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Gabreille Nelson Mukhia

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Posts posted by Gabreille Nelson Mukhia

  1. 17 hours ago, FUEgetaboutit said:

    Greetings everyone. Long time listener, first time caller. I've got a question about my specific type of hair loss and how feasible my plan is for attacking it.

    I have a pretty classic NW2/3 hairline, and I recently noticed that there is some generalized thinning all throughout the forelock. The hairline around my temples is getting to be pretty gnarly. The very front is faring okay, but the rear forelock is a bit worse. I'd like to get a transplant to restore the most diffuse thinning areas and strengthen my hairline somewhat conservatively. I'm sure this can be done for my first procedure. My question has more to do with the future and what I should expect from further transplants. I know that the hair in my forelock is going to thin more over the years. I'd like to get ahead of any thinning before it gets too noticeable. My plan is, over the years, as my forelock (and the rest of my hair) shows further signs of thinning, I'll go in and do smaller FUT sessions to restore them, slowly replacing the hairs as they fall out so that the thinning is never too apparent. I'm taking fin and min right now, but I see these as temporary, and I'm assuming they'll eventually stop working. (I'm only taking them right now to stabilize things.)

    Is this realistic? If my hair isn't crazy thin and the balding isn't very noticeable (and hence, still somewhat dense), I would imagine that a doctor couldn't be able to or wouldn't do too much for me out of the risk of bad shock loss. Would I have to expect to show some starker signs of balding before I could go back in to get topped off?

    I appreciate any insight you all have!

    The best part is that you are already taking Finasteride. It will stop the progression of baldness for as long as you continue to keep taking it. You might not even require more procedures in the future in that case.

  2. 2 hours ago, follically challenged said:

    Interesting. So, upon seeing a specialist, (a really good specialist,) would they be able to predict future loss based on family history and characteristics..?

    They could predict maybe but baldness is unpredictable. And I wouldn't really trust 100% on the specialists' views regarding this. Baldness can be erratic and behave differently in different generations. 

  3. On 6/10/2020 at 11:29 AM, Fluffhead said:

    Today is technically 5 months, so I’m going to post a quick update. Will do a full featured report with different lighting, wet hair, etc. at month 6. 

    Hairline has started to fill in and thicken up. I am seeing new shoots each week. Density behind the hairline is getting better too. I would say the result is starting to hit its stride. In certain lighting conditions, like bathrooms and down lights, it’s fairly thin looking, but it’s getting better all the time. I feel it’s looking less and less like I’ve had a transplant. 

    Donor is mind blowing. Truly impeccable work. Dr Arika said she went 1700 grafts before she had a transacted follicle. The final result speaks to that. I can barely tell any density loss in the back. 

    Current Routine:

    Finasteride 1mg x 1

    Dutasteride .5mg 1/ week

    Biotin 10,000 daily

    Multivitamin daily

    Minoxidil - crown only - 2x per day. 

    Pictures taken with no styling products or concealers, but I did take the dryer to the front to give it a standup look. 

    Happy growing, gents!








    Your hair are coming so good. And that beard though... Sheer perfection...

  4. 8 hours ago, HelpfulFriend said:

    I've been wondering this a lot lately.

    We all know that in the case of a NW 6-7, there really isn't enough hair on the head to facilitate a transplant.

    If someone is hypothetically a NW 3-4, but their family has an extensive history of really high Norwoods, do the members here think it's advisable to have a HT?

    My thinking is this: if someone is likely to end up at that level, then a transplant is only a temporary fix, and they will (more likely) end up with not enough hair to facilitate more procedures.

    Or, they will end up having to shave, only with the additional scars from FUE/FUT (FUE is not scarless, so no need to comment on whether it is or isn't).

    I know medication can help, but I have spoken with people in which Finasteride simply isn't strong enough to stop their hairloss progressing.

    Eager to hear everyone's thoughts. It's a tough topic, but something a lot of us just don't think about. I know myself I CHOSE not to think about it, as it stressed me a lot.


    The cases where patients do not have a family history of baldness are few. Plus baldness is unpredictable and can skip generations also.

    Finasteride can stop baldness from progressing. But this medication is a choice. If one wants to take it then it is good. However, if one doesn't for any reason then the progression baldness is inevitable. 

    If you are okay with not taking finasteride, losing more hair in the future and then going in for more transplants then you can go for a transplant.

    If you are not planning on going in for more transplants, not taking finasteride, in the future then you shouldn't go for one now.

