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Everything posted by CosmoKramer

  1. Nicely said, @Melvin-Moderator! This hysteria will dissipate soon, there is lots of positive news/happening out there that the media is not reporting on as fervently as they are on the fear...and I agree, anyone considering rushing or jumping the gun to get a procedure done now should wait because there is no need to rush and put yourself(s) in a position that you get stranded in a certain area unable to get back home. Im a optimistic pessimist 🤣 and I’ve been following this situation since early January and I’m willing to bet that by July we’ll all be in a better place and the beginning of getting back-to-normal.
  2. Ive always wondered if even in the “safe-zone” that there could be a small percentage of hairs that aren’t resistant to DHT...I’m sure it’s difficult to know for sure. Yeah, I saw your other post, looking forward to seeing your progress, as I’ve seen many of the Docs YouTube videos but always better to get a patient’s experience.
  3. IMHO, for 6-years post 1st procedure I think it looks pretty good when dry still, and this added Ht will definitely beef up your hair, looks good too. Good luck with progress, keep updating! 👍🏻
  4. The work and results look good...I do see your concerns of the thining...do you use a lot of hair product, as that will always make HT hair look thinner...or could that be due to your HT hairs going through more shed/growth cycles?
  5. @duchaine I’m sorry for your situation and of course I’m not trying to be disrespectful to people actually suffering. I don’t want anyone to suffer from this, either physically nor mentally, I’m just trying to temper the constant stream of fear bombarding is all...what good are healthy non-infected people to their family or infected friends and relatives if they are mentally beaten-down as well. I hope your friend recovers.
  6. Good points in the article. What I don’t understand is how people can be fearful of going to restaurants to eat when there are no reports of issues and the owners have kept thing sanitary, that people aren’t patronizing and don’t want to eat in close proximity to others....BUT, they’re all fine and good with waiting in long lines and close crowds for hours to hoard supplies. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  7. And with all this fear insanity, the addition of the closure and stoppage of sporting events and entertainment events that help us mentally escape from the stresses of work and life just destroys morale and optimism and soo unhealthy to our collective mental state and who knows how determimntally it will impact our lives...solitude from work/family/friends/events...etc Oh, and dating and romantic things like weddings... All this is mind numbing...it makes me think of how when I was a child me and my siblings were purposefully exposed to Chicken Pox so our body would get over it and move on with life so that we not catch it when older when it would be much more harmful.
  8. I get what you’re saying man, and I don’t fault you for being cautious both for your employer and your family, my concern is what will happen after he paidleave for quarantine if the situation worsens the month after that and the one after that supplies-resources-wages-wise, they’ve now said is 37 days now, how long can rational human being last such situations mentally and emotionally for themselves and their families. We are on the same page when it come to wanting this shit to be done with, whether it be real or invented, we all just want things to be normal again...we just disagree on the why and how.
  9. Damn. I just saw the news story on empty shelves and long lines everywhere.... and one woman saying she noticed an elderly couple just sitting in their car in the parking lot of the store too petrified to go inside, and the news anchor spoke about how this new reality of social distanceing will make the lonely and solitary depressed epidemic worse.. and it was soo hard to hear. 😟
  10. I wish I was blowing things out of proportion BUT I saw this morning with my own eyes and ears just how people are succumbing to the fear and paranoia and greed...over f@cking toilet paper...it really made me sad, because I know we can be better than that and if done, it’s all done for and this insanity is just the tip of the iceberg, I saw up close in 2008 the damage and toll the Great Recession was having...the psychological toll for many was just as worse as the financial one...this current situation is way way way worse in scope.
  11. That’s commendable of your wife. That said...if you run a sales department for a multinational corporation...what will happen if the sales are stalled due constraints in your supply chain or if it’s services, they can’t be done due to weeks of quarantines and lock downs?....and with the new claims that the virus can be fester on surfaces for 9 days and incubate for now 37 days, whom will buy contaminated products or services from possibles infected people...they won’t Why, if shopkeepers sanitize their shops and restaurants even healthy people are staying away...the visuals of fear are viral as well....it’s insanity.
