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Everything posted by Der3k7

  1. Also $100/month * 12 is only $1200 yearly. Over the course of 10 years that’s 12,000. Your hair transplant with Hasson was probably around 9000. And without prevention assuming you keep thinning you’d need multiple surgeries of 1000 grafts to keep chasing the thinning so it would be more cost effective in the long run + option of also doing a transplant for ever more hair maximization
  2. I used to think about just chasing a continuously receding hairline and diffuse thinning by just doing hair transplants but you only have finite donor supply and at some point it’s not enough and prevention is necessary to prevent ever having the look of “going bald”.Plus, every hair transplant you gotta look kinda crappy for another 6 months again. And if not preventing, you get to enjoy it for about a year before you start looking thinner again because of hair loss progression. So im all about prevention now too
  3. Yeah possibly. I mean it’s meant to prevent hairloss and thicken what you have so I’d just use a pump daily regardless for prevention
  4. Be careful with this i asked xyon and they said when they did product testing that it maintains potency for 6 months. Meaning the potency would go down after 6 months for one bottle meaning the most you could stretch it out is applying every other day. Extending beyond this would mean any applications after 6 months on the same bottle would be less effective
  5. I don’t recall the punch sizes used for all 3 surgeries or any of them
  6. This was my third hair transplant and it was by far the best yield when compared to my other prior surgeries. It was done by dr wrong. I started dying my hair at 6 months. Although it might have been sooner actually I can’t remember. Taking a hit of not dying hair for 6 months is easily worth the trade off you get at the end. Also just take those 6 months and work on the gym a ton. Kill multiple birds with one stone self improvement monk-mode for awhile then come back leveled up. I’m going back to wrong to improve density in my hairline and corners and crown again. Smaller surgery this time though but will totally be worth it
  7. Here is another old pic I found before the Wong surgery and a comparison to now with similar lighting. You could see the outline of my scalp before through the hairline. Pre op is on bottom
  8. Yeah it’s kinda hard to remember my hair being this bad before. Can’t wait to see as my compliance goes up plus some more grafts in the corners and throughout mid scalp and crown for reinforcement
  9. Yeah I had 300 grafts placed in there as well but yeah it should be helping. Gonna try to get my compliance up to 80+% over the year before next November and we are gonna help reinforce some of my problem areas
  10. I calculated my compliance percent out and it was right around 50-55% for this last bottle. If I get that up to 90-100% I wonder how much better my hair will improve
  11. How do you use 2 pumps daily and have left over at 90 days? There’s supposed to only be 90 pumps or so in the bottle. If what you are saying is true that would make over 180 pumps
  12. It’s probably not linear like that. I would guess each additional pump would have a smaller and smaller additional decrease in dht, but it could be the opposite and be a larger decrease in dht each additional pump. Also the bottle is 390 for the dutasteride version. I only use one pump and use dab it throughout the scalp on parted hair in different sections. Wong said it diffuses under the skin when it absorbs, so application doesn’t need to be perfect
  13. Lol yeah that would come out to 1 month per bottle
  14. I asked them to add it to their product offering duasteride minoxidil combo if they do it for finasteride it only makes sense and the rep said they took my feedback but for now I just use their dut and old fashioned minoxidil dropper I really like the dropper
  15. Yea I agree and I am happy with the progress made with this one. Just some more reinforcement in the hairline and corners and some in the mid scalp and then in crown will really help a lot with my last concerns next November with wong again. I believe in total around 9500 grafts. However for the first 7400 of them the yields were fairly low so many of them were wasted. This surgery had the least amount of grafts and yet I notice the biggest difference
  16. No what he is saying is it would imply the systemic decrease in dht is actually larger than what they claim because they measured it too early and didn’t give it enough time to stabilize at its lower level before measuring the ending decrease in systemic dht and that it actually takes longer than 1 month but more like 3-4 months to reach its lowest systemic level that it stabilizes at
  17. I want to apply daily but I usually put it on at night time before bed and it takes me like 10 minutes and it also messes my hair up when I rub it on my scalp cuz I have to pull my hair apart and it just looks kinda silly or less than ideal when I put it on and a lot of times I end up being too tired to put it on or I am going out somewhere and don’t want my hair to look kinda stupid. But yeah I need to fix this habit so I can get the compliance higher. I think it has been helping though but hard to really tell
  18. That’s interesting too late for me now I’ve been talking xyon 50% of days since February
  19. I have these photos I use to show barbers how to cut my hair as reference
  20. I’ve had 3 fue surgeries and can’t even tell. I never do a skin fade up that high but I do have the hair short and you can’t tell. I’ve had around 10k grafts pulled from my donor too
  21. Well I haven’t had any issues with side effects that I am aware of. My compliance is probably like 50% though
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