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Posts posted by CosmoKramer

  1. 20 hours ago, delancey said:

    It looks like there may be some doubles in your hairline (from the most recent photo that you posted).

    Who was your doctor?  

    Not sure but may have a couple or a few that have a 2 hairs coming out of 1 root but like in the close up photo, new single hairs seem to be sprouting in front of the ‘doubles’ but I’ll have to do a closer look when taking photos again, I’m not much bothered by them unless it was many more and 3 or 4 hairs per root.

  2. 25 minutes ago, PawelRz89 said:

    Thanks, any tips how to reduce or cover this redness? 

    Not really, since you are really early in the healing process. I just wore a baseball hat when I could to cover it, you can use pure aloe Vera gel on your donor area if it bothers you but for the transplanted area I don’t think you can do much really than to let it heal naturally, you don’t want to damage the grafts this early in the process.

    Also, definitely ask your doctor/clinic, they should have informed you for post-op care.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Baldrick101 said:

    I think it looks great OP. I don't think you could ask for much more to be honest. If you look at where you were to where you are now, its night and day. You must be thrilled at only 8 months in! 

    Thank you! @Baldrick101

    At this point, I’m fairly happy.

    Yes, I definitely agree I’ve come a long way from before the procedure and the progress, although, honestly I do think my mid scalp and crown area need more improvement and density so hopefully that improves in the upcoming months to where I can definitely honestly say that I am fully thrilled at the full results, and I’ll be taking photos of those area next week to post at my 8.5 months. 

    I definitely do not regret getting the procedure done. 🙂

  4. 1 hour ago, Kaya said:

    Do you have postop or 10 day pictures?

    Unfortunately the iPad that I was using to take daily post-op progress photos crashed and I lost a couple weeks worth of photos before being able to do a back up. I did, however, find 1 photo that I had emailed myself that I believe is 7-days post op, included below.


  5. Hi,

    From looking at your photos and reading your expectations, in my opinion, I think you could get a decent reasonable result to frame your face/head with the blue area you’ve highlighted, although im not sure about how dense it would be but that all depends upon your donor quality and quantity as well as if you choose FUE or FUT. Even though your hair loss is pretty advanced, there’s a good possibility if you have realistic expectations.

    Do some in-person consultations with some doctors in your area or close, that only do Hair Transplants, get their professional opinion and take it from there.

    Good Luck!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Minoxidil has been proven through several clinical trials, this $300 donut for your head is based on bro-science. I think it’ll be as effective as putting a rubber band around your head.

    This things reminds me of those metal(?) wrist bands that were popular in the 90’s that claimed to so-called help “balance” & “improve” your mood/energy/chi etc. 😂

  7. 10 minutes ago, redlord said:

    I take biotin and fin. I want to stop fin and look for other healthy options to control DHT. I was watching those youtube videos where they tell that there are certain foods that can help controlling DHT. I wonder if anyone here on this forum tried that. Looks like your supplements are working well of you. I might try taking Nettle root extracts too. Do you buy them online?

    Yeah, the biotin & MSM just really helps speed up hair growth but don’t think it helps against genetic hair loss.

    Hmm I haven’t seen those on food to control DHT but sounds interesting.

    Thanks, yeah they seem to be helping.

    Yes, I purchase NOW brand Nettle Root Extact (not nettle leaf) on Amazon pretty inexpensive and in my opinion i think it better and possibly more effective than Saw Palmetto.

    Here is a link to an article on how Nettle Root helps with DHT if you’d like to check out:



  8. 39 minutes ago, redlord said:

    Congrats Cosmo, great results. I wanted to ask if you are taking any supplements or medication?

    Thanks man!

    Yours as well! Checked out your thread and I gotta say amazing results for your 6months already.

    Yes, I do take supplements, I try and take daily: Biotin/MSM/Multi-Vitamin/Clean grass-fed whey protein (post workout)/recently started taking Nettle Root extract capsules for its anti-DHT properties/and I try to eat healthy. I used to take Finasteride but got annoying sides.

