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Gabreille Nelson Mukhia

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Posts posted by Gabreille Nelson Mukhia

  1. 9 hours ago, originalwonder said:

    Hello all, I'm unsure if I'm posting in the correct place- so please, correct me if I'm wrong; but I was wondering if I could have some advice from you all? :'D

    I'm not really sure if I'm the target audience? I'm a young female- full head of hair. However, something I've always been insecure about is my hairline, and my forehead, and I was wondering about if using FUE is a viable method of moving my hairline. (Something akin to what Stephanie Davis has recently done).

    Quarantine has given me a lot of time to.. frankly obsess over it, but, also do a lot of research, and I was wondering if I could get some more opinions.

    As far as I'm aware, females experience hair loss differently to males- it being more diffused over the scalp, rather than condensed into one area, like on males. I'm worried that doing something drastic like this, may impact me further down the line.

    Oddly enough, my mother shows more signs of balding than my father (how he has so much hair still is a complete mystery to me), however, all of the males on his side are balding and/or bald. I know this may give me an insight on what my hair may do when I am older.

    I was looking to lower my hairline about 1-1.5cm, I have fine, dark hair, and I'm Caucasian, so, yaaay for knowing I'll need a bunch of grafts to achieve a good density.

    This also may seem like an insanely silly question, I'm sorry, but does the strip method (FUT) harm the rest of my head? Will it pull my forehead back further? And, as a female, is it worth looking into that over FUE? As having a scar at the back of my head is no issue to me.

    Is something like this even possible? Or would it be worth looking into a different procedure such as hairline lowering (of which is surgical by nature, and doesn't include any sort of hair grafting).

    Any advice or suggestions are appreciated, and thank you for taking the time to read. 😆

    It is true that female hair loss is diferent to males. However, there can be a number of reasons for the hair loss. We have had women who have gotten their hairpine lowered because they were conscious of the naturally high hairline they had. For females, a comparatively lesser number of grafts are required mostly due to the smaller area to be covered. However, in females thenonly donor is the back scalp one has to be careful how the available donor is used and optimised.

    Traction is a common cause of haur loss in the front. Its true. It can be restored with a transplant.

    Cosmetic enhancement of the hairoine is possible for women.

    Can you share some pictures of your hairline?

  2. 11 hours ago, aquaraj11 said:
    On 1/29/2019 at 1:49 PM, Rawkerboi said:

    We all know Dr.Bhatti  cost of HT as it is very well mentioned in his website but how much does Eugenix charges?

    For eugenix in delhi NCR, they told me 75 inr /graft plus GST. Dr arnika will do designing and planning ONLY. Hair line slits, crucial extraction will be done by Eugenix trained dr and implantation will be done by senior technicians.

    So looking at this, i figured out that there is no point selectng Eugenix as the main Dr. is just designing hair line, rest all the major critical work is done by technical staff.

    We have three different packages with regards to the price structure. The one you have mentioned is the Comprehensive package. I am sharing the link to our prices as below:


    The cost is mentioned in details on our website. You can choose a package as per your preference.


  3. 2 hours ago, nishchd said:

    Hi All,

    I am 6 months out my 3rd FUE surgery. Almost 9500 grafts taken from back and sides of my head in last 7 years. Top of my head is now somewhat sorted. But now my donor area looks a bit patchy and depleted. I have seen some vdos and articles where SMP can be a solution for this but it is a temporary one. I want to ask can BHT used to fill in the depleted areas of scalp i.e back and sides. I don't want to make it like a virgin scalp but a little 'normal' looking. How successful would it be? and is there any growth issues in the scar tissue? Please suggest.

    Both are viable options. If you go for beard hair to be transplanted in the donor area, then it can be done. SMP is also a great idea. However, with SMP, maintainance is mandatory from time to time. Can you share some pictures of your donor?

  4. 3 hours ago, FUEgetaboutit said:

    I wanted to get people's opinions and, if you've got 'em, experiences with two different styles of hair transplants I've noticed. Let me try to illustrate with an example:

    Say you've got a receding hairline and you're thinning on top. The thinning isn't so bad, but it's obvious you're likely going to lose a decent amount of hair there in the future. However, what's really bad is the recession. It's really nasty. Here's where the two methods differ:

    Restorative transplant:
    This is pretty much what every HT doc does. They'll fill in the parts that are totally bald or thinning pretty noticeably. These docs WON'T go into the thinning-but-not-so-bad areas on top out of fear of provoking shock loss, or because they think it's poor planning to fill in an area the future appearance of which is just not clear at this point.

    Preventative transplant:
    A lot of HT docs either discourage this and some just outright won't do it. This involves going into the thinning-but-not-bad areas and restoring their density to the natural area's density. If and when you lose the surrounding natural hairs in the transplanted areas, you won't have a really bad balding phase there. It may look thin later on in life, but never straight-up bald.

    Here's me, as an example. I've had some docs (including @Blake Bloxham) suggest a preventative transplant and some docs advising against it, only focusing on the balding or bald areas at the edges. I like the idea, as I'm sure I'm going to lose more hair in the future. It doesn't look bad when it's grown out, but I really don't want to go through that ugly balding phase.

    Anybody with any experience with either have any pros or cons for each? Did you wish you had done the other type instead at any point?

    anterior forelock diffuse thinning.jpg

    I think both the approaches make sense. The restorative would be more suitabke for people who take finasteride. The existing hair do thicken up with finasteride. The preventive transplant is usually adopted by people who don't take finasteride. However, with the native hair gone, the transplaned area will look the same or worse in the long run.

