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Posts posted by wb280

  1. ic... in that case, why not just stick to toppik etc? I know that its a chore, but trust me, hair pieces are a worse chore! If u had reasonably sufficient hair, i strongly recommend just going along with concealers. On the question whether it looks real, to be v v honest, my supplier was a nice man and he did the best he could. However, EVERYONE i meet, tells me u look different. That scared the hell out of me! If u want my truest opinion, no, sorry mate, it does not look natural. Maybe its just me. Actually whats stopping u? Order one and try it. If u dun like it just chunk it.

  2. crossbow, it all boils down to your mentality. If u can pass past that,hair systems are the best bets of looking the best u can. However, if u r fairly bald to begin with, remember u have to contend with jokes ( both harmless and harmful ) that come along. No hair system wearer is truly free of that unless u intend to leave your life behind and migrate and meet totally new pple

    However, if u can get past that stigma, i would say, go ahead and try it. It might be the best solution to your problem

  3. Lorenzo, u are a joker mate! That said, Megatron indeed did not say anything negative abt your results so let it rest mate, although i must add this. Megatron, like what Dr Simmons said, taking photos of spiked up wet hair under light is definitely not going to please people. Just a thought, thats all, dun come rattling at me like i am Starscream LOL

  4. I concur with Sparticus on being noticeable. Your friends, family everyone will immediately be able to spot something and thats a hump harder to cross than shaving bald.


    It was really tough on me mentally. You probably will get less jokes about your shaved head than with a hair piece or system


    However, on the flip side, its completely reversible, except for some money lost. I still recommend u to go ahead and try. If u really dislike it, chunk it and look for alternatives

  5. Hi there, welcome to the forum! If u are experiencing thinning on top ( crown ), nothing works better than a good ol' concealer. Before the launch of the new container ( 15g ), i was perfectly happy with the 12.5g. Somehow they thought it wasn't good enough and improved the charge etc but i just did not like. However, i still have to admit that Nanogen is still my favourite concealer all around.


    Concealers are a real god-son, get one and try it soon. I am sure u will like it as much as i did, and do :)

  6. Thanks Lorenzo! The encouragement defn helps!

    Tsakalos, it just so happened I was in the threads when u posted some comments.

    I can't doubt what Lorenzo has said, as a matter of fact, u had loads of comments when it comes to

    h&w. I hope u comment out of goodwill n not out of agenda cos that's not helping anybody, including yourself. Hey do post some pics man, after Armani n after ur recent procedure.

  7. Could it be your expectations? I did come across a couple of posters mentioning how depressed they were until i saw the pics. They looked 100% alright but i assumed they were depressed they could not end up like Brad Pitt.

    Your expectations has to be in line with your situation. Ok lets assume your expectations are realistic, using myself as an example, at 7months now the density is not there, period, but i can see many tiny colourless hair growing out of spots where there used to be none. I am pretty sure i am a slow grower but i recalled having a very noticeable hairline by 5mths. Its just that the density is taking a long time to get filled up. I would not panic if i were u but definitely some assurance from the doc would be good

  8. Oriol, i recently switched from the liquid to foam. It takes a much shorter time to dry. Depending on how thick your mane is, i would reckon by 15min your hair should be dry. The foam has some thickening effect, so i would suggest that to be your daily base before applying some concealers

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