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Posts posted by Shifty

  1. Missed last month, will update fully in a cpl weeks. This is right now. Hairs still sprouting in the front, not sure about crown. I have a tiny bit of fibers in the front left but you wouldn't be able to see it in this photo i do not think.


    I have being going hard with derma pen, I think the harder I am on the areas i'm injuring the better the result......who knows, no pain no gain!!!



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  2. 44 minutes ago, hair4tomo said:

    Ah thanks. Amazing results you have there. What mm size needles on the roller did you use? 0.5mm? 0.3mm?

    Do you have a link to the Nizoral product? If I were to go for one, should I pick the Nizoral one or the "HAIR RESTORATION LABORATORIES' 2019 PROFESSIONAL STRENGTH" one?

    1.5 but with the derma pen I vary between 1 and 2 depending on how much it hurts lol


    The shampoo I use has a link is in previous page. I purchased Nizoral but only used it a cpl times before I went back to HRL.

  3. 37 minutes ago, hair4tomo said:

    Hi Shifty, Just wondering why the derma roller isn't part of your "big three" (to make a big four) if it gave you such success?

    It is, the big 3 is a term i've learned on this site. If you go back a page or two, you will, see exactly what I have been doing as I write it all out.

    I just started using my derma pen....it hurts so much more than the roller...lol

  4. 16 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    You would be surprised. Back in the day surgeons used to charge $15 per graft and were talking about the days when 1,000 grafts was considered a mega-session. It's not until recently that prices have become a bit more reasonable. Think of it like electronics, do you remember how much a big screen TV used to cost? I remember as a kid in the 90's big screen televisions costing thousands upon thousands of dollars. Now you can buy a 60 inch TV for a couple of hundred bucks.


    imagine the cost drop of HT's though!

  5. My perspective is, when you start doing things in tandem with each other i.e. Finesteride - vitamins - derma - etc - etc, you will 100% see better results than each on their own. 


    Saying vitamins do nothing for you is puzzling. Everything you ingest gets processed by your body. Just know what your putting in your body because not everything is the same.  I will preface that by saying FOOD FIRST! A healthy diet is needed,  you cannot get everything you need just from vitamins but if you feel you may be deficient in something vitamins will help. 

  6. 7 hours ago, CosmoKramer said:

    Fantastic results without going the Ht route.

    Have you thought about microneedling with a roller or pen for better blood circulation to the new hairs to strengthen and thicken them further?

    Are you talking about derma roller? Because I do that, every Monday and Thursday.  If you go back a page or 2 you will see exactly what I've been doing for 8 months now. 

  7. Month 8 to the day.

    Nothing in the hair just towel dried and left alone for a little after a shower.

    Hair still growing. Or at least it looks that way to me, especially in the front. I'm definitely praying it is!! 


     Went to Aruba earlier this month and other than that, as I've said before, I've been religious with doing everything.


    (See previous messages in this thread for exactly what I'm doing)













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  8. 1 hour ago, Mycroft said:

    You've had some great results thus far. Even if you end up undergoing a surgery you will probably need a fraction of the grafts to achieve your goals with a much better end result. Are you just looking to increase density or were you thinking you might reshape/lower the hairline also?

    Increase density in frontal hairline and close up the crown. I think i can get it done w 2500. I was told 4 before the regimine

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