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Posts posted by Legend007

  1. It actually doesn’t look too bad .. I’ve seen worse bloody donor areas from his clinic .. the work itself to ur recipient looks clean n dense ..

    Yeah he did go kinda high on the donor area close to the non safe zone .. give it some time to heal and see how things go ..

    - can u give a write up of ur experience on ur day of surgery , The techs , how many patients he was working on , n how long was ur procedure .. were u asleep most of the time ? Etc ..

  2. What’s the point of having a transplant so u can look like u have a receding hairline ..

    If u were destined to be a high norwood then yeah getting transplants to look like u a Norwood 1 wouldn’t be smart ..

    But most people that are balding r in the Norwood 3-5 ..

    people that don’t have hairloss issues are usually Norwood 1 n 2 ..

    getting surgery is to look like those people .. it’s not weird or stupid to try to look normal ..

    If u destined to look like Bruce Willis hair transplants won’t make u look like brad Pitt .. be smart ..

    I’ve read so many posts on here where the members like their transplants but regret not going lower / regular .. n chose a conservative High hairline for coverage.. Only to come go back for that second transplant ASAP because they realize that the hair does grow just wished they wouldn’t of been so conservative ..

    it’s a cosmetic procedure for most people .. having a high hairline n big forehead with a lot of hair don’t look good .. but if u already really bald then yeah , Any hair coverage is a positive ..

  3. Thanks for the responses guys .. ifs better advice

    Than what I gotten when I visited two clinics already.. they didn’t tell me what my donor capacity with and stuff .. I guess that’s how it is when it’s a free consultation .. .. I probably get a defiiite answer when I actually go to surgery and spend $16,000 for a hair transplant then they will spend more time on me .. u til then I get the most knowledge from here .. I post some better pics soon so u guys can give me a better evaluation . I’m thinking about 6-8k grafts I can get from my donor without it looking depleted .. just need some confirmation .. if I can get half of my donor transplanted n my Norwood level don’t reach past a Norwood 4 I should feel if that it’s safe for me to go into the hair transplant route .. it’s the most effective , but time consuming n most expensive journey ..

  4. I want to let u know I feel what u going through .. I hate taking Meds .. I took prophecia for 4 months 3 years ago .. my libido seemed to of went down .. didn’t watch porn as much .. n the thought of having to take medications for the rest of my life was very unappealing .. I was very Not very knowledgeable about hairloss .. my family has no history of major hairloss .. n I had thick good looking hair .. it really made me look a lot younger than my age :) I looked at the bottle of prophecia .. n was like I don’t need this .. n just threw it in the garbage .. 3 years later .. all the hair on my head gotten thinner .. n when they get miniaturized enough ,, they fall out easier .. by barely touching my head there be a few strands falling out n they don’t seem to grow back .. so I’m left with 30% less volume of hair n at this rate I might end up being a high Norwood because I let my hair thin too much .. even though my recession isn’t bad .. around Norwood 2-3 right now .. but it’s diffused all over .. if we don’t take medications that stops the dht from miniaturizing our hair .. they will have a shorter life span . Then pretty soon we be a high Norwood like u n Matt .. it’s so depressing,, I have a serious medical condition since I was in my early twenties n hairloss wansnt one of them .. n it has not made me more depressed than losing my hair .. at least I can hide my health condition .. but hairloss depresses a man really hard , everyone can see it .. so it’s kinda not right for fin haters to be so adamant that finasteride is not right for someone just cuz it’s not right for u .. When the majority of folks will benefit from it ..

  5. I think the positive far outweighs the negative for u meet ur maker . U got urself results of a $5-8k thousand dollars of a hair transplant from

    Finasteride .. it’s true tho , u should of started on meds way earlier before u became a Norwood 5- 6 .. a few hairs right now don’t matter too much for u,, u started meds too late n ur hairloss was too aggressive .. so the minor side effects bothered u enough for u to quit finasteride .even though it was helping whats it’s intended for . it’s inevitable that u will loss most ur hair .. no Meds can fix that ..

    - thanks for letting us know that the meds do work .. n those side effects u mentioned I take that any day .. It’s not bad enough for me .. I can handle that .. I still have a full head of hair .. but a lot of it has gotten thinner n eventually will fall out , due to age n health n dht .. so if I can prolong my hairloss while I still got a lot of it .. Its so worth it .. rather than having multiple hair surgeries ..

  6. Wow those are awesome results .. I’m staying on the meds for sure now .. can’t believe u quit something that works for u .. If finasteride works half as well as it did for u .. I be more than grateful.. I got high testosterone n a big dik for my size so sexual effects don’t worry me so much .. I’m able to keep my girl happy .. I just need something that actually helps me maintain my hair .n hair transplants to give me back what I lost.. I like having good looks n confidence in myself ..