    If you are planning to take finasteride and then go for transplant then you can go for a transplant now. 


  5. 21 hours ago, follically challenged said:

    Is there such a thing as hairloss stabilisation..? Is this a total myth? Or does it just apply to a select few...?

    For example, Im approaching 35 years of age and considering that year to be the right time for my first HT.. 

    Thanks in advance!

    For the age of 35, one can expect the progression to continue. The progression of baldness is aggressive from the 20s till the 30s. From the 30s till the 40s the speed of progression decreases a little. After the 40s, baldness would progress rather slowly. However, in some people it continues lifelong and in some it does not. There is no definite answer as to whether it will completely stop or not. Also, it cannot be generalised. Family history of baldness, effect of finasteride and a many factors also play an important role in it.

  6. On 7/31/2018 at 10:59 AM, Bhavesh said:

    I turned 20 this June and I had absolutely no excitement of turning 20 because I look like fucking 28. I have had hair loss since I was about 17 and from few hair strands caught in my between my fingers while playing with my hair in the classroom to huge semi-circles on both sides of my temple has rendered me helpless. I used to be very confident but now when I look in the mirror, I do not see my MYSELF. I see some ageing looser. I am thinking of getting a hair system. 

    First, I am sorry that you are having to experience hair loss at such a young age. I can completely understand how frustrating and depressing it must be. I lost hair when I was 23 and I always had the question 'why'. All of my friends had thick hair and it looked so good. I always dreamt about having hair like theirs'. I tried literally everything to stop my hair loss and more to gain hair on my scalp. But unfortunately, I failed miserably which added more to my frustration. I stopped socialising and going out altogether. It did have a profound effect on my self-esteem and I felt lesser than others. It was extremely difficult for me to deal with that issue. I was just starting my Masters and I was extremely conscious to even walk till my classroom from my hostel. The fact that even a simple gust of wind or a little drizzle made me super anxious was such a hard thing to bear. Although a lot of people told me that it's just hair and that nobody really cares that much, deep inside I always knew that it did make a difference. 

    The only mistake I made was not going to a doctor soon enough. At least they would've helped me stop my progression. I always thought that it was something I was destined for and that it was some normal ageing process where medicines couldn't help.

    It was very late until when I was 27 years old that I even considered allopathic medications for my hair loss.

    I started with Finasteride. For the early 4 months, I lost more hair according to me. It was by the 6th month that I saw a decrease in rainfall and a little shadow on my scalp. It gradually made my hair on the mid-scalp and crown thicker. 

    Alas for my frontal zone, everything was lost. I had to go for a hair transplant there. And it did help me regain my hairline and my happiness.

    At your age, you should start Finasteride asap to prevent any further balding. If you have lost a lot of hair then you can definitely go for hair transplantation. Maybe wait one more year and then you can go for it.

    Normally, 20 is considered a young age for the procedure but with what you have written if you have lost a lot and if it is making you feel agitated or worse if it is stopping you from growing as a person then go for it. But make sure that you take finasteride and prevent any further hair loss. 

    I know how horrible it is to feel that way. And I won't say that it will be okay or that you need to accept it. Do what it takes to make it right. The most important thing in the world at your age is to live it. Live your life to the fullest. Get anything that bothers you fixed. 

    And don't take it as an obstacle. Take it as a challenge. You can overcome it. Change only begins when you come out of your comfort zone. And this experience will only make you stronger. You may not understand it now but you'll be a stronger individual for it.

    You can share your scalp pictures also in the forum. We will tell you what is appropriate. We have all been throughb battles. If our experiences can help you then our purpose is fulfilled.

    I wish you the best in the coming days.

  7. On 6/10/2020 at 10:24 AM, Karn said:


    Attached below are photos of my third month results so far very thin in the front and crown. I feel like the that was transplanted in the crown area hasn't started growing yet which still has me worried but from what i heard and researched the crown is supposed to be the slowest to grow and I'm still in the early months, the hair on the hairline is growing but very slowly. From the picture month two and three look pretty simlar. The hair on the temples is growing but needs to mature still as you can still see the alopecia. Hopefully the hair growth starts to speed up now. What do you guys think about PRP treatments I'm debating if i should do them. Take a look and let me know what you guys think.









    For the 3rd month, the growth is as expected. Normally, we expect the growth to only initiate by the 4th month. PRP is not mandatory and you can do without it. It does not necessarily have an active contribution to the results but rather just acts as a supplement. Finasteride is the main medication that you should be taking. Without Finasteride, you will lose your pre-existing hair for sure. 

