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Posts posted by wb280

  1. biscuit, seriously? This dude just posted tons of stuff on dental complaints and lawsuits which i guess the only reader is himself. The last straw was this : now i would love anyone to find me one that specialises in and makes a living in suing ht surgeons????


    Look, i m sure u have nothing against Dr Alexander, but why would u recommend him to a dude who has publicly declared he is gonna find someone that specialises in and makes a living in suing ht surgeons??? This is crazy man... I seriously hope he goes in a HT with a mindset of geting his hair back and not suing the surgeon's ass.

  2. Nemo, dictatorship? what are u talking abt?? The guys have made it very clear, there is simply no conspiracy theory by all the surgeons in this regard. You mean they all get together and whisper and chuckle to themselves into agreeing they will post fake and doctored photos in this forum and not in their own website?? what good does it make????? If your conspiray theory is true, they should post the fake photos in their website as well. There is simply no logic in your words. Omg. i do not want to respond to this thread anymore, there is no logic in the argument in the first place.

  3. Hairthere, sorry I missed your name in my last post! Yup I m still hinging on thin hopes that my density would improve down the last n final home run. Thanks for giving me confidence mate! Actually during the last consultation abt 1.5 mths back, dr pat did a detailed check for me, there were many short n growing hairs. I m just hoping I m a super late grower n those grafts will not Just stop growing!

  4. nemo, hey look, nobody is saying this is a perfect industry. Can u say that u have never been late for school? for work? Can i safely say that if u r a day late for work, then u r labelled a bad worker? Come on, the forum moderators do not just approve any doc just because their web site looks good. In fact, they have been to several clinics for a check and interview with the docs. Do the docs wear their best attire for interview? Are the techs at their best when someone is checking? U bet so, but dun u do the same? Posters nowadays are weird, they look at the HT industry and moderators and physician representatives as if they are the perfect role models. A mistake from them warrants death.


    Moreover, there are hundreds and thousands of real life posters giving their accounts of their HT and their journeys. What more do u want? If u are so critical, sorry mate, HT is not a perfect industry, just like every other industry. I strongly recommend u not to visit such sites

  5. Hi guys, thanks for the comments and all of u have been spot on with my situation and worries.


    Yes i realized that i prob need another session but like i said, i am in a dilemma. This morning, i put on a bit of Gatsby technical clay, scruffed it up and bit and added nanogen. Hell, i thought my hair looked good. Although my density is poor, i have to admit i have more hair now than i used to have, so after putting some clay and concealers, i thought i can pull it off but the ghost will come back at the end of the day. In the end, i think i am back to square 1 as i will not dare go out if my hair is not done up..


    Waveskier, u r damn right. I am very concerned on the shock loss. I had that first time round and it was bad. I cannot meet clients, bankers etc and i attend conferences and award dinners, i cannot simply don a cap. That alone is the main detractor if i choose not to go for 2nd pass. You can suggest that i go look for a doc who does not shave but if the shock comes in, there is no difference. You will still look bald up front.


    I know guys, its not a simple decision. Both ways are not perfect, however it seems to me that those guys with 2nd passes ( Jo, hairthere, cow, hariri etc ) have been far more satisfied after going thru 2nd or even 3rd passes... I am somehow more swayed towards having a 2nd pass now...

  6. boy, i have been a concealer user for a decade, and frankly i dun find it coming off easily... unless u go rub it with your hand or other obvious acts! After sprinking on the concealer, its mandatory u use a hair spray. I strongly recommend not to use their spray as the holding power is weak. My personal favourite is Aveda volumizing hair spray. Its by the far the best i have come across. It not just holds the fibres but thickens your hair while holding it together. No issue of toppik coming off until my next wash. For the record, i prefer nanogen far more than toppik :)

