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Posts posted by wb280

  1. Music, hi there mate! No worries, Spex knows u r just giving your opinion. However, i have to agree with Spex. Seriously, if u want to shave it all off , why would anyone want to go thru the trauma, not to mention the possibility of scarring? Of cos its individual's preference but it just sound mental to u. I for one won't do that!


    Btw, i am also using the nanogen thickening conditioner, but i dun find it really different from others. Like i mentioned in my other thread, i am really concerned abt the new nanofibres!

  2. Hey matey, i am from Asia and i purchase directly from UK so i am not sure if the guy u mentioned will help :) I called the customer service hotline just now and they said the fibres have indeed been 'upgraded' Damn! I was still asking if i can buy a couple dozens of the old fibres and it was negative! The container is one thing but the fibres seem so clumpy! Anyway i ordered the small cans and will try it out when i receive it! I was so happy with Nanofibres ( i did not like Toppik as i was secreting green liquid when sweating profusely ) and now, everything is wrecked. I am in search for yet another concealer... Do go to my thread under concealers and give me some opinion mate


    Very much appreciated!

  3. Hi guys, its been a while since i started a new thread. I have been using Nanogen fibres dutifully for the last few years but since they changed the new packaging and so called new fibres, they are no longer as natural looking and tends to clump together. I called the customer service hotline and they maintained that this is better than before, which i dun get it. Since i have been using for a few yrs, it cannot be that my technique is wrong. Anyway i asked if they stock up the old fibres and it was negative.


    Anyway i did use Toppik prior to Nanogen but after profuse sweating, there is this green liquid oozing out from my scalp so i stopped usage after that


    Seems that i am stuck now. Anyone has similar issues and any opinions on the other concealers mentioned above?


    thanks a lot!

  4. dude, same here! I hated the new large container but is that the problem? you probably would have known that they had some new patent thing going on for their upgraded fibres but i love the old kind. no clumping and way more natural. I emailed them but no reply and no refunds. I have been buying directly from UK for the last 5 to 6 yrs, and i am quite disappointed at their non reply.



    Anyway, the money is not of concern so i have just ordered half a dozen but i specifically wanted the previous kind of fibres. Not sure if they still have some of those.


    I absolutely hated the new one! and the bottle!!!!!

  5. Honestly, we are constantly cautioned that HT only brings an illusion of density but i respectfully disagree. I have seen countless examples in this forum whereby the patient looks like he is NOT even balding. A few factors like scap laxity, donor characteristics, native hair characteristics all play a part. However, logically speaking, obviously when u r a NW 6, its tough but i have really seen NW3s get back to pre bald status.

  6. taking the plunge aka David? What happened? Can u calm down and at least tell us the whole picture ( from your perspective at least ) ? Anyway, why would be use your pictures on other sites when he is the moderator here? :) I mean, i am just curious what good that would help him. Moreover, there are so many pictures to use here, why would he use yours? Sorry mate, none of it makes sense. Hence, before accusing anybody, i respectfully request u to reveal the entire story, from your perspective at least!

  7. Hi there, i can fully understand that u will not take no for an answer :) If u insist on a HT, perhaps i can start the ball rolling by giving some opinions. Your donor looks quite thick but for a 25 yr old, i am sorry to say your hair loss in the frontal 1/3 all the way to the crown looks bad. If i am not wrong, i reckon 1 surgery is not enough to restore enough. Probably u will need 3k grafts at least to provide decent coverage for the frontal 1/3 and maybe use concealers for the crown which is wat i plan to do.


    Back in our teenager days, our average graft/cm2 is about 100. HTs can only cover 50% or in some cases higher ( if the doc has the technique to do super dense packing and assuming ur donor is really really thick plus perfect laxity however, in real life, that does not occur a lot ), which is why HTs can only provide an illusion of density, meaning we have to layer our hair and style it properly to make it look dense and thick. Typically, spiking up will expose a lot of spaces between grafts.


    In other words, i do not think u can get back 80% of what u used to have but with good styling and layering, u would be able to create an illusion of that 80%


    hope that helps :) best of luck!

  8. I think all the bald spots that u previously had were all covered, however, i cant say i am thrilled with the density. I understand that after HT we will still have the see thru look but i feel yours is still too thin for my liking. Maybe like Dr Simmons pointed out, u wet the hair and spike it up, making it look less dense than it could be when it is dry and layered.


    Anyway, u mentioned that u are happy with the results, well, thats all it matters

  9. Bill, thanks for the ckarification n I guessed as much that it's fingers crossed who removed the pics.

    I Just do not understand how come posters can have hidden agendas n immediately accused the forum moderators without even giving a chance for u to clarify? It's damn frustrating. We come online to lend support n help each other n I hope that posters with agendas can either bring their destructive comments elsewhere or contribute positively to the forum

  10. Tsakalos, i get the picture, and like Spanker and hairthere mentioned, there is no need to start pointing fingers and i think your 2 posts reveal a bit of that honestly. Jimmybald, i think its wise to at least consider the various reasons that the pics were removed, rather than immediately accuse the forum moderators of being dishonest. Maybe Fingers crossed just decided to remove it, we will wait for him to verify as well as the moderators. But immediately accusing the forum of being dishonest? I hope you are not a judge, else many will go under the guillitone without being proven guilty.

  11. Tsakalos, wow 2 replies to ask for missing pictures not belonging to u! Lol

    guys guys, before we go mental n giving any haters a chance to point fingers, can we Just wait

    for the moderators to say something?


    Is this a forum for hair loss sufferer or people with agendas?

    Please guys, let's stick to the reasons why this forum exists in the first place


    I have trust in this forum, I hope u have the same in them

  12. Beemark, yup i admit i was too negative, however the feelings were very true. I just felt that my confidence took a deep plunge. In Asia, especially where i come from, the stigma associated with hair system is still there. There are a couple of actors who are donning hair systems and media ridicule them all the time.

  13. I remembered your case mate. Hows stuff? Guess it was rough!


    If u are talking about rogue docs, its tough to bring them to court and vice versa. You probably would have signed some indemnity form, but i guess the general law assumes that the doc should exercise reasonable care towards the patient regardless of indemnity so your case is still valid. However, here's the rub. Its tough to prove either way, whether he did exercise enough care and caution.


    I am not a lawyer so the above is just my conjecture. Whatever it is, good luck and take care mate

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