  8. Even I had a long long long long looonnnngggggg ugly duckling phase. I started to notice the initiation of the growth. And then a good amount of density was achieved by the 14th month. But I did manage to keep my hair presentable by literally forcing my hair stylist to perform impossible tasks with regards to my hair. But what you can do is enjoy the time when you see your gradual change in appearance. Its a journey to a complete enhancement in aesthetics and we can enjoy every step of the way.

  9. Finasteride is the one medication that can prevent baldness from progressing. Minoxidil, multivitamins, PRP therapies, Meso therapies, laser therapies, herbal remedies, headstands etc. have never and will never substitute Finasteride. 

    Finasteride decreases the production of dihydrotestosterone from testosterone. This in turn stops further miniaturization of hair. People do take Dutasteride and Saw Palmetto extracts that can help prevent further balding.

    Anything else (Minoxidil, multivitamins, PRP therapies, Meso therapies, laser therapies, herbal remedies, headstands etc.) can only be counted as supplementary. From increasing blood circulation, providing nutrition and stimulating the roots - they can help in other miscellaneous ways.  They will never control the production of DHT in any manner.

    I wish I could scream from the rooftops about the importance of Finasteride to everybody! This one simple pill can save us from so much of mental stress and multiple procedures. 

    Also, the medication is demonised and it's side effects exaggerated beyond proportion. In our experience, we have hardly seen anyone have real side effects with the medication, i.e, at the prescribed dosage of 0.5 to 1 mg. The very few cases where patients complained about erectile issues, decreased semen, decreased libido, drowsiness, chest pain etc. all proved to be psychogenic. Almost in all of the cases where the side effects were reported, they stated only the side effects that they had read about.

    In almost all cases Finasteride plays an important role. Only after a certain age, once the baldness stabilizes, the intake of Finasteride can be reduced significantly or stopped. 

    Do you agree with me?

  10. 5 hours ago, Osman1234 said:

    Hello Guys,

    Hope you are all doing well in this time of unrest,

    So, basically I started loosing my hairs when i was like i think 17-18, During the Initial stages I dint knew anything about hair fall or anything one of my friend suggested me Minoxidil 5%. I used that for like 2 years and i use to use only on my temples as i use to feel as I'm losing hair's only from that area. Then i felt my hair loss did not stop and I tried a homeopathic doctor which I continued for almost 2 years and I stopped that too. Since past three years I did not do anything expect may be for massing my hairs as i thought i have to any way get a hair transplant eventually. I maintained very short hairs, I believe that's the reason I have some hairs left. Now I am curently 25 years old , I have become a bit financially stable and can think of spending money on my hair transplant. I am looking forward to have a hair transplant at around february next year. 

    I researched a few hair transplant clinics (not a lot though i just started my research a month ago), I found Korey Erdogan's result very natural and I asked him for a evaluation, He said I would need around 5000 grafts and that would cost me 12500 euros, Wow that's too expensive for me I dropped him Immediately from my List. I also asked for an Evaluation from Eugenix and Dr. Tejander Bhatti. Eugenix replied me with 3500 and finestride(which im not sure what to do) but the cost of Eugenix would be fine to me. I have not yet received any feedback from dr. bhatti yet.

    I am looking forward from suggestion from you guys for clinics in my range and any general suggestion is mostly welcome. 

    I have my photos please have a look at them.

    Thank you guys










    3000 to 3500 grafts would be apt for your frontal zone reconstruction.

    There are a couple of very very important points that you must ponder over:

    1. Your age is 25 (very young). You will lose more hair in the future and the baldness will further progress.

    2. Between the age of 20 to 30 the speed of miniaturization is higher. After 30 till 40 it slows down. After 40, it stabilizes to a certain extent but that does not mean that it will completely stop. 

    3. Hair transplantation will help get new hair on the bald area. It will not stop any further progression of baldness.

    4. Minoxidil cannot substitute Finasteride. 

    5. Finasteride is extremely important if you want to preserve your already existing hair. You have a lot of them on your scalp. 

    6. If you do not take Finasteride then you inevitably require more procedures in the future. 

    7. Finasteride has been long demonised and hence the side effects have been exaggerated. A lot of individuals miss out on good hair because they are too scared to even start the medication. You should at least give it a try.


    Transplantation is just one facet of the hair restoration process. You should always take the wholesome route. Finasteride can be extremely beneficial for you. 

