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Everything posted by Arminius

  1. Some of the worst post-op photos I have ever seen. You should seriously invest $10k into some photography equipment and small studio.
  2. 100%. Best $17k I ever spent. I would go back in a heartbeat. Not a single visible scar, even when shaved down to a zero. I already asked whether I may need future work but I was told I am fine for many years (assuming I stay on Proscar). I was also told that I have at least another 2500 FUE in the bank. Will likely burn those grafts on my back third crown area, if at all.
  3. 9 months and 2 weeks post-op: I have never been able to slick my hair straight back as in the below photos (no more side-part). Today marks that milestone. I realize my hair is still about 3 inches too short for this style, but it will only improve as it grows longer.
  4. 9 months and 1 week post-op. I don't think much will change until my hair is another 1 or 2 inches longer. These are the most recent photos from today.
  5. You have a sharp eye! There is a very small area behind the temple work that developed post-op shock loss. My doctor has confirmed that I would only need around 30 to 40 grafts to correct this. Although I have considered correcting this little imperfection, I decided to instead grow my sides long and brush my hair backwards. I would not advise anyone to get temple work done. It is EXTREMELY difficult to get right. The difference in hair coarseness, texture, and colour is very noticeable if the hair is kept short. I am not going to keep my temple hair at a 1 or 2 length any longer since it is still quite noticeable. I was informed that this will change over time after a few hair cycles have completed. I hope this helps.
  6. Few wet photos under harsh lighting. 9 months post-op. I tried to cover all angles.
  7. Arminius

    From the album: 9 months post-op

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