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Posts posted by Buffaloboy

  1. 2 hours ago, jason231 said:

    probably to not damage the existing hair there. Either way wont be noticeable once it all comes in. No stress!

    thank you. It took every ounce of self-restraint in my body not to smack their hand away when they put their fat finger against it and said “why the bald spot” 

  2. Yesterday was the first time that my extended family has seen me since my hair transplant. We all got together for mother’s day.

    I had 2 people ask me: “Why didn’t they fill in that bald spot?”.

    One of them put their finger right on it, which pissed me off.

    But once they pointed it out, it’s all I can see. And it has me wondering - why didn’t they fill that in!? Is there going to be a gap there now?

    Hopefully it will be covered up by other hair.




  3. On 3/29/2024 at 2:08 PM, GeneralNorwood said:

    We didn't go into that too much. I remember that Bisanga said that my beard has different texture. 

    And i can add that beard has different color too. 

    I think all beards have a different texture than scalp here? Am I wrong in thinking that? I’ve never met someone whose beard hair matched the texture of their scalp here. It’s always more course and wiry.

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  4. On 9/6/2022 at 11:14 PM, track_rat said:

    Sorry guys, one more. I noticed quite a few of these in the hairline and they’re different in texture from the rest of the hairline implanted hair. I want to think that the possibility of these being heard hairs is impossible, and too crazy of a mistake for the clinic to do. But, I plucked one beard hair from my crown to compare. And they look the same don’t they?

    Left is a crown beard hair. Right is the hairline hair that I showed you yesterday. There are several of these in the front of the hairline and peak. 

    Apologies for the paranoia, but I have had terrible luck thus far, and this kind of thing wouldn’t surprise me too much. 


    On 9/7/2022 at 12:11 AM, Gatsby said:

    With the greatest of respect, if Dr Arika Bansal extracted and oversaw the implantation of your hairline I highly doubt that beard grafts would have been used. The hairline is generally done first along with the scalp grafts extracted. Beard grafts are extracted after this. Perhaps the best thing to do is to contact Dr Arika for confirmation.

    My surgery with Eugenix was a 3 day procedure. The beard hairs were on the final day and meant to fill in the mid-scalp. The hair-line and crown were already done.

    However, I thought I felt them (on day 3) get close to my hair line at one point when they were doing the beard hairs. I stopped them and asked “you’re not putting beard hair near the hairline, are you?”. They assured me that they weren’t, but it sure felt pretty close to my hairline. I convinced myself that I was just numb and couldn’t tell. It’s very possible.

    That being said, IF I see any beard hairs near my hairline in 6 months, I will personally fly back to India to confront them over this.

    Sorry to see they did that to you Track Rat.

    • Like 2
  5. On 3/9/2024 at 1:53 PM, Shadman said:

    Dr. Told me clearly that with the current condition of my donor, I wouldn't be able to go for fade cut, But I still went twice. But If my grow my hair longer, thinning would be less visible.

    Doctors say this but I do not understand the logic. To me, having a fade cut makes it LESS obvious that your hair is thinning, because the cut naturally has your hair very close to the scalp. 

    In my opinion, its when you grow it longer and can see gaps between hairs is when it looks worse.

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  6. On 3/23/2024 at 2:47 PM, shadow_god said:

    their technicians are more or less uneducated villagers

    This is absolute nonsense and lies.

    Eugenix technicians are incredibly talented, and the most important techs (extractors/installers) only have one job and have been doing that job for a long time.

    • Like 1
  7. On 5/14/2023 at 5:35 PM, ThePJ said:

    1:  This man's english was very poor, he was not able to understand any of my questions and this felt sketchy getting into a car with him even though I had confirmed he was my ride.

    2:  I did not know the entire country of India ignored what western society consider good driving habits.  Lines on the road might as well not be there for all the good they do, they are ignored by every single person driving.  Signaling a lane change does not happen, because no lane really exists.  Speed limits are ignored utterly, people cut you off left right and center, and the sound of a horn is heard every two seconds as someone is cutting someone else off immediatly after they themselves just did the same in kind.  It is chaos on a scale I was not prepared for and had me more nervous than the 16 hour flight I had just gotten off of.

    3: The air quality was so poor that it burned my lungs to breathe if I was outside for any length of time.  I'd heard through the grapevine that the air was not so good over there, but it was shocking just how bad it was at certain times of day.

    No-one commented on these points you made but I thought I should add some context for anyone considering going to another Country for a hair transplant.

    Put simply: The culture shock is real, and no-one ever talks about it. Because no-one ever talks about it, it catches you off guard. To be clear, this is NOT the clinics fault, it’s just the way things are done in a different culture.

    I think people should talk about this more because it will set expectations for others who go.

    Here are a few of my culture shock moments

    - As you mentioned, the driving in India is much different than America. Drivers would be arrested if they drove in the USA like they drive in Delhi. To be honest, I started to like it - it was like being on a roller coaster. Kind of fun!

    - The Delhi airport staff (especially immigrations) does not care about you. They will talk with their friends and laugh and have a good time instead of helping while you stand there. Finally they will get around to helping you, but not without stopping half a dozen times to talk more with their friends and laugh some more while they’re helping you. I learned on the India reddit forum that this is common and just the way it is. 

    - Like you, my hotel driver also spoke no English. I think a 5 star hotel that has international customers should have drivers that speak some other languages so as to put their customers at ease. But that’s just my opinion. 

    - This last point is not a criticism of Eugenix, but rather just a difference in culture I think. In the USA, if you go for a surgery, you are guided through the process from the moment you walk in the door and made to feel comfortable before they ever leave you alone.