    Please do feel comfortable to ask more questions.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. 4 hours ago, HTHope said:

    Hi Nelson, what minimum length do you typically advise Eugenix patients to keep their donors? I know in the past it has been stated your clinic uses .9-.95 punches for the majority of patients.

    We normally recommend that the patients keep their hair at least an inch long or two to three cms on the donor area. If the patient has a very thin donor then he would be advised to keep at least 3 to 4 cms long hair. This would ensure that there would be no visibility of the area where the hair has been taken from.

    We have a lot of patients who have kept a fade cut hairstyle also. The sides and the back are smaller in length and the top is of good length.

  12. The hair on the donor area are less resistant to dihydrotestosterone and tbis means that they too can miniaturise with age. The hair taken from these areas can also go through miniaturisation later on the recipient areas. In some cases we have seen this phenomenon. In such cases, the individuals must be vigilant with Finasteride. Finasteride can help prevent miniaturisation overall throughout the scalp. The doctors must evaluate the history of hair loss in such individuals thoroughly and then formulate a wholesome treatment plan. The treatment should be all encompassing keeping the future in mind. 

    I don't know whether the individuals that you have mentioned are people who have experienced the loss of their transplanted hair due to the same phenomenon. But I wanted to share a little information about why transplanted hair could miniaturise as well.

    Finasteride is a life saver in many facets of the phenomenon - Androgenetic Alopecia.

    One of the most important factors why some people tend to lose their transplanted hair is also if the hair have been mistakenly taken from the temporary zone. This would inevitably cause balding in the already transplanted area.

  13. 5 minutes ago, GregoryJames1991 said:

    Hi community,

    So, I'm ready to make a decision on my HT surgeon.

    My question to the masses, what really sets surgeons apart at the top tier? Is it much of a muchness?

    I'm based in the United Kingdom, have consulted with the top surgeons there London and Portsmouth (£10k+) for my treatment. I'm also in the process of vetting Belgium Drs too.. (approx 3k grafts as point of ref)

    I've spent days, weeks and months trawling through these forums.. And i'm still left with an overarching question. With the financials removed, when we're looking at these top surgeons - what should I be looking for that sets them apart? Or, at this level, are they very similar in results/standards/delivery?

    Be useful to get your insights..

    When searching for a doctor who can justify your hair transplantation procedure, you must take care to study their:

    1. Results: Consistency must be a major component

    2. Artistry: Not just in the patients with a good donor area but in patients with higher grades of baldness and with limited donor

    3. Wholesome treatment: They should be able to take care of your pre-existing hair also and prescribe you medications for the same

    4. Specialisation: The clinic must only be specialised in hair transplantation and must perform surgeries everyday

    5. Reviews of the Doctors: Patient testimonials, general reviews, Doctors' reputation; all these matter a lot

    6. The clinic's relationship with their patients is also a defining factor.

  14. According to our experience, there will always be microscopic scarring on the donor area after grafts have been harvested. They will not be obvious but if the hair on the donor area is kept quite short (trimmed or shaved) then the collective absence of hair will outline the empty area. Even in the beard area when used for donor grafts, a two or three day stubble can reveal a thinner density on the extracted parts. 

    What are your views on this?

    • Like 1
  15. On 5/5/2020 at 12:01 AM, BaldingEagle1 said:

    I think both you and @Melvin-Moderator have a point. While it is anyone's choice at the end of the day, it is important to not go on a slippery slope of imperfections, that may be based on a 'grass is always greener on the other side' type of mindset.

    I have no bone to pick in this fight, but while it is important to be happy with one's self, sometimes there may need to be other's input that would 'hype' up their confidence levels.


    At the same time, I hate it when people tell me 'oh you still have hairs', 'oh you look good with a buzz look', or 'you're still handsome without hair' so I completely get and agree with the notion that you do the surgery for yourself.


    There needs to be balance, just like everything else in life IMO.

    Thank you sir. 

  16. On 5/1/2020 at 2:11 AM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Please do not make any assumptions about other 'supposed' cosmetic procedures, which frankly, isn't any of your business. We are not here to pass judgement, we're here to show support. Plus, let's be real, hair transplant surgery is a cosmetic procedure, and YES it is vain to a certain extent, there's nothing wrong with wanting to look better. Please don't shame anyone on this forum thanks.

    Thats okay. No offence taken. I feel that he was trying to be supportive. I don't feel he meant to be judgy.

    Thank you for always standing up for me @Melvin-Moderator. You're a good soul.

