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Posts posted by Legend007

  1. My surgery is in a couple of months .. when I did my booking I asked if I was the only patient that day.. she said yeah ..

    so I don’t know .. I hope I be the only patient .. unless they book another person with me in the upcoming months.. anyone else had surgery with diep ? Were u the only patient that day ?

    FUe requires a lot of attention to detail n time .. I really do not want to spend so much money n not get the docs full attention ..

    but at least ur brothers hair is growing ..

    I’ve noticed most his patients have fast growth ..

  2. My surgery is in a couple of months .. when I did my booking I asked if I was the only patient that day.. she said yeah ..

    so I don’t know .. I hope I be the only patient .. unless they book another person with me in the upcoming months.. anyone else had surgery with diep ? Were u the only patient that day ?

    FUe requires a lot of attention to detail n time .. I really do not want to spend so much money n not get the docs full attention ..

    but at least ur brothers hair is growing ..

    I’ve noticed most his patients have fast growth ..

  3. Ur hair looks pretty good . Early grower with a nice dense hairline .. n it’s going to be better .. remember .. this is ur 3rd transplant into ur hairline .. ur physiology is not good. U should appreciate what u got right now .. u don’t need to wear a hat anymore ..

    As u age u will lose more hair .. don’t try to be a perfectionist , u a balding man. Be happy n feel comfortable with ur self .. n save ur grafts for future hairloss..’

  4. This is what I don’t like.. the doctor is so busy with so many patients , the whole surgery is very impersonal.. u traveling overseas n spending good money .. for a name on the clinic.. u risking ur life doing surgery. . If the tech don’t do a great job :. Then u screwed for the rest of ur life .. clinics that have the techs doing the extractions . A surgical procedure .. should inlcude which tech is working on u on that day .. cuz it’s obvious they are the one giving n doing the work .. not the doctor; anyone can draw their own hairline .. it takes 5 minutes .. so all the doctor is doing is doing is making the incisions . Give credit to the technicians..

  5. Don’t worry markie .. just educate urself on what to expect n find the surgeon u trust with ur hair n wallet .. n u most feel comfortable with .. everyone has their surgeons they like .. but it’s who u feel u can trust with ur hair is most important .... I like all the doctors given to u ... but erdogan is obviously ur best choice because u are most comfortable with him .. get a nice communication relationship with him going n if u feel comfortable that’s who u r willing to go under the surgery chair with .. then go for it .. we are the patients making the time n effort n money to get the results .. choose someone u can trust that cares about ur results n u be just fine .

  6. New technology is great .. but I’m still kinda iffy about machines that sucks the grafts via vacuum , causing potential damage .. just to make the job of the surgery quicker for the surgeon .. I don’t think at the moment nothing can be better than an experienced surgeon n staff doing it manually .. it costs $thousands of dollar for the patients to save up money to rent out the office for the day ..

  7. But yeah as a member of this community .. it be nice if the clinic can provide if this was done in two sessions or one ? Was it a one time megassion, or two sessions in two days or two surgery’s spanning in a year .. just so the community n new members don’t get confused n know what to expect .. it’s imporfant information so potential patients don’t expect too much .. thanks ..

  8. Yeah I feel u .. it’s a lot of money .. if u want to do the fut route it’s $4-$4.50 a graft if u don’t mind the scar . I myself wouldn’t want to spend so much money on hair. .. erdogan does do great work from what I’ve read .. that could work best for u .. just get it all done at once at a mega session.. I’m only going to diep for my hairline .. cuz he specializes in that .. so I want it done right the first time. If I needed another procedure later in life I probably go overseas .. best of luck to ya .. keep us updated on ur hair transplant journey.

  9. A large session around 3k grafts .. it’s either $7.50 -$8 a graft.. .. I’m sure u have seen him cover a large area with excellent density with that amount of graft :. He took a Norwood 6 with 5k grafts to a full head of thick hair .. dude had like 20 hairs on the top of his head n he got full coverage .. that’s why i was like if he can make that bald dude lookin like that . He should be able to do wonders with 2k grafts just to my hairline .. that’s why I’m willing to shell out $16k for it .. hit him up with some pictures , it’s best if u get multiple consultations anyways n u won’t have to travel so far.. he does give discounts like $500 for out of state clients .. I think with u .. he probably do 3000 grafts to ur hairline n midscalp first .. then u can go in for a 2nd procedure down the line to do ur crown.. in his videos he claims he specializes in curly hair .. with curly hair u get more coverage with less grafts than straight hair.. n ur donor looks good .. I think u should get excellent results .. his wait time is long however , so it’s best if u get ur consultation ASAP or there be no openings until 2019 if u wait too long .. also The bad thing to know is their clinic won’t give u refunds or repairs .. they told me they stand by their work .. n the results should be good .. so if ur hair don’t grow it’s not their fault .. but then again .. I rather have a clinic that’s confident in what they doing n get it done right the first time .. we don’t have spare grafts to spare for a repair ..’

  10. Get a consultation with dr diep .. he performs miracles .. I already booked my surgery date with him for November .. he doesn’t mind transplanting Into ur existing hair .. he’s doing that for me ..

    it’s probably $8 a graft for u . Since it’s a big transplant it’s cheaper , but still expensive however . He will dense pack ur hairline for u so u don’t have to go back for more surgeries to the same area.

