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Posts posted by Legend007

  1. So Mirada are u on meds ? Finasteride ? I’ve been on it for 7 months now , .. feel like it helps with less hair falling . I’m still hoping it will thicken up my current hair ..

    looking back at my pictures a year ago. I was a Norwood 1.5 with nice hair .. never thought all of a sudden I be needing a transplant ,, Once u starts noticing ur hair get thinner Hop on meds before it’s too late .. once they start falling they go fast . So don’t waste ur time with natural supplements n oils n stuff .. they don’t stop the dht from making ur hair miniaturized.

  2. I still don’t know if dr diep always books two clients a day ..as of right now I think I be the only one that day .. ur brother chose to take the earlier date than he was scheduled, so they probably squeezed him in with another patient ..

    from what I read here from other posters dr diep draws the hairline , does the extractions and incisions .. the most important parts of surgery ,, while the techs implant the grafts .. that’s pretty standard stuff nowadays ..

    That’s why I always liked doctors that does everything ,.. I had chosen two different doctors before .. but after much insistence from the members here to choose a coalition doctor. I went ahead with diep , because he’s close by and has excellent results and does agreessivd hairlones .. ..

    So I just have to put my faith in diep n his clinic to give me great results .. I am paying $16,000 for this . So I’m expecting a good transplant ..

  3. Pop that pill like it’s candy .. it will hopefully slow down ur hairloss .. there’s a reason doctors prescribe it as medication for ur hair .. if it was really bad for u. U think the doctors will risk their job n reputation to prescribe something that doesn’t work or is harmful to u ?


    - I don’t even read about the side effects of fin , the more u read about it the more it gets into ur head ..

    Heck I didn’t even know that insomnia can be caused by fin until mark came on here n blamed it on finasteride for his insomnia problems .. I recently just started to notice I had insomnia too n was questioning myself if fin was causing it .. but then I realize I’ve been having insomnia for years off n on.. when I wasnt even taking fin or have hair issues ..

    so pop that pill n don’t read too much into the horror stories or sideeffects it will affect ur head . Take it and if u can still get a boner .. then u are good to go ..

  4. That’s a dumb response from u Mikey .. I expected more from u .. don’t make judgements like that .. if U haven’t notice girls are more attracted to a good guy that treats them good.. those guys are keepers .. Because they make more of an effort to treat a woman right. But true that the good lookin guys get more girls .. im fortunate enough to be one of those guys .. and also a caring sweet guy .. so I do well with the ladies .. I’m just givin my thoughts from experience and letting other guys know that good looks isn’t what makes A man attractive to girls ..

  5. I’ve also had A lot of pretty female friends in my life .. n gosh they usually date uglier dudes .. girls like to be the good lookin one in the relationship.. they hate cocky guys .. but luv sweet guys .. girls aren’t as attracted to looks as us guys are .. they like security .. someone thats able to provide for them n sweet to em . N myself being their friend .. I rather have them date an uglier dude that’s going to be good to them than a good looking that don’t treat them right ..

  6. Girls can look past ur bad looks or hairloss .. it’s all about circumstances , if u don’t look great and u try to pick up a pretty girl at a club or bar u not going to do well .. but if u meet a girl at work at school or just with mutual friends .. u be able to grow on the girl .. be sweet n kind n genuine .. I know from experience because I’m usually that kool good looking guy that’s been able to pick up girls at the clubs n random places off my looks n confidence .. BecAuse I’ve been confident in myself with a good job and good looks . But then I also notice a lot of pretty girls going out with not so good looking guys because they sweet to the girls . N go out of their way to make the girl happy .. as long as u get to know a girl long enough for them to get past ur looks and pretty soon ur personality will win them over .. believe me when I say this .. I lost a few pretty girls I desire to uglier dudes .. :)

  7. But don’t feel too bad.. U lost ur whole frontal half of ur head .. the first surgery wil only do so much. At least u don’t having thiinning of the crown .. so u can concentrate on the front again n give it density . At least u have a hairline now n u didn’t get butchered .. a second surgery is needed for u to be totally satisfied now ..

  8. Don’t worry about JS .. he’s a knowledgeable guy . The guy has been suffering from hair loss most his life .. so yeah it’s been a battle for him..

    It seems like he just don’t like it when people do surgery for cosmetic reasons .. since it’s a risk to do surgery but it’s obvious ur hair was bothering u.enough for u to get 3100 grafts n spent thousands of dollars.. n ur transplant turned out great so it’s a good decision on ur part .. n it’s appreciated that u came on here to share your story.