    It helps me stay positive and motivated.. good luck to u bro ..

  7. Ur hair looks pretty normal after a fut.. that’s how it is with a strip surgery .. it takes time to heal .. the doctors always tell us that’s it a pencil thin scar .. 1mm n stuff .. but that’s only after it heals Or your skin don’t stretch further .. or the scar is placed in the appropriate area .. ur scar looks good .. it just looks bad right now because of the schockloss Around the area of surgery .. but it should grow back .. the hairs in the back are strong n grows well .... so don’t worry too much, I can tell u have good donor hair just by ur pics ...

  8. There really wasn’t much information I learned from this thread .. only thing I want to know about propecia . Is from people that has tried it.. will it really thicken up with ur current hair ? Will u be able to sustain ur baseline when u started the meds? So far for me .. it’s been 7 months .. n my hair feels thinner with loss of volume than last year . Mpb is winning right now . . it’s not a wonder drug as I hoped .. the side effects .. kinda minor .. less morning wood , less needing to watch porn .. but I think the side effects are less now after 7 months.. I’m getting morning wood lately .. n erections are strong again .. I think my body has gotten used to propecia now .. so no worries about sides .. it’s the effectiveness of the drug itself I am unsure of .. did I start on the meds too late .. cuz my hair has gotten too miniaturized n I’m in my late 30’s now . So propecia doesn’t all of a sudden just make ur hairs thicker again or regrow old follicles.. . only positive thing I feel so far is my hair doesnt fall out as much .. like when I shake my head . Hair doesn’t feel as fragile .. but yeah at this rate , losing hair every day n not being able to regrow new hair .. propecia isn’t all that awesome .. it helps .. but it’s no miracle drug ..

  9. I had scheduled my surgery with his clinic alvi Armani in Beverly Hills .. which is now run by doctor Baubac who was trained by doctor Armani. in December 2017 for 1400 grafts of FUe.. one week before the surgery The doctor canceled on me and wanted me to stay on propecia for a year first .. n reschedule when my hair has stabilized .. the alvi Armani clinic / doctor baubac didn’t want me to chase my hairline since I was only. Norwood 2 n just started experiencing hairloss. .. at first I was bummed out .. but now I’m very grateful n feel their clinic has great ethics n does great dense hairlines . ..it’s been 4 months now since they canceled on me .. n thank goodness , I lost a lot my hair .. now I’m nearing a Norwood 3 .. if they didn’t cancel on me .. I would be having multiple surgeries and chasing my hairline for the next few years .. even though I never met the man , but a thumbs up n rest In peace doctor Armani .. may ur legacy live on ..

    • Like 1
  10. It was totally meant to be a joke. I knew he was really worried about the hair transplant .. probably why he had a nightmare n was sweating a lot in his sleep .. nothing makes u feel better about something when u feelin the worse about it only to realize it’s going to be just fine :)

    I’m sure blue is totally relieved and happy now , n so am I. I’m still kinda smilin, it was funny when he said “I’m gutted” heheh .. best wishes to u blue n happy growing .. things r going to turn out alright ..

  11. Oh yeah .. n yes Mirada..

    It matters which clinic and surgeon u choose .. pick someone u r comfortable with that u feel will give u good to excellent results .. this is surgery bro .. u can get butchered or need a repair job if u don’t choose a good clinic .. we might be another patient and if we don’t choose them they have other customers in the line .. but we also have power and through research and patience n money we have options on who we choose .. in the end , it’s our hair n looks that we have to deal with for the rest of our lives .. best of luck in our hair restoration journey

  12. Thanks for confirming what I thought HT.. I wouldn’t choose doctor diep if he doesn’t even do the incisions.. the surgeon needs to draw the hairline , perform the extractions n do the incisions .... it’s important .. even though there are top clinics out of country that has great techs that does most the work while the doctor supervises. They need to let u know and u need to ask the credentials of the tech that is working on u on that day .. or else Mirada is right .. who cares about the doctor .. imma email doctor dieps clinic and make sure if I’m the only patient for the day , if not, I’m okay with it , but I need to be aware of it .. imma also double check if he’s drawing the hairline , does the surgical

    extractions , and making the incisions .. these are important information that every patients need to know and ask .. some might be okay with it and some don’t .. but we need to ask we r paying good money ..$16,000 dollars I’m paying for this surgery , and some others even paying more or less.. so don’t be shy and ask the clinic ..

    before going on this website .. I was so scared n panicked with my hairloss I would of chosen any clinic .. n would of put all my trust n money on Any doctor that promises me good results .. but now I’m more knowledgeable .. $16000 for 2000 grafts for 8 hours of work .. that’s a lot of freakin money right ? We should be treated like their best and favorite customer , even though it’s just for one day :)

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