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Posts posted by Legend007

  1. It looks like ur current hair .. u suffering from MpB , top of ur scalp is thinning n Falling out easier , that’s why ur hair volume /density is so low , ur hair is flat.. I’m experiencing the same thing last few years .. if u don’t get on finasteride soon there be no more hair to save .. its ur last chance to saving what u got before u get bald areas.. u losing more hair than ur body can regrow .. so don’t waste anymore time with meds n nutrients that are not fda Approved ...

  2. Hey guys .. here’s some more pics so I can get additional advice ..

    My recession isn’t bad .. but it’s the thinning of my hair all up top is really scaring me .. I lost a lot of volume in my hair at 36, then and 37 the recession started that’s when I realized n stopped denying I have MpB .. its still hard for me to accept since my family don’t have hairloss issues .. my older brother n two younger brothers on their 30’s n 40’s are Norwood 1 .. I’m a Norwood 2.5 V right now at 39

    So I’m still hoping that I won’t have a big hairloss issue later

    .. hopefully Norwood 3-4 V .. then I can go ahead and do the FUe 2000 into the hairline , hopefully that should hold up until I’m 45 before I need another transplant ..

    - if I don’t advance to a high Norwood im hoping to only have two surgeries in life . Is that realistic planning ?.

    I’m hoping that I only need about 4-5k grafts in life to hairline then midscalp later .. i have minimal crown loss so hopefully my crown will hold for years to come .. I’m currently on finasteride for 9 months now .. it’s helping with less hair fall but my hair still feels thin so it’s not thickening it up as I hoped ..

    right now my hair isn’t bad .. I’ve been growing it out long to cover up my receding hairline.. so I’m not desperate at the moment .. but it’s inevitable I will lose more hair . So trying to stay ahead of the battle by transplanting 2000k grafts to my hairline with doctor diep at the end of this year





  3. Y r u paying so much to belgravia for products like rogaine n finasteride when u can get it over the counter or a regular doctors script for finasteride..

    If their rogaine is so awesome why is it not fda approved n mass marketed to everyone ? Belgravia is a center for advertising and catering to people that have no knowledge of hairloss .. u on this forum , u probably done enough research on line u not stupid n need to pay a center for something u already know .. u know what to do , n what works or not don’t pay the middle man for information n products u can get without them ..

  4. U need to try meds first before the transplant ..rogaine should help u regrow some of the miniaturized hairs u lost n make them look thicker on ur crown .. so it won’t look so bad.. but I be more worried about ur hairs all over ur scalp .. if u thinning hard on ur crown then u probably thinning all over ur scalp .. so u also need to stop the dht from making ur scalp from getting thinner / miniaturizing .. when it gets to a certain thinness they fall out easier .. n the more hair u lose n ur body is not able to regrow ur loss hairs.. u officially balding.. u still have hair on ur crown , but it’s going to get worse .. that’s why the doctor didn’t want to work on it yet .. there will sbockoss to existing hairs .. it’s surgery .. n ur hair is already weak .. of course it will accelerate ur hairloss when u add extra trauma like surgery .. rogAine to provide more blood to ur hair to help it grow .. finasteride to prevent the dht from further miniaturizing ur hair .. meds can only do so much however .. it only slows down the process .. I’m in the same boat, it’s a battle ..

  5. Isn’t doctor Seygan the dermatologist that runs a hair transplant mill? That doesn’t do anything but draw ur hairline ? Doesn’t do extractions, implanting or even the hirlone incision .. he just draws ur hairline with a pen .. did u not read the other posts of his clinic ? Or the undercover YouTube video of his clinic ? I be scared as fuk to go there ..

  6. I seen this video before ... damn can’t believe u went to this clinic ..they messed up ur hair pretty bad .. it looks awful.. I think it’s better if u just shave it off for now n go to a real clinic for repair .. if u shave it u look like u balding ,, but with ur hair like that it looks kinda freakish n unnatural ..

    U should speak to Spex, he has a post up about wanting to speak with patients that had bad results from turkey ..

