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Everything posted by HairLossMentor

  1. Agree Mick50. Most docs in the business only perform HT's part-time now. We can blame ARTAS and Neo-graft for that.
  2. Almost forgot the most important... 15 months - YES, you look damn good! Get out there and enjoy your hair buddy. Style it, have fun with it. You're back! A little in the future, but once your styling your hair again, it's time to think about 1) keeping what you have with meds, the big 3, rogaine, nizoral, propecia (lots of options) 2) Ways to make your hair look even better, thicker with shampoo, smp, etc.
  3. You won't lose any grafts at 7 days. Not even a concern - so get that out of your mind A HT study showed that grafts are 100 secure at 5 days. If you lost a graft prior, you would see a lot of blood. Not spot bleeding - but a steady stream for 30 or so seconds. So much so your partner would say, "shit, you're bleeding." If you didn't hear that - Or notice a stream of blood down your face, you're OK. If you did lose a grafts (or even a few) - nothing to worry about. Think about it. If I plucked a few hairs from your head, would you notice? No. I've had a HT so lets tackle your future concerns now Please print and put beside your mirror... you did not lose any grafts. I repeat. You did not lose any grafts yes, I know it does not look like 3000 grafts (normal) No, pimples will not damage your grafts That spot bleeding, it's normal. Just a scab - and no, you didn't damage grafts Yes, it's Ok you picked a scab and noticed spot bleeding. Yes, I know the areas is red. No you didn't damage any grafts when you bumped your head, it's OK. You didn't damage any grafts Yes, the right or left is growing slower. It's normal. Don't worry yes, it looks patchy. I know. Normal. stop comparing your result to other guys at 3, 6+ months. Some guys grow faster, some slower. Wait 15 months. yes, i know it's thin at 6 months. More to come! No, the hair product you used to style your hair did not damage the grafts No, it's not the final result at 9 months. Yes, you will get more density.
  4. 100% normal. Most of the graft shed with the scabs. Keep the area moist. While you're getting good advice - also best to contact the clinic directly for this kind of stuff. p.s. Best advice I can give is try and forget about your HT until 6+ months. Hard to do I know! But some areas will grow faster than the others. The left or right side will look thinner - at first. It will look patchy. All normal. It's a long process, 15+ months. Dr. Rahal is one of the best. Ask questions and enjoy the ride - but try not to stress p.p.s every guy is different. Some guys heal faster, get growth faster. Some slower. Never compare your results prior to 15 months to other - ever. It's a waiting game.
  5. Hi literalno, I'll get some temple point results from rahal for you monday or Tuesday.
  6. The temple point examplea are from dr. Rahal... If dr. Rahal said "I will look like you had work done" - it means to dont need them and he only needs to restore your "temple angles" to frame your face. Your temples points (as is) will balance the hairline. If he were to restore them also, your hairline would look "off." Temple angles... frame your face, give you that "youthful look." Temple points - balance the hairline. They needs to match your temple points. A youthful hairline without temple points and the ht looks fake. Same with a mature hairline and agressive temple points. It will look off. Micro/macro irregularity - creates a soft, natural transition. Placement - based on ethnic background, hair loss history, etc. A lot goes into hairline design! Choose a hairline master like dr. Rahal or dr. Shapiro.
  7. Hey literalno, Temple points balance the hairline. Your hairline can be 100% natural looking but if the temple points are off... the result looks "off." For example, hair systems. They can't create temple points and why I can spot a system from 1000 feet. It's also common with part-time hair transplant doctors. They don't have the experience to create temple points and will just transplant the hairline. The result screams "hair transplant." Why? Because nature says (with rare exceptions) that your temple points needs to match your hairline. If your hairline is receding, then your temple points should too. If your hairline is more youthful, then your temple points should be too. They need to compliment each other. So It's not that temple points look "unnatural." It's that temple points (when done wrong) will make a hair transplant look like a "hair transplant." Guys in the know will pick up on it. Others will know something is "off." Their eyes will subconsciously drift up. It's all about balance. Just like your hairline... temple points are individualized, not cookie-cutter. We can get into how to transplant temple points too... you NEED to be a master at hairlines. If the angle is off, your screwed. If the hair is too thick. Your screwed. Choose wisely. Trust me... an unnatural hair transplant is worse than being bald. Nature has rules. Don't break them! And choose your hair transplant doc wisely. Hope this helps.