  7. bonkerstonker, yes i concur with u. I have been in the forum, lingering long enough to witness all the help Spex has rendered all of us. Even though he knew i was not going to travel to the States, there was no stoppage of information and advice from him. I am not sure why some posters ( the same ones that u and i refer to but lets not start an online spat with them ) have an agenda against him. Look, he might not be a saint but he helps others much more than what those agenda driven people have. I do not see them answering my posts or advise me, do they? Enough said. I got a statement for these people, i hope u r reading it, before u start to judge others, look at yourself and ask if u did your due for others more than Spex. If not, i strongly suggest u to shut your trap

  8. largechris, i concur with the guys. I dun think its obvious but at 18mths, its a bit red for my concern. At 9 mths now, my strip scar is slimmer and less red and far less obvious ( though the layman defn would not suspect anything in your case )


    Anyway dude, i am at 9mths and though i m thrilled at my scar, i cant say the same for my density... the failure continues.....

  9. Hi guys, just a report being published today ( by yahoo news ). scary......


    Men taking the drugs Propecia and Proscar (finasteride) for hair loss are reporting some seriously bad sexual side effects, including loss of sex drive and in some cases prolonged periods of erectile dysfunction even years after they stop using the medications, according to a new study.

    Announced on March 14, the study, from The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in the US, involved interviews with 71 healthy men taking finasteride for male pattern hair loss. Of the men studied, 94 percent said they developed low sexual desire, 92 percent said they developed erectile dysfunction, 92 percent said they developed decreased arousal, and 69 percent said they developed problems with orgasm.

    Men in the study reported they used finasteride for an average of 28 months. The sexual side effects were reported to have lasted "an average of 40 months from the time the men stopped finasteride to the interview date," according to a release.

    Another similar study announced on January 12 reports that men using Propecia may experience loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, and even growth of man breasts. In addition to Propecia, the study cited drugs such as Avodart (dutasteride) as having similar side effects.

    In better news, earlier this year researchers discovered what may be an underlying cause of male pattern baldness: an inability of stem cells in the scalp to develop into the type of cells that make hair follicles. The discovery, published on January 4 in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, could give hope to men and women with hair loss, said the researchers in a release.

    Last year, researchers also discovered a new gene related to hair loss that might facilitate therapy for many concerned. As reported by the science journal Nature, they found out that the gene APCDD1 is often responsible for so-called male pattern baldness, a hereditary process beginning during childhood. Officially termed hair follicle miniaturization, this process causes thick, dark hair to be replaced by much finer hair.

    The new study will be published in the upcoming issue of Journal of Sexual Medicine.

  10. David, i feel i am u! just a couple yrs later :)


    Your hair loss patterns looks eerily similar though i think i have slightly more to begin with. I am exactly at the cross road u once were. I thought i would be out of this shit hole just after 1 pass. I was full of hopes and expectations but as the days go by, the light just went dimmer and dimmer. In fact, i feel worse now than before i started the journey. Reason is i now know that my first attempt has not really been a success and to venture into yet another procedure... its tough mate. Also, i am in a situation where i do not want to be. Before the procedure, i was too bald so i was determined to do something about it. Right now, i am defn looking better than before but not to the point whereby i feel satisfied. Its neither here nor there.


    I am still waiting for a miracle to happen and hopfully the spots can thicken up down the road. However, like u said, i will probably do a couple of online consultations with the recommended docs and get their opinions

  11. Hi mate, am i glad to see your post! I am at 9 months now and i am in that predicament of contemplating a second pass as my density is mediocre at best. I am really hopeful that the next few months would bring a miracle to me! but i am prepared for the worst


    In any case, your hair is already thicker than mine. I am not expecting a wow result but a justifiable result for 3150 grafts...

  12. Hi guys, just wanted to clarify something. I am considering getting a clip on hair piece for weekend fun. However, i have been warned by the seller on traction alopecia which can happen to the part of the scalp where the clip is attached. Any comments guys?



  13. Hi guys, i just bought the Aveda pure abundance shampoo and clay conditioner. I must say i am really impressed with the shampoo. I have tried so many brands of shampoo. They either make my hair too soft, or hard to manage. The Aveda shampoo is really good in volumizing your hair but does not make it hard to manage. Thumbs up!


