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Posts posted by Spaceman

  1. I guess you want to get back to your pic of a few years ago. But you won’t. You can get part of the way back. You can certainly get the temples filled in and reinforce the hairline and it can look very good to excellent by today’s standards. And everyone on this board will call it a home run and it will be. 

    However, the hair that goes in the temples will be much coarser than what was in there before. And it will be sparser than before. And the hairline will be slightly different and the angles of the hair may be slightly different as well. So it won’t look the same as before to you. All those things will be true even with a home run result from a top surgeon. 

    People with a lot of loss accept all those things but it’s harder to accept when your starting position is so good. So it’s best to wait for a hair transplant until you really need it.

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  2. I agree with everything that JJ said and with the other posters recommending against Bosley.

    In addition, with your level of loss and the length at which you wear your hair, be sure to consider FUT from a clinic that performs large sessions like Hasson and Wong in North America or Hattingen in Europe. With your hair at that length a scar won’t be noticeable at all.

  3. On 2/4/2019 at 6:42 AM, jim009 said:

    most off the top clinics juse WAW system 


    IDK if Hasson & Wong use WAW in their clinic, but Dr. Wong has demonstrated it along side Devroye and raved about it on the H&W blog. 

    Also agree with Legend and Melvin that consistency and quality of results is most important. OP, if your goal is to minimize trauma and scarring in donor then look for clinics that consistently show the least signs of surgery in the fully healed donor area in patient posted results. 

    New tools/techniques are continually developed and top surgeons employ different tools/techniques depending on the case.

  4. That’s a very large FUT scar. With that large of a scar you should look at surgical scar revision with a top FUT surgeon. As long as you have the laxity and no healing issues. Then if you have donor hair available, FUE into the scar.  You can also FUE beard hair into the scar if that is available. 

    Thanks for posting your experiences and perspective on SMP. It’s really too bad it doesn’t last a few more years.

  5. 9 hours ago, John Baris said:

    That's why these forums are very useful, but the problem here is people arguing FUE or FUT and trying to be right about it. 

    I generally agree with your post, however I don’t think this thread is about FUT vs FUE. At least that is not what my comments were trying to convey. Both FUE and FUT are great procedures when performed by a qualified, experienced surgical team.

    To me, the thread reminds us that there are many bad clinics out there that can do more damage than good with either procedure. Neither is scarless, and either procedure, in the wrong hands can leave you screwed. Buyer beware.

  6. 5 hours ago, kw877 said:

    Waiting for someone to tell us “you’re exposing the transplanted area it’s bound to look bad” or “the lighting is too bright it’s bound to look bad” or “you aren’t styling it right it’s bound to look bad”

    if a HT only looks good hidden by existing hair, in a dimly lit room, or styled with a combover to disguise it, it’s not a success in my eyes. Wtf is the point? I get so annoyed seeing people say this crap.

    If you have to stand in dark corners avoiding day light, with your transplant hidden with a combover, it’s not a success.

    If this was your final result you’d have every right to be dissatisfied, but most people see considerable new growth between month 5 and month 9. Is there a reason to believe your new growth has stopped?

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