  17. On 5/1/2020 at 1:40 AM, Petroholic said:

    Incredible result the first time itself . The second HT was just a fine tuning by the doctors I think .

    Pardon me if it feels inappropriate but will still give you a advice which I think may be beneficial for you in the long run .

    The nose job etc are really not needed in your case .

    In my honest opinion it is better to stay natural in the long run . A  hair transplant was an exception for me or many others over here , it was not vanity but rather a basic requirement since it was impacting my self esteem for many years and also impacting each and every area Of my life .

    Only in such a case will I go for a cosmetic procedure.

    Thank you. I can completely understand your point of view. And I appreciate your honesty. 

  18. On 5/13/2020 at 11:43 AM, Karn said:

    The doctor did prescribe finasteride but I did not want to take it. I have few friends that had some side effects using finasteride. I’m sorry I do not know the graft density, I will try finding out if I can.


    Hope you are well.

    It was a pleasure having you with us for the surgery.

    I wanted to stress on the importance of Finasteride in a case like yours. You are a young individual with chances of losing more pre-existing hair in the future to baldness. If you do not take the medication then the transplanted hair will be the ones remaining and the ones surrounding those areas will eventually miniaturize and disappear. This will make your growth look odd until you are ready to go for another procedure. Again, you will have to probably have multiple hair transplantation procedures in that case. The periphery along the crown and the area behind your hairline zone will probably start receding first.

    You can try to use Finasteride pills at 1 mg for sometime and observe the effects of the same in your case. If you do experience side effects with them then you can leave them. However, it is not necessary that everyone should experience side effects. It is very rare. You also have the option of using Finasteride gel that can be use topically on the scalp. It can also prove to be helpful if use regularly and in our experience it does work on people with Androgenetic Alopecia. The gel is available in Italy and will be shipped to your address by the company itself after we send them a prescription in your name. However, there is no scientific literarature regarding the topical form of Finasteride. Taking the pill is obviously better but using the gel is better than using nothing.

    Please do share your updated pictures here and lets all evaluate the current progress. 

    • Like 1
  19. On 6/2/2020 at 4:33 PM, MrThor said:

    Hey Guys 

    I believe there is my 4 month mark tomorrow, so I took few photos today with the hair wet and dry for you to see results.




    Your progress seems to be coming through beautifully. It will only get better and better from here onward.


  20. 2 hours ago, tressful11 said:

    I have seen several posts on various MPB and Hairloss forums where the users claimed that supplementation with Vitamin D, Biotin, Zinc, Magnesium etc. dramatically boosted their hair growth.
    Since our physiology determines our overall health, it's not too far-fetched to assume that supplements can have impact on hair quality. 
    I was wondering if anyone else here has had any hair quality improvements and even hair growth with supplements? 

    Hair specific multivitamins can definitely help improve the hair caliber and hair health in general. I have expetienced it myself and have seen so many patients experience the same.

    As far as growing new hair, multivitamins cannot aid in that. Finasteride can help retain pre existing hair and prevent further miniaturization. 

  21. On 6/2/2020 at 7:44 PM, Zoomster said:

    Hi Guys 

    just a quick update ..density much improved since last update 10 days ago at 5 months ..just like the doctor assured me 

    fingers crossed for continued thickening and growth over the next 6 months 

    l’ll update again 24 June 

    Any questions or comments fire away thanks 






    You are a gem as an individual and I am so happy for your progress. Wish you the best.

  22. 10 hours ago, missingtemples said:

    Thanks for the solid advice everyone. I'll take all this into consideration and even if I proceed with a ht, it would be a very conservative one. 


    I find that puzzling too. I see great results from some doctors using 1000 - 1500 grafts whereas others use way more than that for a similar area. So, yeah I definitely dont want to use that many grafts at my current stage.


    I wish I belonged in the group of people who dont get sides but I tried it with varying doses. A lower dose hit me with similar side effects after some time. That is why I'm experimenting with a much much lower topical dose even though it might be useless.

    Therefore, at this age, you should try to avoid hair implantation in the mid-scalp because in the absence of Finasteride support, the shock loss of existing hair may happen and the progression of baldness might be hastened.

    If you were to go for the transplant, the following areas would be a suitable option. We have marked the area for you to see what would be appropriate as per our opinion. 




    I am also attaching a picture of a similar case lie yours. He is of Indian origin and was very young. However, we did give him the filling on his sides and he thankfully decided to take the medicines. 




    To be very honest, you should avoid transplantation in the absence of Finasteride. 

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