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follically challenged

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Posts posted by follically challenged

  1. 9 minutes ago, Skimzee said:

    It’s one thing I found concerning. I’m English, but the men on my mothers side are Mediterranean with dark full heads of hair hair and my fathers side are bald with fair hair. I guess I had a mix of both. I did meet one patient on my last day who was there for his yearly check in. I see his pre op pictures and he was pretty much completely bald however he looked like Tarzan when I saw him. I guess it depends on your surgeon

    Interesting. Yeh your pics seemed a mix of both actually, kinda like fair but dark hair.

    Haha Tarzan may have been bald before but he must have had really good, thick donor hair too I'm guessing....

  2. 5 minutes ago, SadMan2021 said:

    It's sad seeing so many guys fall victim to the false propaganda of the anti-Fin crowd. 

    For 99% of guys it is a non psycho-active pill with zero side effects. 


    I would really, really love to believe this! (And just to be clear, i'm not saying you're lying)

    But I just see soooo many people claiming to have had weaker erections, less semen, lower libido etc... Can it all just be placebo...? I dunno man, I'm sure some of it is, but going with my gut instinct it seems a fair amount of people definitely don't do that well on it...

    As a healthy 30-something, fingers crossed I do ok with it...

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Yoo said:

    I’m in the UK.

    I think you’re making a sensible step, it’s worth a go for sure.

    There’s a user on here called @JDEE0 imo he’s the most knowledgable and unbiased when it comes to finasteride, it’s worth going through his posts on the subject, no hysteria just backed up research. 

    You could try going to your GP and get a prescription but it’d be easier to get it from a website like Dr Fox (google it) 

    I get the generic type in a 6 month supply, you could try a month supply to start of with, it’s relatively cheap. They’re 1mg a tablet, so just take one a day, no cutting etc.

    I’m not a medical professional but id suggest starting by taking it Monday Wednesday Friday, if after a couple of weeks there’s no bad sides, go up to 1 a day. Take consistent photos (same lighting/camera etc) every month and track your progress on it.

    I’m rooting for you man, we all empathise how rubbish you can feel when losing hair.








    Thanks for the feedback. How long have you been on it...? Have you ever experienced any sides whatsoever? 

  4. - not the most important announcement you'll hear all week I'm sure, lol, but i figure why not write a post about it, and maybe i can hear from you guys too...

    I was out last night and heard another 'jokey' comment from a friend about my hair again, *sigh* and i just thought....'screw it, it may be time to give it a go.'

    I have always held off from trying Fin for two reasons: 1. The fear of sides and 2. If i jump on it, I'm on it for life...which is something of a commitment even without sides...

    But now I'm kind of coming around to the thought of 'Well, if i try it and it thickens up my hair / stabilises it, then maybe i at least won't worry about it so much and get just be able to get on with my life knowing I'm doing what i can to preserve it'

    So, some questions if you guys would be so kind:

    1. How should i go about getting it here in the UK? Must i visit the doctor for it...? 
    2. What brand should i go for? I often hear of people cutting Proscar up into quarters...which i guess is because it is cheaper?
    3. How did you guys do on it? Did any of you who are currently on it notice sides and push through, or quit? Looking back...how bad were the sides?...could it have just been the nocebo thing?
    4. Did any of you guys stop taking it a few years after being on it? How bad was the shed?

    Thanks dudes, appreciate it!

  5. 57 minutes ago, CasuallyCopacetic said:

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to comment on my initial post and provide their input/advice. Obviously, I ended up committing to the surgery and to be frank, I'm completely satisfied with the progress thus far! This week was the first time I've been able to style my hair in over four months, which was a huge ritual for me prior to this adventure. The styling product provides volume and a relatively natural look, but my growth has really just started as of the beginning of month 3. If I had to estimate, I am probably at about 40% density so far. The hair that has grown out (that are about 1-2" long and styled) are very immature and wispy compared to the surrounded natural hair. I can see strands breaking through the skin (less than .5" long) that look more normal in strand thickness, so I would imagine I have several months before I have a completely natural density that isn't noticeable. As it stands, in certain lighting, you can definitely tell that transplant areas aren't full density, as you would expect.

    In the first photo, you see the hairline design suggested by HLC. The area inside the outline is actually only 1660 grafts (50-55 grafts/cm2 density). They then used an additional 500 grafts blended 1-2" into my hairline in order to blend the texture of the transplanted hair and provide density if my hair continues to recede further. I've been on Fin since I was 26 (Currently 32 years old) and started Min 1 month pre-op. I'm not currently taking both Fin+Minox daily for hair loss prevention. 


      # Grafts Total Hairs
    Singles 239 239
    Doubles 701 1402
    Multiples 1220 3660
    Total 2160 5301


    10/28/2021 - Consultation Day with HLC



    10/29/2021 - Day of Surgery



    2/15/2022 - 15.5 Weeks Post Op



    May 2021 vs. Feb 2022 - 15 Weeks Post Op






    Man, that is a quality result! Congrats!

    A few questions: 1. you say you're 'NOT taking both Fin+Minox daily', right? Any reason why? And do you mean you take it every other day or something?

    2. Would you describe your hair thickness as thick, medium, or thin?

    3. Any chance you could upload some donor pics? Thanks!

    • Like 1
  6. 40 minutes ago, Fabulous said:

    I have recently came across an article (and I see that are many more) that says the following:

    "Dairy can destroy hair follicles because of its highly acidic nature and its ability to cause allergic reactions. ... The result is a constricted blood flow which leads to hair loss and hair thinning. Dairy products itself aren't harmful but the pasteurization process that it goes through is." - 

    What are your thoughts on this ? 

    Personally, I consume a lot of dairy, almost daily (milk, greek/plain yogurt, whey) because I like the taste and also because of the protein within them, however I am thinking of taking a break from them for a few months to see if there are any improvements in hair structure.

    Never heard this before, interesting if true though...

  7. 29 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    Justin Bieber roasted Prince William of the UK for his hair loss, so it's very likely he knew about Finasteride etc. but that didn't appear to stop him from beginning to recede into a mature hairline and probably also further back into the corners 

    Hair loss is never nice for any man to experience...

    ....but it is just a tad amusing when someone who used to mock others for it experiences it themselves.

    Hair loss is horrible, and Karma is a bitch  🤷‍♂️

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    I think it's much more unusual to get side affects years down the line that within the first few months.

    Perhaps unusual but i have seen more than one case on this forum of people claiming to have gained sides 10 or so years on. Whether those sides are directly from Fin....who knows. i guess we'll never know for sure...


    6 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    People literally have no problem popping a paracetamol etc. for a headache or other stuff which also has a risk of side affects, but somehow a pill with like 20 years worth of clinical studies and safety review/approval that has side affects for 2% of people, most of which resolve with discontinued use of Finasteride; is frowned on. 

    Fair point, but not a totally fair comparison. A paracetamol would be taken as and when a headache arises, say, once every two weeks, perhaps? Whereas fin just feels like a lifelong, daily commitment. Once you're on it, you are on it!


    6 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    Seriously, HOW did we get to such a stage that something that occurs so rarely is the biggest cited put off for men to not try. 

    A good point. Though, if going from purely anecdotal evidence, i see many, many people claiming to have tried and got sides, which does put me off. Again, how much of that is down to placebo on their part is very hard to say.


    6 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    People pop biotin pills regularly too. Yet not regulating that properly can also have some negative effects. 

    I actually haven't heard of biotin side effects....maybe i shouldn't look 😅

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