    Oh and just like to add no minoxidil or Nizoral at all.

    How about you? Take any supplements and medication?

  9. 6 hours ago, Sociallyakward said:

    I'm sorry, I just dont understand your logic.  I don't know how disclosing the surgeon would take away from your result in any way. Clearly, people are curious and your information could help them make a decision.  But to each their own, i just dont understand it.

    Yes I have had a HT, I plan to post the results soon.

    Great, I’m looking forward to seeing your post of your Ht results.

  10. Fantastic 10-month results! Love the hairline design. Congrats!

    I too am a bit concerned about his techs doing all the extractions, but, I think if it’s a small dedicated long-term team that he utilized and not many teams like for 5-9 concurrent daily procedures then I would be okay with that given Dr Lorenzo’s consistently good to great results.

    • Thanks 1
  11. I’m very skeptical about this product. The science they put forward sounds interesting but they go through all the trouble of creating a product, going into detail on their theory and claims, offer a 180-day money-back guarantee...but don’t post any detailed before and after photos?? They couldn’t find any willing beta testers to back up their claims??...they want us to pay them $300 to beta-test their beta product & claims??...any legitimate company offers their product free of charge to Q&A beta testers.


  12. Hi

    Been following your progress, and looks real good so far, the shorter haircut definitely makes it appear less gappy.

    I think the reason no one responded to your post asking advice on whether to cut or buzz it short is because it’s tricky to tell someone else how to get their hair cut just by looking at slightly dark photos imo, but looks like a good choice on your part until you see more progress and density.

    Good luck! Keep updating!

  13. 2 hours ago, Sociallyakward said:

    See, I made a thread on this.  I have no idea why people are afraid to disclose their surgeon...

    Anywhos, growth looks good.

    Thanks for the compliment.

    Its not that I’m afraid to disclose my doctor, I just want my photo updates and progress/results to speak for themselves first and foremost,  as I feel that’s what everyone should judge moreso that any particular ‘technique’ or ‘method’ or ‘tools’ or ‘surgeon’,

    I do plan to update and mention my doc as I get close to my 1-year mark or as close to the point where I feel I’m completely happy/satisfied beforehand as I’m not even at the 8.5 months yet, as I’m still seeing slight improvements here and there.

  14. 1 minute ago, LordBaldwin said:

    Yes, I agree.  The chart, by itself, is a bit ambiguous and doesn't tell the whole story.  I assume it's referring to popping, but I think Bloxham's post paints a more complete picture (this graph merely reinforces the idea that, often times, you're not close to done at 5 months).


    Yeah, I agree. Dr Boxhams post is very good and helped ease some of my concerns early on.

  15. 1 hour ago, LordBaldwin said:

    Hey man, try not to worry too much.  Remember that at 5 months, only about 50% of your hair has "popped" through your scalp and 30% has "matured," which means you're likely still less than halfway to your result.  I think I already showed you the Dr. Bloxham piece, and here's another figure I found online from another clinic saying essentially the same thing:


    Also, remember that most of the negativity on here has come from only two people, one of whom was banned for creating fake accounts (to provoke arguments and attack the clinic), and the other is a chronically negative individual at best.  Almost no one else who has expressed concerns is even close to the 12 month mark.  Additionally, there's a bit of a selection bias when people come on these forums to complain.  If someone thinks they had a mediocre result and then sees someone else who did as well, they're naturally going to want to connect to feel less alone and less anxious about their situation (plus, people are more likely to be loud when they're angry).  I doubt the majority of people who are happy with their results are spending a lot of time on internet forums still talking about their hair (with some notable exceptions) -- they'd probably be out enjoying it and forgetting they ever had a problem.

    Good graph but it’s a bit confusing....

    Are the percentages show “maturity”..because  it says ‘Hair transplant regrow timeline’?

    Isnt there (2) timetables to go by, the new growth timeline/percentage & the maturity timeline/percentage?...at least that’s my takeaway from Dr Bloxhams explanation.

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