    Its a shame i could not get the hair potion. Will get someone to help me ship from the states!

  14. Hi guys, i m now officially 9 months post op. Without going into detail on my 1st op, i just want to concentrate my question on this. For those having gone for their 2nd passes ( or 3rd and so on ), does it really make a difference?


    Obviously the density would be better, but imagine if my hair is fine and limpy in the first place, adding more density via a 2nd pass might not solve the issue in the first place. Am i right to say so?


    Lastly, just a general thought, if u were not satisfied with your first op, due to reasons u really cannot tell, be in the doc, your own physicality or whatever reasons, what makes u want to go back to the same doc who operated on u the first time round? Or is it better to go to another doc?


    thanks guys!

  15. jordy, hi there! Actually compared to many other good surgeons, Dr Pat charges a very low rate, the reason probably being that he is located in Bangkok and generally, things are cheaper there compared to the States or Canada.


    He is very good at his work and his patients have been nothing short of being satisfied but in medical practice, there is no guarantee as there are too many factors that can affect the end results. Imagine u had gone for a surgery and consistently knock your head during the first week post op :) Jokes aside, there is simply no guarantee when it comes to such procedures which is why its imperative to choose a good surgeon with a good track record


    hope that helps!

  16. Thanks Dr Feller for your latest post. I applaud u in opening your door for detractors to judge for themselves your character. I am not your patient and am not affiliated to u in any way, they can call me a fanboy for all i care, but the truth is some agenda driven posters are using JAG's thread to hurl insults and untrue remarks at u. Take tester for example. He still cannot answer me or Spex why he would want to rake up Malloy and Badluck issues again? Nobody was talking about that, and he has to bring those up and hinted to fellow posters that if anyone was to talk abt bad results, he will get sued. This is definitely an agenda. TC 17, i totally disagree with u. Its such posters that this forum can do without. If he had stuck to saying Doc Feller is not communicating enough to his patients, fair enough but he is not. As such, Doc Feller has no choice but to defend himself online. Everyone pls ask yourself, if someone has an agenda and taking up false claims against u, how would u have reacted? Angry? I supposed so, but u guys assumed Feller is a doc and a saint and has no right to get pissed. He has nvr said he is beyond reproach, nobody is but he has the right to get upset when pple are accusing him. Hence, before you point fingers at others, i suggest u take a good look in the mirror at yourself and ask how u would have reacted.

  17. Hi Spex, i seriously do not want to get myself involved in online spats, especially when the surgeon being discussed is not even the one who operated on me. However, agenda driven people are what this forum should do without and i just cannot stand these people posting irrelevant and untrue facts to mangle the doc's reputation.


    JAG has a problem and he is posting online, fine, he has the freedom of speech. However, agenda driven are using this chance to jump on the bandwagon to throw fire into the flame to turn this into a pro feller against feller spat, which is completely unnecessary.


    We are all adults, posters and readers have minds of their own and i trust they can pinpoint whats right and wrong, i will not waste any more time arguing with them.

  18. tester, i believe i know wat i am talking abt more than wat u r talking abt yourself!


    Ok, abt the john malloy and bad luck cases, you started bringing them up and just stated they were threatened with law suits. A logical reader of those threads would ve known that the SOLE reason for the lawsuits was due to defamation in which they accused Feller of drugging them. If there is no agenda, why bring up the case but not clarify? TC17 is correct, there apparently is an agenda.


    Look, i am not pro feller. There is no benefit in me in doing so, i am not affiliated to him in any way, i am just here to prevent agenda driven pple like u from misinterpreting facts to educate new posters the wrong way.


    Moreover, i did not for once denounce JAG as a liar. I am trying to ask him to look from another perspective. If he does not, so be it, i am not labelling him a liar, please get your facts right before u make any more untrue statements.


    You accused others of having agendas? Who was the one who raked up Badluck and John Malloy and talked abt lawsuits et al? Enough said.


    I respectfull request u to discuss on JAG's case and not bring in any other agenda against Feller.

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