  11. I’m just giving my honest opinion n experience .. I’m new to hair loss .. I was a Norwood 1 two years ago at 36 .. never thought I would have a hair loss issue.. never visited any hair loss forums .. but when u look at ur hair n touch it .. n u notice it doesn’t feel as thick n strong . N my black Asian hair looks lighter in color .. it’s time to do something about it.. do what’s best for u .. hopefully one day there be better solutions for hair loss .. until then , do what u know scientifically works n is fda approved . Is ur best chance to combat what u dealing with .. . If the side effects is minor Don’t worry about it .. it just makes it worse n not be beneficial . What ur mind believes can have a significant impact on what works for u ..

  12. But yeah .. finasteride won’t help what I already lost cuz of hormones n older age .. so imma spend $16,000 for 2000k grafts to my hairline at 38 years of age. Because I didn’t start on meds sooner .. so hopefully the hair transplant will restore what I lost .. n finasteride n a few natural supplements n quitting smoking will help me maintain what hair I have left .. I’m a Norwood 2.5 currently .. n it’s gonna get worse since hair loss is progressive .. so gotta be proactive about ur hair loss before it gets out of hand .. best wishes to everyone .. be educated about ur hair loss as soon as possible ..

  13. So u guys are really telling us that the main reason u hate finasteride is because u have sleep issues while taking a medication that it’s main benefits is keeping ur hair from miniaturizing so u can keep ur hair longer n stronger . N it’s worse side effect is lowering ur hormones to an adequate level so the dht doesn’t attach to ur hair n suffocate it’s blood supply.. lowering ur hormones does affect ur libido , n if u hormones / testostorone was already below average yeah then ur boner won’t be so hard ..

    .. but u2 ain’t even experiencing that while on the medication . Your biggest complaint is cuz U can’t sleep well ? What’s going on with ur life ? U not happy ? U balding a bit ? Social life n work life ain’t great ? Or other health issues ? Maybe that has more to do with why u can’t sleep well .. take a NyQuil to resolve ur sleeping issues .. but if u want to be less depressed about ur hair loss , take propecia n hopefully it can help ur hair from thinning.. I know I don’t sleep that well .. it’s cuz I stress alot n pee a lot.. so can’t sleep well.. So I work out to tire out my body or read a book or listen to podcasts on my phone to help me sleep .. but as long as I can still get my penis hard n maintain my hair .. I’m taking finasteride .. .. it’s the only fda approved drug on the market that keeps ur hair from falling out so easily.. it seems to be working for me after 6 Months.. hair not falling out on my pillow or when I shake my head, thank god .. hopefully my hair will get thicker in the next few months .. I know I’m thankful right now .. I was so depresssed the last two years watching my hair fall n not Being educated enough N not doing enough to keep it from falling ..

  14. It’s $8 a graft for FUE .

    $4.50 a graft for FUT ..

    That’s about the average price in California.

    I was very close to going to Nader instead , cuz I know he does quality work n u can’t beat $2.5 a graft ..

    But since Diep is only a 2 hour drive from me , n he’s a hairline specialist .. i decided he’s the best option for me ..

  15. My surgery isn’t until August .. yeah it’s expensive n I would of never thought I be spending this much money.. but I’m about to enter my 40’s .. i want to feel good n confident in my 40s n not worry feel insecure about my hair .. so I think it be money well spent .. I just live n eat cheap for the next year to recuperate some of the money back .. best of luck with ur hair .. it’s coming along well .. keep us updated

  16. Yeah I think u will be satisfied doctor Nader would be my choice surgeon if I ever need to do a second transplant. Right now I already booked with doctor diep to do my hairline n it’s going to cost me $16,000 for 2000 grafts just to the hairline .. costing me an arm n a leg :( but I just can’t stand my hair like this anymore. So biting the bullet n getting it done

  17. Ur New hair is growing .. it’s lookin not too bad .. but if u expecting it to be denser n thick , u should of gotten more grafts .. 1500 grafts would be a dense packed hairline .. u had 1500 grafts to cover almost ur whole midline .. I think ur results will be satisfactory , but a second surgery with same amount of grafts would make it a lot denser n to ur satsifactory.. I like doctor Nader .. he did good work on u. But more grafts would of been better ..

  18. I don’t want to diminish the pain u r going thru..

    I also feel like finiasteride has lowered my libido .. when I was on fin 3 years ago for 4 months .. after coming off it ,, my erections were definitely harder n I wanted sex

    More. So no side effects when I got off it. Except for an acceleration of thinning hair n recession. So I’m back on .. the positive effects has far out weighed the negative ..

    .. ur situation is weird , u would quit fin when u had no sexual side effects n saw improvement with ur hair ? Because of insomnia ? I think u have other health issues that u r blaming on prophecia. Don’t be too adamant about blaming it on that . But best of luck to u ..

  19. I felt comfortable there ... n found there prices to be fair .. it’s $8 a graft for fue . N around $4.50 a graft for Fut .. that’s the average price around here In Cali .. i was surprised that I needed 1750 -2000 grafts when I had quotes from two other top docs in Beverly Hills 6 months ago quoting me 1200-1400 grafts .. but then my hair has receded quite a bit within the last 6 months..

    - If u r expecting doctor dieps clinic to be giving u great customer service because we spending a lot of money n would appreciate that .. they not .. go to Beverly Hills .. they treat u like a celebrity .. but if u want results ..

    I think doctor diep has proven that .. that’s y I’m going to choose him as my first surgery , just get the job done.. the hairline is important , u want that built correctly , n that be ur base for future transplants . ..u want it done right the first time , dense packed .. n he specializes in that .,..

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