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Posts posted by CosmoKramer

  1. 1 hour ago, LordBaldwin said:

    Hello Dr. Bloxham.  Thank you for your very informative post!  I had a couple of questions based on what you wrote...

    First, if all hair would normally go through catagen and telogen phases even when they're not extracted/disturbed, as part of the normal growth cycle, why does only transplanted hair grow back at a smaller caliber initially after it has shed (and thus needs to "mature")?

    Second, on average, how thick (in terms of diameter of the follicular unit) would you say the hair is when it first starts growing back compared to its final thickness (e.g., 50%)?


    I’m no doctor but from what I’ve read I would assume it’s due to the time needed for new nerves to form for the grafts blood supply, for your 1st question.

    For your 2nd question, I believe I’ve seen posted that at maturity hairs from grafts should double in diameter , so yeah, 50% of initially.


  2. 14 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    $300 dollars for a blood pressure cuff you put on your head. I went in to the wrong business.

    I wonder if one could buy one of those ab toning belts that go for $99 and put that on the scalp to increase & stimulate circulation and hair regrowth....or maybe I’ll just invent and repurpose one and market it for Hair loss...hmmm 🤑🤑🤑

  3. 20 minutes ago, SprayPaint said:

    Thanks Cosmo. Ya, the bruising frightened me at first bc I’d never seen anything like it in other posts. Dr felt confident it would dissipate though, which it did, thankfully.

    I didn’t inquire about my donor capacity so I don’t really know the answer to that one. Wonder if they have it noted in my record and could tell me if asked?

    Hoping I don’t need another, at least not anytime soon. 


    Yeah, your Doc should be able to tell you your graft donor amount info.

    Good luck growing, will be following your updates 👍🏻

  4. Hi

    Looks like you’re progressing well, the donor bruises at first glance to me looked a bit scary but healed up nicely. You got a lot of grafts done for just your frontal 1/3 so you should get a nice dense result. Do you know what your total donor capacity was and have left for any possible Ht down the road should you require need it?


  5. 42 minutes ago, Legend007 said:

    U the man .. don’t forget go take pictures of The unboxing of the growband and take pics of monthly progress on this very thread .. it be exciting .. take lots of pictures .. 

    I’m hoping it works or at least give some benefit ; if it doesn’t , let’s all leave a bad review on their website . after u return it n get ur money back before the 6 months .. 

    .. I paid $800 to try the capillus laser cap .. was really hopeful it would work or at least stop some hair shedding and miniaturizing .. I’m not sure if it did much . Since I didn’t document it well ..I  returned it after 6 months for money back .  But wouldn’t of mind keeping it though .. . 

    So thanks for taking one for the team and being the guinea pig for the growband . It be fun to follow this :)

    Did Capillus actually refund you the full amount you paid?

    Did they make you jump thru hoops to get your refund?

  6. 8 hours ago, Sean said:
    Title of article:  NFL Legend Brian Urlacher Sues Hair Restoration Company for $100,000 Source: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/nfl-legend-brian-urlacher-sues-144913456.html?soc_src=community&soc_trk=ma 

    Did this guy get a hair restoration procedure?  Where are his before and afters?  Has anyone seen them?

    Yes, he did.

    Just google him he was as bald as bowling ball before the Ht and throughout his NFL career, never hid it or covered it up.

    This is just a case of some other doctor/clinic in another state stealing and using his image and likeness to promote their shady business.

  7. Hi

    looking at all the progress photos you’ve posted, in my honest opinion it does seem as though you have had some improvement from your 6-th month, it may be slight but to me it looks much better now than 1.5months ago, with that said, the density is not there...yet, you could possibly see more new growth of fine hairs even up til the 9-10th month and the hairs that have already grown should thicken and mature as well.

    Thanks for posting your progress, hopefully you get more and keep posting!

  8. I’ve previously tried micro needling with a derma roller and believe it can help with increasing blood supply/circulation and possible generation or regeneration of hair follicles. I saw a few new hairs generated and growing to maturity in my temple area that was bare, and they are still there, but, it was too much of a hassle so I gave up on it.


    I do use pure refined emu oil a few times a week to help with growth and inhibition of scalp DHT, there is some information online that it is beneficial for hair and skin and it’s healing and skin penetrative abilities.

    Also take nettle root extract capsules instead of Saw Palmetto to inhibit DHT and naturally increases my free testosterone to give me a boost in the gym.


    Just like to add to the my micro needling example above, I do believe wounding or wound healing can induce new cellar hair stem cells due to an accidental injury as a kid (a really really bad flesh burn on my arm from a metal clothing iron), long story short...never went to the doctor for the injury only hid it from family put gauze on it from drug store many times,  it took a long time for burn wound to heal as many layers of skin were damaged and constantly coming off and when it finally finally healed brand new hairs grew normally and like there was no sign of a burn or damage to my skin or scarring even to this day. This personal experience made me believe that there was something to that company Follica’s announcement back in 2008 and their experiments with wound healing to regrow hair since I’d experienced evidence of it personally and hoped they would be successful bringing their method to market but it’s now been 10-years since they made hair news and disappointing that they couldn’t get it to out there.