    For example, in the USA, when you are taken from the reception area on the first day, a nurse or patient-care tech will greet you in reception with a smile on their face, and they will explain everything that is going to happen. For example, they would say; “Welcome to Dr. X’s office! We are so happy that you are joining us today. Before I take you over to the operating center, I want to give you a quick rundown of everything that will be happening today. First, we will bring you to a pre-operating room so we can take your vitals and get a few pictures taken. Then the doctor will speak with you and draw your new hair line. With your permission of the new hair line, we will then shave your hair and wash it. Finally, we will bring you to the operating room.” That is what Americans are used to and it puts your mind at ease. This person who informs you of everything becomes your friend, or point of contact, for your time there.

    In India, it’s a bit different. After sitting in reception, someone who doesn’t know English (a tech) comes to reception and motions for you to follow them. No words are spoken, so you are a bit confused what is happening. But then you follow him to a room, and they tell you to sit down, and then they close the door. So then you’re just sitting in that room for 10 or 15 minutes wondering what is going on. This is a bit nerve wracking when you’re in a different culture. Then a nurse comes in and tells you she is going to do some tests, etc, and it all unfolds.

    It’s just a very different process, but if you know it’s going to happen beforehand, then you will be comfortable with it. Now that I know the process, I will be fine with it when I go back for a second transplant (if needed). But it is definitely a bit of a culture shock which is why it’s a good reason to talk about it so others know what to expect.


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  8. On 5/4/2024 at 11:25 PM, Rawkerboi said:

    Dam man, You need to relax and stop thinking about second surgery its just been a few days and you had insane 5000 grafts implanted.

    I like your hairline looks age appropriate, I don't think it will look good if you bring it down..

    You’re absolutely right. Thanks for the perspective.

    On 5/4/2024 at 11:25 PM, Rawkerboi said:

    Hope you are healing well cheers

    Here are some healing photos. I think i’ve healed very well for only 4 days after surgery. It’s a testament to the two talented techs at Eugenix that do extractions.




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  9. Day 3 is done and my procedure is now complete. Feels surreal. A lot of time, planning and energy went into this and now it is finished.

    3000~ grafts in front

    220~ in each temple

    1700~ in the crown

    200~ in mid scalp

    I am already thinking about a second procedure to bring the hairline down. In the long run I think I want it a bit closer.





  10. 39 minutes ago, Bandit90 said:

    Cheers mate!

    Yes, I noticed my implanted beard hairs change texture. Like any hair when the growth first starts, there is a very wiry appearance to it, this is even more so with the beard.

    I’d say around months 14/15 months after my first sitting, I noticed that the implanted beard hair in my mid-scalp started to slacken off and behave like scalp hair. For the crown, I'd say the beard hair took a full 18 months to begin to slacken. If you look at my progress pictures you can see it was very obvious which was the beard in my crown, but if you look at my pre-op pics from my last sitting, the beard hair has become much slacker and blends in with the scalp hair.

    In the mid-scalp, it's almost impossible to distinguish between scalp/beard.  In the crown area, you would probably have a better chance of distinguishing, but it's getting harder to tell as the months go on.

    When I crunch the numbers I’m on about 2/3 Scalp and 1/3 Beard implanted on the scalp, when you subtract the temple work. Zoomester is a very good example of someone who has had a lot of beard hair implanted in the crown and retains a natural result.

    Hope that helps & good luck with your journey.

    How many beard hair grafts in total are on your scalp now?

  11. Day 2 was today. I feel bad writing how exhausted I am, because I know it is the technicians and nurses and doctors who did all the work. 

    The Eugenix team really is in lockstep. They are a true TEAM. They know what the other needs before they verbalize it. And Dr. Das is very kind and just an amazing person to talk to.

    I have about 900 grafts remaining to be harvested and implanted tomorrow, all from the beard. Then the process will be over.

    Also met Dr. Sethi today. He was in my OR several times and we chatted quite a bit. I then did an interview for the India Times, which will be broadcast at some point.

    Here are the pictures from day 2:




  12. 7 hours ago, Antonfarat said:

    Good write-up mate. Do they let you go back to the hotel for the eve, with slits in your head but no grafts? Is that standard? 

    Yes they did. Dr Das explained to me that it’s often easier to do implantation the next day. Also - I was very tired (and jet lagged), so did request to end a bit earlier than they were planning for the first day.

    I also oozed quite a bit, which slowed them down.

    They have a great team at Eugenix and I trust them.

  13. Day 1 is complete and 4900 of the 5000 slits are in! Approximately 900 of these slits have grafts in them. Dr. Das is keeping some extra slits to fill in areas as she sees fit. We are hoping to finish tomorrow but we may need a half day on Thursday to finish. Here is my story thus far:

    Arrived in Delhi at 9:00pm local time after a 15 hour flight. As promised by Eugenix, the hotel driver was waiting for me right outside of the airport exit.

    The driver was cordial and brought me to the Hilton where I checked in. The next morning I was picked up by the Eugenix driver at 10:15am and brought to the clinic. The steps were as follows:

    1. Hand ID to receptionist who takes a picture of it.
    2. Escorted by Eugenix employee to the picture room for three rounds of photos. First set of photos are taken with your normal hair style. Second set of photos is after the doctor draws your new hair line. Third set of photos is after your hair is buzzed.
    3. During this time a nurse arrives and places two injections into your arm. The purpose is to test how your body reacts to the anasthesia before placing it all over your head. Very smart!
    4. The nurse also provides pre-surgery antibiotics and a few other pills.
    5. I was then escorted from the picture room to the wash room, where my head was washed.
    6. I was then escorted from the wash room to the surgery room.

    The OR nurse uses a vibrating device to distract you from the pain of the anesthesia needles, which is surprisingly effective.

    Im pretty tired so that’s all I have for day 1. Here are my before photos and a before/after of day 1.






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