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Posts posted by Phillyman1996

  1. 1 minute ago, JayLDD said:

    In my experience it’s really not a big deal. Being able to walk around in normal circumstances looking like you have no hairloss to the average person like in wind, sun after washing and styling etc is good enough and mostly achievable. Extreme closeups, harsh overhead bathroom lighting and wet hair are issues that don’t matter 99% of the time.

    That is true. Were you the guy who commented on nicks shells videos?  Hes a youtuber.

  2. 4 minutes ago, JayLDD said:

    Hair transplants are an illusion and the nature of that relates to density, natural vs replaced. Hence it is the illusion of density.

    No trick or confusion here, you’re just being silly for whatever reason and playing nonsense word games. Have you had a transplant?  Because it most certainly sounds like you havent. If you stand under harsh bathroom lights and look at your hairline after a successful transplant, you will be shocked at how thin it looks and understand the point.

    The point of the thread is obviously referencing HT014, Payam etc who post the most unflattering photos possible and make a deliberate effort to make results look worse with lighting, lengths, styling, not washing the hair, spreading it,  extreme close ups etc. The photo Melvin initially posted shows this perfectly and I guarantee if a new poster showed that a lot of people would be calling for blood of the doctor thinking it was a bad result. Anyone who has had a transplant understands this, I personally can both make it look like I have a full head of hair or look like absolute shit through the above means.  The reason is because of the level of density, and that is the illusion.  Transplants often give you hair that can appear both severely balding or having virtually a full head of hair depending on conditions, a lot of people clearly refuse to understand this.

    Not sure why you keep playing dumb, I guarantee you understand all this.

    Man imagine how many people would do hair transplants. If transplants gave 100 percent density. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    60 fu grafts per cm2 was the best case scenario. You guys are acting as if every surgeon and every person is receiving 60 grafts per cm2. The truth is, very few surgeons ever dense pack this level of density. The majority use about 45-50fu per cm2. There is a visible difference in density, I will not change the title because I'm speaking the truth. I have nothing to gain with telling you guys the truth. If you guys want to believe YouTube videos that's up to you.

    How dense did they pack your hair when you did surgery? Did they pack 50 grafts per c2 on you?

  4. 39 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    That's a very strange pattern. Have you ever gone to a physician to diagnose your hair loss? I'm not saying it's not genetic hair loss, but it does appear almost like alopecia areata. I suggest consulting with as many physician's as possible. If you're in the UK visit Dr. Reddy and Dr. Farjo.

    That pattern is unusual i agree. It looks like male pattern baldness but it also looks like something else.

  5. 3 hours ago, fatbastard12345 said:

    6 Month Mark 🙌

    I plan on growing my hair out. Donor hair was extracted from the back and sides of my head. My FUE scars are still visible. The areas from where the hairs were extracted are lighter.  

    The transplanted hair doesn't look good when viewed from a below angle but it looks all right from the front. Also, I can't take selfies outside in the sun because the transplanted hairs come out looking too thin.


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    hey man good results. I hope it keeps improving for you? other then receding did you have thinning also?

  6. I agreee with this. If you can handle being bald. Then is it best to never get a hair transplants. With transplant you dont know wether its going to be a good or bad result. You can get scars. Also you would usally need more then 1 procedure if your pretty bald. And it is not cheap. But if your going to go to the hair transplant route. Make sure you do a ton of research.

  7. 1 hour ago, Upshall said:

    You look great man. You have the jaw that should make you never have to worry about going bald! This website is not for you bud

    Haha i know i look decent bald. I still have hair. I want to keep my hair as long ass possible though. When the time comes i will prob shave my head. I might even shave my head again in the summer.

  8. 1 minute ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Not me lol. I got beard to spare. I wouldn’t mind thinning it out if it meant putting more hair on top.  Mind almost connects to my body lol. The issue is how will it look, I’ve yet to see good examples, but eugenix clinic I believe will be presenting more examples.


    Great beard man crazy how most peoples beard get better with age headhair gets worse lol

  9. 2 hours ago, BeHappy said:

    As a NW 7 with a few relatives who were NW 7 I can tell you that as long as you have some hair somewhere on your head, there is still hair to lose 😟

    With that said, 19 is extremely young because I would want to use a large mix of body hair, but body hair is still developing on someone that age. However I do not have a problem with someone at age 22 or 23 and NW 7 having a hair transplant as long as they understand what the limits are and making sure they have absolutely ruled out just shaving their head as an option. If that is the case then I would say use as much beard and chest hair as possible. It would be a high hairline, somewhat low density in the front half, very light in the upper crown, and slightly more density in the lower crown as you don't want to appear as if your bald crown is in the back of your head rather than towards the top. I would try to get a mix of about 4000 beard and chest grafts and 2000 to 3000 head grafts.


    Man i would hate to use my beard hair for a hair transplant lol. I love my beard. Ive seen some guys who are almost a noorwood 7 in their early 20s.

  10. 39 minutes ago, txtransplant said:

    Philly is a great example! I really doubt he looks much if any better with hair grown out. Very masculine and rugged and normal head shape.  Poor Zach....world class looks with hair. Bald Philly would steal bald Zach's girl with only a smile and McDonalds cheeseburger. 

    ahahahha thanks. I use to not like how i look with a shaved head. I think i looks better bald now since i can grow a beard.

  11. 1 minute ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    You look good, strong jaw. That’s really important to pull off the look. Notice statham has a very strong jaw, which is why he can pull it off. 

    Strong jaw good cheekbones. Head not too big not too small. Having muscles and a tan. Alot of things play a role in how you look bald. Alot of black guys also pull it off. Theres things you can do to improve how you look bald. Like get in shape and get lean. If you want to go that route.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    I'm gonna be totally honest, there are very few men that actually pull off the "Statham" look. I would say maybe 10% of guys can pull off the look and actually look good. The rest just look like an average bald guy. Statham looks like a model to be honest and he looked better with hair IMO. That said, doing nothing is never a bad thing, but the reality is most of us won't' look as good bald. If you can accept it and move on with life than it's the cheapest and easiest solution.


    This is me at 18 with a shaved head how do you think i looked?



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