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Posts posted by Phillyman1996

  1. 4 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    You've been given some great replies, male hairlines are not closed off, when you look at a female hairline you will see that the temple peaks are closed off, take a look at Brad Pitt, his temple points are angular. Now look at Angelina Jolie, she has the same temple points you drew for yourself



    Dont little kids usally have female looking rounded off hairlines?

  2. 8 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    🤔 I would say definitely monitor it. You have the thickest beard I’ve ever seen on a 20 year old. I mean it looks like mine and I’m 34. This tells me there’s definitely a good amount of DHT circulating. 

    Stop all supplements that boost testosterone. You’re 20 years old, you don’t need that crap. Your body is naturally producing more testosterone than you’ll ever produce in your life at this age. Supplement pumpkin seed oil it is a natural DHT inhibitor.

    At this point, it looks normal. I don’t think you have hair loss yet. But continue with that testosterone nonsense and you might develop early MPB, since you do have it in your genes. 

    Out of topic but what age did you grow a full beard? Some youtuber said guys who grow full beards before 18 usally go bald younger.

  3. On 7/24/2019 at 12:29 PM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Yes there are individuals who don’t bald beyond Norwood II or III. Those individuals don’t start balding in their early 20’s. 99.9% of men who bald in their 20’s will continue to bald later in life. Those who were Norwood II at 23 maybe Norwood V by 50.

    And trust me you’ll still care about looks at 50. We don’t sell hair transplants, I’d rather give it to you straight than play with highly improbable scenarios, to make you feel better about going through a procedure that will likely leave unsatisfied at some point. Now if you were okay with the illusion of density and understood that hair transplants don’t cure your hair loss, I’d say go through with it.  But you will likely either have to a) have additional procedures to keep up with density or b) style your hair in a way to make it look like a full head of hair. This is the reality, I have nothing to lose or gain by telling you the truth. 

    Playing the relative game is a dangerous proposition. Below is a picture of my father age 62, brother age 42 and me 33 at the time. I’m the only one who went completely bald by 30. 


    Have you ever herd of guys or saw any guys guy started thinning out and receding in their early 20s. But then only end up with a noorwood 3 with some thinning in their 50s? Ive herd some people like that. But its not as common i guess.

  4. Just now, Melvin-Moderator said:

    He’s gonna be a Norwood 7 for sure, he’s been balding since he was 17. I think hes like 23 which is insane because he looks 45.

    yea he looks way older then his age. He actually looks pretty decent when  he gets his beard trimmed and shaves his head. I cannot imagine how it feels to be bald so young.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:


    I totally agree with you, I was at least lucky enough to not go completely bald until I was almost 30. At 19-21 I still had a good head of hair. I cannot imagine how it would've been to be 19 and Norwood 4 it would've been soul crushing. I have always said that older men get hair transplants to look younger, while young men get transplants to look their age. There is a huge difference.

    Yea even if a person looks really great bald. That would make him very insecure. Losing your hair so young isnt a good experienced for most guys. 

  6. 19 minutes ago, NWsteve said:

    The Rock is 6’4”, built like a Greek God, already had a handsome face, and has a perfect complexion. Other than his hair, he hit the jackpot in terms of the gene lottery lol. 

    The reality is the dating game is much harder for bald men.

    And yes, you look much better with hair, you went from a 35 year old average looking guy to a 27 year old handsome guy. 

    In your opinion do you think i look better with a shaved head or with hair. These are old pictures. I have a beard now. So its hard to compare.





  7. 4 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    I was in a relationship at the time that I went bald, so I can’t really say for sure. However, when I got out of the relationship I had no problems getting dates at all. In fact, my dating life had never been better.

    Luckily, I’ve found a good girl, so I’m retiring from the dating scene once again. That said, I honestly think I would’ve done okay bald. The biggest issue was my confidence was low, because I didn’t like how I looked. That makes a world of difference, when you’re feeling yourself, others will take notice.


    That is true. Alot of men say they cannot get a women and their life is over becuase they are bald. Which isnt true. Alot of factors play a role in your ability with women. Life is more then just hair. I remember a guy who took female hormones to regrow his hair. That is too far imo.

  8. 1 hour ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    I had my forever hair transplant at 29 I’m gonna be 34 in a few months. I’m glad I took the plunge. I’m still somewhat young and I’m enjoying my hair. My 30’s have been everything my 20’s weren’t. That said, I’m a lot more mature now then I was 10 years ago. There’s a big difference between early 20’s and late 20’s.

    If you were happy with how you looked bald. And you looked very good bald. You also had very slow hairloss lets say a noorwood 2.5. Would you have gotten a hair transplant?

  9. 6 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    I would not advise you to have a hair transplant yet. To be honest your hairline isn’t that bad, I know there is more pressure for black men to have square straight hairlines like Drake or Usher. But not many men keep their juvenile hairlines like them.

     I would wait a few years to see how things progress. One of your uncles looks to be similar to Stephen A Smith. If you end up at that level, it will be difficult to cover such an aggressive hairline. Have you tried fibers? A good barber and some fibers could give you a really good hairline.


    Do you consider a mature hairline male pattern baldness. Since most men will have different hairlines at 30 compared to when they were 13. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    This is true, the issue is that some guys watch YouTube videos and build up these expectations that there hair will be ultra-dense in all circumstances. This is not reality. You need to consciously make an effort for your hair to look dense and full, by styling and making sure the hair is dry and not greasy. Swimming and having your hair wet may show some weaknesses even the best transplants will appear thinner when wet. This is the truth, I would rather guys know the truth than be disappointed. As I have said repeatedly, I have nothing to gain telling the truth.

    Alot of these hair transplant do look super full and good on videos. But in other angles it might look not nearly as good. Its a illusion.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    100 percent density isn't necessary as long as you have realistic expectations. I understand the limitations with surgery, but I can still make my hair look like a full head of hair.

    If you look like you have a full head of hair to almost everyone. You have nothing to worry about. Only you will worry about your hair. That is if you have unrealistic expetations.

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