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Gabreille Nelson Mukhia

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Posts posted by Gabreille Nelson Mukhia

  1. 23 hours ago, ruca2 said:

    He said he didn't want it lowered under where his current hairline reaches so not sure why you would give him this hairline. Also, you thinking 1500 grafts will give adequate density dropping his hairline 2cms is just plain wrong. Please don't take this advice. 

    You are correct if he does not want to lower his hairline. It was just an opinion that if he does restore his hairline by lowering then the above seemed reasonable. However, if he doesn't want to lower the hairline then he would require less.

  2. 1 hour ago, lopress65 said:

    This seems like it is probably something that I should just try to ignore, but is there anything I can do to stop recipient site itchiness 2-days post-op? I've been super careful not to touch it, but if this itching doesn't stop, I fear I may accidentally/instinctively scratch my scalp.

    That's okay. The itching is normal. If it gets unbearable the maybe you can take some medication to control he itching. It will soon go away by itself.

  3. On 6/25/2020 at 6:59 AM, Lukey13 said:

    Thanks very much for the encouraging words Nelson, just watching a couple of your videos now.

    You really have had a fantastic result, I would never be able to tell you had a transplant... The density and volume is amazing, I would be honestly be happy with even half of the hair you have now!

    Thanks very much for the encouragement, it's so worrying when you don't have heavy donor reserves in the bank!

    Don't worry sir. I am sure that you will have a good density in the coming months. Look forward to your full growth and best wishes from my side.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Lukey13 said:

    Hi, thanks very much for your response to my thread that is a reassuring comment to read and certainly gives me more hope. Especially coming from someone who has actually had a procedure with a slightly different recovery time than what's generally regarded.
    Can I ask  did you have any of your recovery documented online, or any photos?

    And was it that you had actually noticed any new hairs had grown around 14 months, or just a general thickening of the existing transplanted hairs?

    Thanks again for the reply, I wonder how many other people out there have experienced something similar despite the '12 month' template...

    In fact I do have every month from the 4th month onwards documented. That's how I was able to keep track of the increase in density. It is also on my thread by the way where I have posted my story along with the pictures. I did see new hair growth by the 12th month also. I was a late bloomer with regards to the results. Nonetheless, I got a really good and satisfying density when I did. So I wouldn't want you to get worried either. It is normal for some people to have a little delay in growth. 

    • Like 1
  5. On 6/8/2020 at 7:47 PM, Rareynolds said:

    Just wanted to post some pictures 6 months on. Really happy with the progress and feel my hairline looks really natural. Still taking Finasteride and topical minoxidil daily and hoping as I continue I will get more thickness from the hair. 
    also thinking about dyeing my hair blonder Has anyone any advice on this I am getting mixed advice.  


    For the 6th month mark, it looks beautiful. The full density comes within 12 months approximately (generally). I wish you the best growth. Amazing...

  6. 6 hours ago, Lukey13 said:

    Ok so I just wanted to ask what you guys out there real experiences have been following having an FUE procedure with regards to regrowth time frames..

    Most material I have found online is suggesting that by about 9 months you would have sprouted almost all your implanted FU's and pretty much already have the bulk of your total yield, that there will be very minimal change onwards towards 12 months as far as density numbers, mainly just maturing.

    I'm asking this as I'm approaching 9 months and I'm a quite worried about my overall yield, even more so as I know that I have a limited donor area to use for a high Norwood case, probably a NW6 image.gif.dda89316b4fe903052177d4b645d4cc8.gif
    I had planned to work back towards my crown in a 2nd procedure as part my initial 2 stage plan from the start, now I'm worried about not reaching anywhere near my goals...

    So I'd be very interested to hear genuine experiences and educated opinions on regrowth time frames...

    Thanks, of everyone.

    I had a drastic change on the 14th mo after the transplantation procedure. By the 9th month, I didn't have the optimum density intended during the procedure. It was only by the 14th month that I felt completely satisfied. Therefore, personally, I believe that it does take an average of 12 months for the full density to be visible. However, it is also subjective as I have seen multiple patients who have experienced a direct growth of the transplanted hair.


  7. 5 hours ago, solidsn2004 said:

    @Gabreille Nelson Mukhia thanks for your comment. To be perfectly honest I was also thinking that I would need around 2000 grafts but after consulting with 4 different doctors they all suggested to me that I will need between 3200 and 3800 grafts. However, I am planning to check my hair again after at least 6 months of finasteride and re-evaluate with them. I was also suggested to avoid combining finasteride with minoxidil at the beginning but introduce it after my hair gets stronger.

    Yes. You can try finasteride for 6 months and then have an evaluation done again.

    Minoxidil is supplementary so even if you avoid it it's okay for now. Finasteride will completely stop the progression of baldness until you take it.

    • Like 1
  8. On 5/27/2020 at 1:58 PM, Radiogaga said:

    Hi all, I have been researching an fue procedure for over three years. I initially wanted one but decided to let my hair loss before I committed. 

    Every clinic I have contacted have said that they can reach 80% coverage with two procedures. My problem is that I don't think I have enough donor area for two procedures, I can include beard hair in both procedures. 

    I understand it's difficult to estimate the exact number as i've been told I have anywhere between 9000 and 5000 from different doctors.

