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Posts posted by Pinkyandthebrain

  1. Hi guys, 

    I'm mid-40s, probably destined for a Norwood 7. Started Finasteride 0.25mg every other day and been on it a couple of weeks now. Thinking of starting Minoxidil too. I use Nizoral shampoo.

    Would I be able to get full coverage of my scalp with transplants or have I left it too late? How many grafts would you estimate? I have a decent amount of chest hair and decent beard hair too. 

    Thanks for all your help!




  2. Hi guys,

    I tried Finasteride tablets a couple of years ago (Proscar 5mg but cut into quarters) but I soon got sides - no libido and constant ED. I tried taking it every other day but it was the same. I then tried topical but it was the same. I then stopped using Fin and have been okay.

    Lately though, I'm seeing the amazing HT results for Norwood 6s like myself from users like @Gatsby and tempted to try again. Is there any way do you think I can take Fin and overcome the sides or should I just realise it's not meant to be and try something like SMP instead. Would really appreciate your experienced input on this as it's driving me crazy 😂

  3. 5 hours ago, Ryan Daniel said:

    I tried HT without finasteride and paid the consequences. It's up to you 


    @Ryan Daniel

    Hope you don't mind me asking here but the forum won't let me PM you. I'd be really interested to hear your story. Like how old were you when you got the HT, how bald before it and after, and how long did it take to significantly recede without the fin? No worries though if you'd rather not go into it all. 

  4. Hi guys, I'm early 40s, white, frizzy blonde hair, about a Norwood 6 now. Been thinking about a hair transplant for a while but the only issue is I'm sensitive to fin in the libido department - just not worth the setbacks. I've tried changing the dosage and topical fin.

    Is it still worth me looking into hair transplants or am I just setting myself for difficulties? I know it's a genetics game, but what would be my likely scenario if I were to go down that route? A couple of HTs for density and then another and beard and chest hair down the line? Am I likely to end up with an exposed crown if I can't take fin and would the donor hair eventually start to thin without it?

  5. Hi guys,

    I've been on Proscar for 10 months now. I cut it into quarters (so around 1.2mg) and take it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I'm still getting loss of libido and lot less frequent erections though. I've tried to cut the tablets into 0.6mg so I'll see how this goes - I assume such a small dosage Monday, Wednesday, Friday will still be effective?

    I'm Norwood 5a and considering a transplant but I really can't proceed until I can hold back the dht with no sides - it's a really frustrating limbo to be in. My question to you guys is, what alternatives can I pursue to inhibit dht if this doesn't work? Do you suggest topical finasteride or any other alternatives?

  6. @Portugal25 @LaserCap @paddyirishman

    Thanks a lot guys, you've given me some great info to consider.

    I think I could stretch my budget to Demirsoy, certainly if he's there for the whole procedure and is just doing one patient a day. Are there any other surgeons you recommend me comparing to in Europe around the 1.25 euros a graft price range?

    What I just can't work out regarding a transplant is if the hair I buy in the front will be with me for life? I understand I will have to go back for surgery a few times as my crown starts to recede (hoping the Proscar slows that down). But what confuses me with hair transplants is people saying stuff like 'even if it buys me just another five years' or hair transplant veterans of old, now in their sixties, saying it was a waste of time and money as the grafts have eventually thinned or fallen out.

    - If most of my frontal hair is gone and I get it filled in, won't this now be with me for good? Are hair veterans lamenting loss perhaps referring to older tech transplants from the 1990s/early 2000s?

    If I get 4000 grafts into the front and this will only last 5 or even 10 years, then I'm not sure if I can spare the expense. If it lasts me from now (39), until my 70s and I just keep going back to get the crown topped up then that makes sense. 

  7. Im a 39 year old male in the UK, think I'm maybe a Norwood 5 or 6? I've attached a photo for reference. I started Proscar last October so been on it four months now and I think the crown has thickened a little.

    Do you think I could get decent coverage with a FUE transplant and have some donor to spare for future? I just want to know if it's worth me proceeding or if my recession is too far gone? If I can get all over coverage with the illusion of density that would be great but I don't want to have an exposed crown or just a thin 'shredded wheat' look on top.

    I'm on a tight budget so it would have to be a Turkish clinic. I know the risks of this but I've seen, like others, fantastic results from Dr Cinik.

    Just putting some feelers out and wanting a few educated opinions please. Many thanks!



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