  9. Yeah I don’t like the arguments either .. personal attacks isn’t needed .. people come here to seek advice or just express their opinions .. I can totally understand why the op wants to warn others of the side effects of finasteride. . N I can see why others are against him because fin does help them ..

    Me personally I’m at 7 months now with finasteride.. my hair continued to recede at the hairline , I have a lot less hair than I did a year ago.. n have been pretty depressed about it :. Been drinking more n not work out or hanging out with friends and family anymore ..I don’t feel good or look good anymore ...’gosh I’m bout to turn 39 in two weeks n my age is catching up to me .. finasteride is not going to reverse that .. however Fin has slowed down my hairloss progression .. my hairs seem stronger n don’t fall out as easily .. with my upcoming hair transplant in a few months it should Improve my hairline n I get a fresh start.. but it’s a wake up call for me.. I’m planning on working out again n not drink or smoke as much , it’s not going to be easy , since it became a habit .. but I’m not about to just let life n hair break me .. .. as we age we need to make a better effort in taking care of ourselves .. best wishes to u guys ..

  10. Keep us updated okay ..

    It’s also my biggest fear ..getting the side effects of transplant .. extreme redness .. bumpy skin , n shock loss . The doctors make it seem like it’s no big deal n should resolve itself eventually .. because it’s something they can’t predict .. but yeah .. common sense is when u cause trauma to ur scalp it can’t be good . N if ur native hair around the recipient area is impacted..

    Yeah u going to lose hair around transplanted area.. either by trauma / shockloss n other factors.. doctors say if u on finasteride or if u over 30 shock loss is minimal .. so hopefully the loss Hairs will grow back.

  11. The last three posters I agree with y’all n also see where Jean is coming from .. he’s a young guy that got dealt with aggressive balding .. yeah he’s negative n kinda pissed off about it .. most definitely he’s a go getter n gonna do well in his life. Hairloss affected him greatly .. that’s why he’s done all his research n got ocd about it .. but he’s a good dude .. just not politically correct ..

    — the op ; it’s really not too bad man. Going bald sucks .. but everyone will go through it in life .. some sooner than others. But quite honestly being a regular guy myself .. I never looked twice or thought Any less of someone that’s balding .. it’s just who u are .. someone with not good hair genetics .. so what .. just be u .. u find someone that will want u .. without a doubt.. guys tend to look better than girls when they age bald or not. But yeah u have to learn to be comfortable in ur own skin though. U get there one day .. no worries.

  12. Hair matters a lot not just to girls but also guys .. I always had a lot of female friends in my life .. they be talking a lot of smack about ugly guys , Balding guys etc .. I remember hanging out with some of them at the pool hall n just out of the blue this one girl was saying eww that guy looks heka old .. n dude was just slightly balding with a buzz cut in his mid twenties ..girls can be so judgemental ..

    I’m in my late 30’s .. n just started losing my hair .. n gosh my confidence n looks has just dropped dramatically n I have a full head of hair .. but with a receding hair line it’s hard to comb n look good anymore .. even my mom last time she saw me , she was like you are looking old now , Looked at me with a disgusted look in her face , just cuz my temple recession was showing a bit .. I can tell she felt bad for me , she knew girls will be less attracted to me now ..

    that was the last straw .. I immediately researched hairtransplants to fix my hairline before it gets too bad . .. so I feel ur pain man , especially when u experiencing a more extreme hairloss .. best wishes to ya .. but don’t worry ,, for every guy there’s a girl meant for u .. sometimes it just takes more time to find that girl ..

  13. Oh yeah from what I noticed .. if u r already a high Norwood 5 n above .. there’s no point in using propecia anymore .. u started meds too late n ur MPB was too aggressive .. ur hair got too thin falling out too fast .. there’s no point anymore .. not worth taking meds .. or if u already had sexual issues or u had low testosterone already .. yeah taking a hormone lowering drug might not be best for u .. do what’s best for u .. best of luck to us ..

  14. Quite honestly , people do what they want n feel what’s best for them. Not everyone’s body is the same .. that’s why some people have health issues and some have hair issues ... n some both ..

    - I have a serious health issue , chronic pain condition .. when taking Advil relieves the pain somewhat. .. I don’t want to take a pain reliever .. but it helps ..