  8. Hi HLS2015, Thanks for the questions. I'll need to confirm a few with Rahal. But answer the ones I know. First, I get it man. You're angry at your result. I don't know the specifics. But based on your experience... years ago... you feel that Rahal is not consistent. When that's simply not true. Your situation, which shity, is not the norm. Without knowing the specifics, I can 100% guarantee Rahal did the right thing. Be it refund, touch-up, whatever. That's who he is - ethical. Dr. Rahal stands behind all of his patients. Maybe he's too humble to say it. But I will. And for you to imply anything else is wrong. I'm going to post hundreds of A+ FUE results soon - including my own. As with anything, results are what count. And i'll back what I say with results. Now, you're questions: Some good ones. Looks like you might have been mislead. Most of the info you stated is not true. Some of your questions I can answer with exciting advancements. There is no turnover. I know the team, personally. Most have been there 10+ years. Others 20+ years. There are only a few less than 2 years. And I think another (maybe two) less than 6 months - though they are in training. So you're 100% wrong about this. Great question! There are 3 any clinic should measure. 1) Total, 2) Partial, 3) Tissue. There is some debate in the FUE community that "partial" is OK. Even a skill which sets the pros from amateurs. Some also say that it's OK to leave a 1-hair (for example) so the donor area does not look thin. As for Rahal's partial, it's under 3% - and measured "every case." It's also used to decide on the type of punch used during the case. If the patients skill is tough and partial transection is 4% for example - they will switch. Total and tissue are even less. Less than strip actually. I don't know the #'s. But i'll get for you. And the #'s are not out of my ass. I'll ask Patient Care to pull some charts over the last year. Data is data - and #'s don't lie. One thing I should point out here is 1) Rahal uses 8x magnification for extraction - the highest in North America. Awesome question. A combination of "HypoThermosol and Adenosine Tri-Phosphate." The solution "per procedure" is around $800. A big investment other clinics don't. It's the same solution they use preserve organs for transplants. Have you heard of coverage value? More here Dr. Rahal uses for every case. It was Dr. Lorenzo who created and shared. And prevents what you're talking about it. I'm not sure if it was used 3 years ago, as in your case. But it's standard now. And prevents what you're saying. Not true. There are two FUE extractions: Miguel and Dr. Gibbons, Dr. Rahal. Dr. Rahal decides on the punch to use, depth, etc. Starts the extractions, then monitors transection real-time. He also does all the incision, hairline design, etc. So he does majority of the case. Dr. Gibbons also does extractions. But I don't really care who does them. I care about transection, plus experience. And you should too. Since we are talking technical... Dr. Rahal uses the smallest punches in North America. Most are .8. He also uses the highest magnification in North America. Plus uses sharp or WOW, depending on needs. KEEP for implanting - basically EVERYTHING you need to perform A+ FUE. On top of that... he shares tips and travels to Turkey, spending time. Koray, Feriduni, Lorenzo all of the time. What I'm getting at is... you're procedure was years ago. Things have changed. How about this... You have some great questions. How about visiting Rahal and seeing for yourself.
  9. My skin tends a little to keloid scars which might affect both FUE and FUT Hey Gasthoerer, That's a big one buddy. I would rule out strip 100%. A shitty scar is tough to deal with - and even harder to fix. For results... meet patients in person. Best advice I can give. I know Rahal is launching their new site soon... with 100's of amazing FUE results. But again, meet patients in person. Question... have you thought about smp? Rahal's doing "3DSMP" now. And it's awesome. You can't tell - looks like real hair. So you can shave your head. If it's a look you're after.
