confusing because it seems to be that all the packages have the same quality of techs extracting and implanting the grafts.

    All that seems to change is the doctor who makes the starting slits.

    Note the “starting” word.

    Thats because after the lead doc makes the hair line slits, then a less experienced doc seems to come in and do the rest.

    So the difference between paying 75 INR and 350 INR (4x the price), seems to be just the doctor who does the original 30 minutes of work.

    After that I guess it’s all the same.

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  6. On 3/6/2024 at 2:06 PM, GoliGoliGoli said:

    It's pretty well accepted around here that Eugenix is (Or at least "has become") a hairmill. 

    I’m scheduled for a transplant with Eugenix and definitely becoming concerned with some of what I am seeing.

    What really made me think “hmm” is when one of their sales reps told me that Dr Vicint has conducted over 2,000 hair transplants. He said this in response to me saying I want someone with experience. What caught me off guard about this is that he previously told me that Dr Vicint has been with the clinic for about 2 years. 

    2000 transplants in 2 years is more than 1 surgery per day, 365 days per year, with zero days off. The math isn’t mathing… unless it’s a hair mill and she is running multiple surgeries at a time.


    On 3/6/2024 at 2:06 PM, GoliGoliGoli said:

    Dr's Sethi and Bansal are both recommended on this forum but Eugenix the clinic is not.

    And Eugenix now tells patients that Sethi only works with athletes and famous cases now. 

    On 3/6/2024 at 2:06 PM, GoliGoliGoli said:

    Dr Sethi owns and runs is botching people on a fairly consistent basis due to a lack of good practices. It's all about the money for them it seems.

    Not sure i’d go THAT far. What botched cases have you seen? I’ve seen cases that should have been better, but I haven’t seen any outright botches.

    • Like 1
  7. On 2/12/2024 at 9:44 AM, BaldReaper said:

    Are you happy with the result?


    I hope you are, but I have to express my honest opinion and say that this is a subpar result in my eyes.


    One more example to be added in Dr Das' work

    Unfortunately I agree.

    Even the pics at the 8 month mark… not seeing 5,500 grafts here.

    And can’t help but notice that Eugenix ignored this thread, whereas they post in most of the other threads where Eugenix patients post.

    But it still looks much better than before Frosted!!!

  8. 11 hours ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    Okay, when I’m wrong. I’m wrong. Let me eat my own words. This is amazing. I had doubts. But my lord, this is incredible!

    The donor


    The results


    The math aint mathing 🤯

    How could anyone blame you for doubting?

    This makes absolutely no sense.

    OP - are you sure Pittella wasn’t plucking hairs from his own head and implanting them on you when you weren’t looking!? 😂

  9. On 11/30/2023 at 10:57 AM, GeneralNorwood said:



    Wow, just terrible work. Why the hell they didn't extract this grafts



    And this white hole(in blue circle) between temple points and hairline, wtf is this. Also fronto-temporal angle is obtuse.

    This is absolutely unacceptable by Eugenix, and it’s very disappointing that they haven’t apologized to this person within this thread (and personally). 

    Im also a bit disappointed with Melvin, who I’ve had a lot of respect for. This was *never* shock loss. It was a botched job by Eugenix and should be called out as such. He had the same stubborn attitude with D**** for years before finally admitting he is not producing good results.

    As for me, I was supposed to have surgery with Eugenix. Strongly considering canceling now.

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  10. On 5/19/2021 at 11:13 PM, ShadowMoon said:

    @Melvin-Moderator I feel this comment is inappropriate. It is dismissive of Jim's feelings and also you seem to be implying that Jim has some sort of mental illness.

    You've made it very clear that you have a different opinion on what is aesthetic. You like straight, sharp, and dense hairlines. Hairlines aren't like that in nature. They always have vellus hairs in them with subtle asymmetry that make them unique to the person, like a fingerprint. This hairline is not natural, has no such irregularities or asymmetry, and therefore Jim doesn't find it aesthetic. Simple as that. His opinion on his hairline needs to be acknowledged. You don't need to question his mental health.

    Jim, your feelings are valid and honestly I would feel the same way. However, once you get the hairline softened up with a second pass I think you'll be good to go. Best of luck, friend. 

    I tend to agree.

    I appreciate all the help Melvin gives to this forum, but sometimes he is just plain stubborn.

    Anyone can see that Jim’s hair was planted in a cornrow fashion. His hair looks “good” despite Dieps work, not because of him. I think Jim has good genetics and his hair would look amazing if it wasn’t planted cornrow style.

    Ive noticed there is a lot of defending of Diep by influential people here. I had a negative pre-surgery experience with Diep’s team and Melvin literally locked the thread instead of letting it go on. 

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