    I was a Norwood 1 like in the picture at 35 .. at 37 my hair thinned out all over n became a Norwood 2 . With the top losin it’s volume n diameter .. I’m about to be 39 in a month and going to be a Norwood 3V by the time I’m 40 .. at this rate I be bald by 45 if I let my hair continue to miniaturize without any medication intervention .. once ur hair starts to lose its diameter hop on propecia to stop the dht from making it too thin n it be too late .. once ur hair gets thin there be no going back ..

    — so stop scaring people into trying medicine that helps their condition MPB..

    Doing nothing is gonna make it get worse no matter what u hope .. hairloss is progressive ..

    — Im also smoking and drinking everyday .. I’m pretty damn sure propecia n Advil is safer than that’.. so don’t be be whining n complaining about sleep insomnia n weak semen .. n getting less morning wood .. we are balding .. stop denying it .. n do something it..

    Or just live with it .

  15. Thanks .. that’s good to know his hair is growing well.. best wishes to u on ur upcoming surgery.. I would advise u wait a little longer however .. 1200 grafts won’t get u very far.. u will continue to recede n just be chasing ur hairline ..

    I had an scheduled surgery in decemeber 2017 for 1200 grafts also with another doctor.. I just started receding n losing hair since last year n I panicked.. n wanted a hair transplant ASAP .. good thing the doctor canceled on me n advised me to stay on propecia for a year first n see where things go ..

    In a span of a few months my hair has thinned n receded even further that’s why I need 2000 grafts now .. n wasn’t too anxious about getting an earlier date with dr diep ..

    My surgery is not until November .. by that time I be on propecia for a year..n more hairloss by then .. n if my hair gets worse I just get more grafts done on my first surgery. Worse thing we can do to ourselves is panic n chase our hairlines ..

  16. I be worried about it . Not only ur transplanted hair but also your native hair. If u already getting a hair transplant then ur hair all over ur scalp has miniaturized.. so it’s easier for them to fall out .. wearing a helmet is like Someone tugging onto ur hair .. n if ur hair is easily falling out during showers or combing .. yeah I would think wearing a helmet going to cause more hairloss

  17. Thanks bill for raising these questions .. after being on this forum for a few months now .. im starting to feel that U n the members of this community do actually care about the people here .. people can easily be persuaded to go to any clinic when u first experiencing hairloss .. the information with the new technology is much appreciated .. n the questions asked is much needed.. I stay tuned to this website .. thanks.

  18. I was too nice to say the things jean said. But a lot of things he said was on point ..

    I have a health condition that affects my life forever since 20 .. but my hair was never an issue .. I had to take medication at 30 , it was sort of a blood thinner kinda drug .. n one of the rare side effects was losing hair .. since my hair was so thick n full with no known history of baldness in my family .. I was willing to take the drug .. 2 years later I had to quit , cuz my hair was getting thinner. N getting noticeable , . I tried propecia for 4 months n didn’t use it long enough to see its benefits .. and with all the hate mongering N lack of knowledge of hairloss I quit finasteride ., because of people like u ..

    3 years later at 38 . N more educated n desperate I know better .. take finasteride if u don’t want ur hair to thin out n disappear .. ur minor side effects of insomnia , depression. Heart beating fast n so forth, Man boobs or whatever .. .. it’s very minor compared to losing ur hair.. u just getting older n have other issues that’s also causing those side effects .. don’t be so damn adamant that propecia is the root cause .. deal with it .. or deal with being bald sooner than than u should ..

  19. Bro u don’t realize how bad they did you wrong .. not asking for a partial refund or compensation will just let that clinic continue to do buisiness this way .. u will never have good hair again .. .. around 9000 grafts wasted is gone forever .. u probably barely have any donor hair left to get good coverage .u think another doctor is going to be able to perform a miracle on u? They will do better than what that clinic did to u .. but by wasting most of ur donor hair u be making it very difficult for other surgeons to do work on u .. because most ur donor is gone .. the doctors can only work with what u got .. n u seem like a nice guy with enough funds to not be devasted about this clinic .. but u owe it to urself to expect more ..

  20. Mines 2000 ..

    How far ahead did ur brother booked his procedure ? Right now they are booked 8-9 months in advance .. but u can get an earlier date if u there’s an opening /cancellation .. or squeeze u in with another patient .. I was offered two earlier dates . May and August .. but decided against it since it didn’t fit my timeline. I bet if I choose those dates I was probably going to be squeezed in with another painter but I don’t know ..

    So ur brother is liking his transplant right ? Is his 2000 grafts just to his hairline ? My recession isn’t bad .. so it’s all going to my hairline n about 150 to my temporal points ..

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