  10. p.s. I've seen great results from Koray, Feriduni, Lorenzo, Lupanzula, too. p.p.s. Dr. Rahal and Koray, Feriduni, Lorenzo, Lupanzula share FUE tips all the time. If you're comparing Rahal's FUE years ago to now... you need to learn how technically the procedure has advanced. Donor management... punch size... magnification... keep... wow... sharp... dull. Let's talk technical. Lets have a debate. But let's also stick to the facts. p.p.p.s no shills allowed
  11. Sorry guys. But a couple of unhappy patients does not mean majority of results are not great. It doesn't not work like that. Especially from years back. I know first hand that most are... the majority are happy. Having been a repair patient myself (and the clinic leaving me dry), I know the difference between a doc who stands by his patients vs. a doc who does not. ... and that's my point. Not only does Rahal stand by his patients. His FUE is among the best. Every A+ clinic will have some unhappy patients. Meaning the clinic will do everything right and the patient will still not get the results he/she hopes for. ... that's a fact. Not up for debate. If you're not willing to accept that fact. Don't get a hair transplant. Period. How about this? I'll pay $10,000 to any clinic who comes forward and says they get it right 100% of time time. Consistent: that's the keyword here. What's important is this... how did the clinic handle the patients concerns. In Dr. Rahal's case, amazing well. The patient is always right, be it a refund or touch-up. Does not matter. It's the patient that counts. But to say that Rahal's FUE is not among the best is a lie - when the majority of patients are happy. I can back this up with results. Lots of happy patients. Again a fact. I'll go a step further... for hairlines, Dr. Rahal is #1. For FUE, he is by far the best in North America. I have some picks in Turkey, too. Why do I say the above? I base this on 1) my results (compared to my previous HT), and 2) having seem 100's of FUE results in person. Now if you want to debate "technical" - why you should choose one over another. Let's debate. I'm up for.
  12. I had the pleasure of meeting the patient in person. Great guy. Great story. Great result. @Gasthoerer What's making your decision difficult? I've been there myself. In the end, I went for FUE. But my first was strip.
  13. Hey stephcurry30, Need to call you out of a few things. But before I do, a little about me 1) I've had three hair transplants over 15 years. My first was when FUE was "just" getting started. ---- was the player in town. And Arphy was the "voice" for younger guys. Vets here will know what I mean. 2) I'm a Rahal FUE patient - a happy Rahal patient. Dr. Rahal saved my life, literally. He repaired my hair transplant for free. Yes, for free over two years. I am forever in his debt. 3) I'm a repair patient (my life was literally put on hold after my HT was botched my a well-know doctor. At one point, I'll talk more about this. 4) I'm on Rogaine 5%, Proscar, Nizoral. 5) I'm not an employee of Rahal. But I do help Rahal will some marketing, web. So there is full disclosure on my end. I'll add to my signature. Now what I need to call you out on... 1) Rahal's practice is mostly FUE. Yes patients still get strip. But most are FUE. 2) FUE results are consistent and high-quality. Period. The private PM's you talk about don't exist. Yes. You made it up. 3) I'm happy to debate, technician vs. doctor (and who does the extractions). But I also happen to know that most of the doctors who "say" they do the extracts, don't. That's a fact. Though I really don't care who does personally. Why? It's the results that count. And Rahal's FUE results are some of the best, period. It's been a battle. A shiity hair transplant... Dr. Rahal fixing it... my life on hold after I was botched. So I take this a little personally. I know what's out there. The great docs from the shitty. The A-listers, from the B-listers. I won't accuse you of being a shill. Though having been around the HT community for a bit now, I'm great at detecting "shots" like yours. Just enough to raise doubt. What I mean is, stick to the facts. I'll post my results soon. And more of my story.
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