  12. Exactly, once again! What will people do when their job is no longer there to return to and they have a family to feed and take care of...and no supplies?...will they let themselves just starve to death or will they take things into their own hands?? I don’t give a shit what some paid spokesperson on a corporate or state run media says, people will kill their neighbor if their neighbor has food and they and their family has none and is starving, history has shown this and will always be the case. Its utterly delusional to believe that some magical elves are out there producing food and things to satisfy the masses when politicians have locked down activities and employers jobs. If the insane actions of people battling each other in stores over f@cking toilet paper is not a glimps to more serious dangerous things to come if we accept fear, than there is no point debating. It will be survival of the fittest and those that have accepted fear and isolation will do so at their own peril.
  13. So in your scinario let’s all ingnore the very likely chance that the food/medicine/essentials supply chain will reach its end due to quarantined and lockdowns and people will survive with out their supply of food water and medicine...that is what will happen and it’s is delusional to believe it won’t if we succumb to the fear. I hope you and your family have enough to last you months because I predict you will see empty shelves when you run out and then you will pound dirt or resort to an animalistic nature. Go read Lord of the Flies.
  14. I’m shocked that you can’t see the nuances in paranoia and panace in both...and not in anything where I compared the technical attributes of either situation. Show me where I can see lines of sick people overcrowding hospitals and the infected overwhelming them please, NOT just statements from paid spokesmen and the corporate & state media, serious claims need serious evidence, I’m a blunt SHOW-ME New Yorker. Here in a part of NY they’ve isolated a mile of a town and all I see on the news media is the reported showing the dozens of setup tents with doctors and nurses in hazmat suits standing by them...no patients, just empty tents...........Visuals are a powerful thing.
  15. After 9/11 everyone said we can’t let fear get to us and we must live our lives like normal and honestly, that boosted my moral to do so...and now it’s the opposite. 😟
  16. Exactly! This too is was scares me more than the virus and why I’m (wasting?) my time debating this here, because life imitates art and that’s exactly what I thought of when I was watching the crowd at Costco and aldi and how many were elderly barely able to keep up to get things...and it truly saddened me to see and to think of how many more older people or disabled were at home unable to go to the store or have anyone go for them. So, I urge and hope people check on their elderly family/friends/neighbors and ask if they need anything. 😔
  17. One of my favorite tv shows is the classic Twilight Zone, which in many episodes, held up a mirror to our society’s faults...and I would say everyone should watch this episode (on netflix or Hulu) as like the office episode Melvin posted, this has a similar allegory... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u5pzSwYaxLg
  18. Sad to say, likely not, the people at the top of the food chain have all the resources to prevent the such, like I mentioned earlier in this thread, I find it interesting when someone I know mentioned how the brave people in Hong Kong and Tehran were protesting in mass for months...all to have that quelled due to this new virus, and coincidentally other than Italy China and Iran having large amounts of reported deaths (and now the media is circulating an image of mass dug graves in Iran standing ready. Perfect way to quell revolutions, some may say.
  19. I’ve never watched this show...but if that’s not a perfect analogy for our current state I don’t know what is.
  20. And this panacea is only the beginning, what will happen when the supply chain has no employees to run it or enough of it...for food/water/medications/essentials? If people whom are healthy are put into lockdown it’s game over.
  21. Just imagine the global loss of jobs should “social distancing” and ‘working-from-home’ become the new norm...as the media keeps referring to ad nausium...Gone will be jobs in RealEstate, Service work, retail and restaurant etc...add that to much more ai and automation taking over many more human jobs...the global economy would be worse than the Great Depression, much worse and perpetually and the damage will do much more harm, depsperation, violence, deaths than any virus could do.
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