    I have attached a few photos below. I would genuinely appreciate honest answers. The red line going across the back of my head in one of the photos is just a temporary mark from "bed head". Thanks guys!





    You can have a full scalp coverage with a high hairline and a conservative approach. You could give your donor grafts from the beard as well.

    It could be over two sittings. For the first sitting you could have your frontal half done and the rest in the second sitting.

    • Like 1
  9. You could do with 2000 grafts approximately, depending on your choice of hairline for the reconstruction of the frontal zone. 

    Finasteride would definitely help preserve the rest of the existing hair and also revive the miniaturising ones. 

    Minoxidil, multivitamins etc can provide supplementary support for the hair.


  10. 22 hours ago, skallig said:

    Wow, these results are mindblowing, @Abhinay Singh. Thanks for sharing this. Just wondering if the patient had his hair trimmed on the crown area as I can see some small hair around crown area, or is that the natural hairgrowth he has there. 

    The crown is yet to be done in the second sitting. He has kept long hair in the front and therefore, his crown is less visible. He has pre-existing hair in his crown and maybe that's what you have observed.

  11. 22 hours ago, LaserCap said:

    Propecia, Rogaine, Laser and PRP are the modalities we typically discuss when dealing with this condition.  If you can't do one for whatever reason, do the others and be consistent.  It is important to also recognize there is a synergistic effect when these are used simultaneously.

    If you can't take Propecia, I would talk to the doctor about it and find out the cause.  Sometimes is just a matter of timing,  Perhaps taking it every other day does the trick.  Maybe even cutting down the dose.  

    Thank you for your wise words sir.

  12. On 6/15/2020 at 2:20 PM, KarmaPolice said:

    Bro could you get Dr Pradeep & Dr Arika's opinion on Topical Dutasteride? I've seen a lot of talk going around this at the moment. Couple of surgeons I visited also advised topical solutions over pills. 

    Unfortunately, we do not have enough experience with liquid Dutasteride to give any advice on it. 

    Liquid Fiansteride, however, shows promising results.

  13. Supposing an individual does not take Finasteride or is allegedly having side effects with it, then what are the other options that a person can adopt to prevent further balding? Also, in case of further progression (mild or aggressive), how does a person manage his hair and his transplantation procedures?

    What would you as hair transplant experts do in your own cases?

  14. On 6/12/2020 at 11:22 PM, Taken4Granted said:

    I think if topical is any use, it’ll be somewhat transdermal and get into the bloodstream. I don’t really know, but my prejudice is that it’s equivalent to a low-dose pill. It’s the same with minox, which sometimes causes non-local sides.

    By the way, I didn’t have serious side effects in the first couple years on finasteride. The issues gradually intensified as I got into my late twenties. I think there may be a cumulative aspect to it.

    Thas interesting. I would love to know more about it. What kind of side effects did you experience? And why do you feel that it intensified as you continued with the medication? 

  15. 2 hours ago, giegnosiganoe said:

    I agree with you. I wish I got on finasteride at the age of 18 when I started having signs of MPB (didn't notice it at the time). I ended up seeing a dermatologist at the age of 20 and then 22, both times with CLEAR signs of MPB, yet unfortunately he didn't want to prescribe it to me for whatever BS reason. He told me I could just get a hair transplant in the future. Finally after moving to the US and seeing another doctor, I was prescribed it immediately at the age of 24. If only I had been more knowledgeable about finasteride and how important it is back when I was 20, I would have been more persistent and consulted with another doctor, and would have avoided all of the BS that I'm stuck with now. Oh, and I'm not even a great hair transplant candidate. So depressing. I hope that first dermatologist pays for his negligence. I can't imagine all of the other men who he has turned down. And it should be pretty obvious from my post, but I'm now taking dutasteride and haven't had any side effects whatsoever.

    True. I agree with you 100%. I wish I had known about Finasteride when my baldness initiated. So many people I know are taking Finasteride. Infact, I know someone who has been taking the medication for 20 years. It is beyond amazing how much this medication can help. This medication has been a blessing to me. It has completely stopped any further hair loss in my case. Plus I haven't had any side effects. For those of us who can afford to take the medication, I think we should. Many times, it can be very misleading when people demonise the medication (for whatever reasons) without any experience with it. I hope the medication is helping you retain your hair. 

  16. On 6/11/2020 at 7:07 PM, Panamera13 said:


    1.) Morr5 - I see this product manufactured by Gina Pharma and/or Intas Pharma. Gina Pharma is 100% fraud. Instas seem like a big reputed company but I don't see their "india" product list on their website. Other regions product pdf's are readily available.

    2.) Parati Farmacia(Pharmacy) - Heard about it but couldn't find the product on their website. Reading other forums tell me that I would need a prescription for it.

    If topical fin is a great invention (and super easy to make...just mix minox + Fin powder) - Why is there no info, no literature, no test studies, no clinical trials. In fact, H&W stopped selling it.

    I'll stay away unless I hear more details from people here and real life use cases.

    To get the Finasteride gel from Farmacia Parati, your doctor will have to email a prescription to info@farmaciaparati.it along with your address. They then give you the quotation along with the shipping charges and thereafter they would send over the product. They usually take 8 to 10 days to prepare the order.

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