  9. Hi @abysmo

    I don’t want to give you added stress, but being honest, the bad news first, your latest progress photos look pretty disappointing for close to 7-months post-procedure, now hopefully good news is that if you are truly a slow grower than you may have more improvement and growth over the next 3 months or so.

    Have you contacted and sent your current photos to the clinic to get their current take on your progress?

  10. 5 hours ago, Panamera13 said:

    Thx for the replies. I still have some left of top but not much. See attached pic.

    Fin + Laser cap hasn't helped for sure in re-growth. This Sept/Oct, planning HT. Already sent info to H&W/Rahal for consult. 

    The PRP quotes are from generic derm clinics in houston area. The only recommended HT surgeon on this website charges 2600 per treatment but they were very clear in telling that they use 120cc of blood which no other clinic mentioned so that was good.

    But the main point is whether I should go for PRP or not. Again, this is coming from a relative who said it helped him but he has more hair on top than I do.


    Don’t waste you money on PRP or ACELL or other BS, put the money towards an HT. I’m glad I did.

  11. 4 minutes ago, jj51702 said:

    Looks really good bro! Consider this too....your left side also has the natural light from the window shining on it too which should make it look much worse but it isn’t! 


    I wouldnt worry about having a few doubles in the hairline one bit. Hair transplantation is not about creating perfection, but rather improving your overall appearance (at least this is my idea). And in your case that is exactly what it did! 👍🏻

    Thanks JJ!

    thats actually bright white light from 4 led bathroom lights, not flattering at all haha.

    Yeah, I’m not so worried about any doubles in the hairline, and actually I’ve looked close and don’t really see them in the first row, even see a few new fine hairs just starting to grow in the front line,  I agree, I’m not looking for perfection, sometimes perfection can look fake and unnatural, thanks, appreciate your input!

  12. 17 minutes ago, Qneedhair said:

    Going gray is better than hair going away, wouldn't you say?  I wouldn't worry about going gray,  its hair!!! is your hair hard to style without the hairdryer?  If it is, I think a cool setting  would be ideal but air drying isn't an option?  


    True, and can’t escape it but able to cover it up.

    It was an older hair dryer that doesn’t have a cool setting so may get a new one and try that. I’ve almost always let my hair air dry, especially in all my previous photos in my posts, it’s okay just makes the hair look weak and frizzy.


  13. So, it’s now 8.5 months post my FUE procedure and I have seen noticeable improvement in my left temple side (right side in the photos) that was lacking growth.

    Ive taken a few photos in harsh bathroom light after styling my hair dry with a blow dryer since it is getting longer, haven’t used a blow dryer in 15-years 😂 but I’m not much of a fan as it makes the hair look thinner.

    I find it funny how the new hair is much darker than my native or the way my native hair was years ago, going grey sucks 😂 




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  14. 1 hour ago, JayLDD said:

    Its things one might take for granted pre-hairloss particularly after the second procedure, simply being able to go about my day without considering hairloss, I vividly remember going to the cinema once to see one of my favourite films prior to any transplants at 22 and spending virtually every minute thinking about my hair or judging the hairlines of those in the film. Another particularly memorable moment was going to pick up a package from the post-office for my 55 year old father as a 22 year old and the person at the counter asking if I was his brother. 

    Even things like ordering a coffee can be a nightmare when you're a 22 year old with a diffused NWV3. I'm sure some people might think it sounds silly and bring up "its just confidence brah" (it isn't), but things like walking down the street or being on the bus and getting smiles or looks from attractive girls, same situation when ordering a coffee etc. Prior to surgery ordering food/drink a girl serving would noticeably look away or refuse eye contact, be visibly unhappy, awkward and unsure of how to handle themselves. Its truly like living in a different world where in one everyone is an asshole and dislikes, ignores or just wants you out of their way, in the other everyone is friendly, respectful and helpful. Same with long term friends, both male and female. They'd be less interested in hanging out, less honest especially emotionally (particularly girls), awkward and constantly avoid eye contact. When you go from having perfect hair at 18, to being virtually bald at 22, and back to being in a similar range to your average 24 year old subsequent to that,  the way people judge and treat you based on hair becomes extremely noticeable.

    So its largely not having to think about hairloss everyday, and secondly being treated as an equal or respectable person by others, such that you no longer feel inhibited by hairloss, when I clearly was while enduring it. Both easily understandable when fundamentally I looked ugly, unintelligent and a sorry sight without hair (and whether anyone can admit it that's the same for most people), with hair I look slightly above average. The reality is that's what it gets down to, hairloss ages you a decade minimum, looks incredibly unattractive,  makes you look less intelligent and friendly, often implies sickness or bad genetics,  and can suddenly make certain facial features stand out and appear ugly when prior they looked normal.

    Baseball hats🧢 were my captors in Hair Loss prison, 80% less now and hopefully even less as I get completely accustomed to my results.

    Definitly agree, regarding the fact that you stress and think less about your hair as you get it, it was the Ah-ha moment for me when I get up I get up in the morning and not fear the mirror, now no matter how bed hair messy it gets it feels good looking in the mirror.

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