  7. The aviator .. if u don’t know anything about ur doctor n clinic .. u might as well let me do the 8 hour surgery on ur scalp .. I won’t charge u anything , just let me practice on ur hair .. that’s the risk U taking right now .. because u don’t need a medical degree to do hair transplant surgery . That’s why the doctors let the techs do it : this industry is not regulated well .. it might be a cosmetic surgery . but yet it’s one of the most time consuming and expensive surgery u can go through . They cutting u open , puncturing ur skin n depleting ur donor area .. it’s a 6-8 hour surgery bro .. lots of things can go wrong .. don’t trust ur hair ; money n surgery to just anyone .. It’s surgery !!! Not everyone is good at it .. but plenty of clinics are willing to take ur money ..

  8. I’m not sure myself .. but I think ur hairloss is just catching up .. finasteride will only slow it down .. especially the hairline temples where it’s difficult even with meds to Halt nature .. give

    It some time n if u need to go with a slightly higher dosage then it’s something u can think about .. u been on it 20 months and noticed the benefits without signicant sides .. then it’s working for u .. I’m on it for 8 months now myself ,, hair don’t fall out as easy .. so it’s helping .. but still worried my hair will get thinner n thinner till it’s gone .. so best

    Of luck to ya ..

  9. It’s also good to see that diep was able to transplant hair into ur native hair n not cost too much shockloss .. I was really worried about this .. since I still have hair on my hairline n don’t want to do more damage than good.. seeing what he did for u .. gives me some reassurance into going ahead with the hair transplant ..

  10. Okay thanks for the update .. I’m happy to see ur results .. Dr. Diep did a great job considering how much hair u lost and using around 2000+ He got u a lot of density for the amount of scalp coverage u got..

    - I’m having surgery with diep in November and getting 2000 grafts just to the hairline.. my hairloss isn’t bad so 2000 grafts was needed to match the density I currently have. So imma feeling I should have awesome hair again with one procedure dense packed .. thanks for sharing

  11. Yeah my first in person consultation I went to a local Medspa that does hair transplants, facials , laser therapy n boob jobs .. ur one stop shop kinda clinic .. I only got to speak with the sales manager that tried to sell me the artas robot procedure .. this clinic had a 4 star review on yelp .. but mainly for cosmetic facial treatments.. I asked the manager who was going to do the transplant , she said the techs .. ( a bunch of young pretty girls , that’s probably making $15 an hour . Was getting allowed to do surgery on my hair .. ? Trying a new technology ? When I think about it now .. makes me mad .. that theres clinics out there that does that.. I didn’t even get to speak to the doctor . N to think , this clinic was advertised on my local news station n newspaper as being a state of the art clinic and was the first to own the new technology in my city ( Artas robot ) . i was a noob in hairloss n would of done it if my hairloss was more aggressive but I wasn’t desperate enough to .. ..

    — so for all the noobs out there , do ur research n don’t just go to anyone , be smart n do ur research .. don’t just google hairtransplants to find ur doctor .. just because we paying a lot of money n there’s a doctor in the clinic don’t mean they going to qualified to do surgery on our hair , let alone take our money ..


    — I upload more of my hair pics later , n ask ur opinions about it soon.

  12. That should help her a lot with what with u posted AB..

    When u start noticing ur hairloss , losing 50 hairs a day is normal , but it’s still a lot when u not able to grow those hairs back .. so u have to do whatever to maintain ur hair , while using products to still feel comfortable in ur own skin or having a different hairstyle ..

  13. U going to want more grafts when ur hair grows back .. because u are going to like ur hair transplant , n once u start likin ur hair again , u going to want to make it better because now u know it works .. I see u being happy about this one .. but later down the road going back for another transplant to get more density .. possibly another 2000 grafts to cover the same Area again.. u chose a good ethical doctor so u should have good results..

  14. Damn that sux ..

    U had nice hair back then .. In 5 years u lost a lot ..

    looks like u going to need a couple of transplants in ur life .. so u need a lot of hair . N fut will Maximize ur donor capability .. but it looks like u going to be keeping ur hair short throughout ur life .. so I be worried about the fut scar.. with FUe U get less grafts from ur donor but if u need to later in life at least u can Shave it all off n not have a smiley face on the back of ur head which make ur even more self conscious.. u got decisions to make .. plan ahead ..

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