  5. 2 hours ago, deitel130 said:

    I'm planning a second FUT transplant and I've been told that they would make a second linear scar. This would be just below the existing scar and reason is to get the most grafts possible as usually there is scarring and graft survival issues if they used the first scar.

    What are everyone's thoughts on this? My concern is that right now I can easily cut the sides to #3 but with a second scar it will difficult to leave the sides short. 

    Is this what others have done - proceed with a second linear strip scar?

    Why don't you opt for an FUE for the second sitting... 

  6. 18 hours ago, John Colombia said:

    Hi Nelson, Thank you again and the rest of the staff in Mumbai! I had a positive outcome with the surgery. I hope you can share

    my feedback with Dr.Pradeep Sethi and the Mumbai Staff. I was hopeing you were able to find my post, i am new to this site

    i dont know how it works.


    Nelson, thank you ,you were truthful in saying "No Worries We Can Fix It"

    The whole team gives you their regards. We are very happy for you sir.

  7. 6 hours ago, ahmed9500 said:

    Hi all,

    I had my first transplant 4 years ago which was successful but in the last few months noticed thinning again. I am looking for a 2nd HT with the same doctor - DR GOKAN. But I feel my donor area is sparse, how many beard hairs can I use? I was NW6 before first transplant. Dr Gokan has suggested he can do 3000 head hairs and 500 beard. What do you think? Any advice will be appreciated 



    Please can you share some pictures of your beard? 

  8. On 7/17/2020 at 11:25 AM, John Colombia said:

    OK, I will start with my story, i have had 1fut & 3fue and 1 micro pigmentation. (Photos Uploaded) So, I currently live in Cambodia

    I did some research on Eugenix , I spoke with there Rep Nelson who did an amazing job setting everything up. So my problem 

    was that my first 3fues, Fut failed and i needed some repair, i had a thick line of bald area separating from my transplanted 

    Hairline. The photos of "MeBefore" are of the problem i was dealing with for a long time, until i found Eugenix. Now, the photos

    "MeAtEugenix" are the photos of me on surgery day, at the Mumbai facility were i met the staff and Dr. Pradeep Sethi. (Great Friends Forever)

    Next, the photos of "MeAtHome" are 5 days after surgery, when the most annoying part starts, "are they all going grow"? Well, the next set of

    photos "say it all, MeAfter" the cool factor is that there is so much new hair in the bald areas, that these photos were hard to take because i

    couldnt find the bald area. Im, so, so, happy with the Truthful Results of Eugenix Expertise!!!! Please, Note! The Hairline was not done at Eugenix,

    it needs some more work done, that i am going back to Mumbai as soon as i can get out of Cambodia! Covid19 has put restrictions on entering Cambodia.

    In Closing, I have spent close to 20,000 us dollars, over 15 years of hair surgery. Why? i got robbed by a lot of Doctors with false claims. Just Go

    to Eugenix, No matter were you are in the world, Find them Go!!!! They practice the Golden Rule "Treat others the way you Wanted to be Treated"

    and "Do No Harm". Eugenix does it right the first time, by the way i had 1,100 grafts done this session, thats what its supposed to look like when all your hair grafts grow not Die, You obsolete Doctors that stole my money and my time. LOOOSERRRSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    !Great Success Eugenix!

    Hope to see you soon,

    John Colombia aka John Cambodia















    Thank you for your wonderdul and kind words sir. We are truely grateful that we had the opportunity to serve you.

    We wish you the best.

  9. 7 hours ago, Swish said:

    Hello guys,

    I was wondering if people would posts some pictures of their hair transplant without styling product in their hair. The reason why is because i will be getting a hair transplant in maybe 5-10 years and I usually dont style my hair with products because it looks fine after a shower with shampoo and i would like to keep it that way. But is that even be possible after a hair transplant or am i required to use some kind of products to make it look good?


    Thanks in advance.

    The pictures that I have posted along with my story are without hair styling products. Maybe it helps if your hair is curly but I didn't require hair styling products after transplantation.

    • Like 1
  10. 16 hours ago, NAVI said:

    Do beard hair gel well with wavy hair ? I think beard hair are curly so they migh tblend better with people who have wavy hair like myself.

     Beard hair can be good if used as fillers along with scalp hair. Purely beard hair are wiry and in areas where just beard hair are transplanted, the density is not that great.

  11. On 7/15/2020 at 9:09 PM, NAVI said:

    Does hairloss stabilise after 30 for most men? I am a diffuse thinner with 30 percent density left and 32 years old. Should I expect that I would stabilise now?

    Baldness is usually very aggressive from the 20s till the 30s. The speed slows down from the 30s to the 40s a little. From the 40s onwards it spmewhat stabilizes. But baldness is also very unpredictable and may keep progressing even after that.

  12. You can try the medication and see if you feel it suits you or not. If you feel otherwise then you can leave it. It is true that you will progress into greater levels of baldness if you don't take the medication. In that case, you will have to be prepared for multiple transplant procedures if you go for any.

  13. 3 hours ago, Val said:

    I just had FUE 3000 grafts. 
    I’m a very active person-running and working out..wondering how long i should wait to resume? The doctor said 9 days but i just wanted to get your opinions as well. It took me a while to save for the surgery so it was a huge deal for me and i want to be safe.

    also the stubby brittle feeling of the new grafts... how long did that last for those that have had HT
    does anyone use any kind of oils on their scalp post ht

    You should let the hair be for at least 7 to 9 days. Its true. You can have yoyr headwash after that. You can use hair products after the headwash. You should avoid rubbing, touching etc on the transplanted area for the initial day until the headwash.

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